London with the lads

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London with the lads

Post by Dazza88 »

It was mid Summer and Terry was on his way into London on the tube to meet up with some mates from Uni.

Terry was a fit looking young guy and quite popular within his social group, on the day in question he was wearing black shorts, a pinkish top and a light black coloured jacket.

By the mid afternoon he and his mates had decided to go for some drinks after taking a look in the shops and spying the talent walking around London's very warm streets. They visited a Wetherspoons pub, got some food and plenty to drink. Before they left Terry decided to break the seal in case he got caught short when they were wandering around London for the rest of the afternoon. Of course we all know that is a big mistake after drinking a fair bit.

As they were walking down Oxford street Terry was starting to get desperate rapidly and his mates didn't seem to be in much of a rush. After waiting on them to pay for clothes in top shop the made their way towards the underground. Terry was doing everything he could to try and not make it obvious. He knew where they were getting off and felt confident he could make it as it was only a couple of stops away. Afterall as a young man surely he can hold his piss he thought.

On the way down to the platform he noticed a corner where he thought he could get away with taking a leak, this was his head giving him the first big warning sign that he was more desperate than he thought. He gave his soft sweaty dick a squeeze through his shorts and one of his friends spotted him. Ben was a joker of the group and was very quick to make fun of Terry for his situation but for Terry far worse was still to come.

On the platform Terry was starting to get worried, he couldn't stand still and he also could not tell if the wetness around his balls was piss or just sweat from the warm day, either way he was in trouble. As they board the train and sat down Terry was squirming a little, Ben was quick to ask in a tease if Terry was going to wet himself and before Terry knew what he was saying, he uttered the words 'I am not sure'. Was he not sure? how on Earth could he have let himself get into this position. As he sat there Terry then felt it, the first spurt of warm piss come out of his uncut dick. He squirmed and grabbed his cock tightly in an attempt to stop the flow and then suddenly the train was pulling into the station. He had to get up but was still not fully in control of himself. While not leaking anymore he could feel it ready to escape.

As he stood there squirming with loads of people watching because Ben was making such a big thing out of Terry's situation he felt a surge of desperation and grabbed his dick again, this time piss gushed through his hand and onto the carriage floor. Terry was terrified and Ben was laughing, recording it on his phone. By the time they got off the underground it was all over. Terry just froze with piss gushing down his legs and onto the pavement much to the delight of Ben who had recorded the whole thing.
Can't stay away...
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Re: London with the lads

Post by Lee »

Where can I see that video clip?!!

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Re: London with the lads

Post by Dazza88 »

Actually you can, the story was written based on a video made by a guy into male omorashi who sells them for around £6 via PayPal. I would put a link up but am not sure if it’s allowed?
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Re: London with the lads

Post by Brian »

This is so vivid I was pretty sure while reading it that it was based on something real!

Sadly we can't endorse links to other private sites, nor illicit access to any film clips for which someone is charging money. But... we also have a private messaging system here (hint, hint!). ;)

Poor Terry. I can sympathise with his situation there. We've probably all nearly had that happen to us in front of friends. I know I have.
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Re: London with the lads

Post by Dazza88 »

If anyone wants to know the site and to support these guys let me know, as we all know material for this fetish is limited so it’s good to support guys doing it.

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Re: London with the lads

Post by Dazza88 »

Might actually do a story for their vids that have a potential story behind them so you have something to read while you watch ;)
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Re: London with the lads

Post by Wombat48 »

Great account! My favourite scenario!
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Re: London with the lads

Post by Dazza88 »

Thanks for the support guys.

As I say I will endeavour to do a story for their scenario vids when they are released.
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Re: London with the lads

Post by Fred »

This is a scenario that certainly must happen frequently - with varying outcomes. Using The Tube for transport when out bar-hopping with friends is the safe, responsible thing to do, but there's not always a rest room available when you need it!

"Afterall as a young man surely he can hold his piss he thought." The confidence of youth!
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Re: London with the lads

Post by Dazza88 »

Thanks Fred, thought it would seem fairly realistic.
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