Potty Training

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Potty Training

Post by Fred »

I found this on my old hard drive without its URL. I believe it came from Tumblr, so its source may have been erased:

Potty Training Tips

The goal of potty training is to avoid using the potty except when absolutely, completely necessary.

1. As long as you’re able to stay dry, don’t waste time finding a potty. You probably don’t even need to go and it’s just your body trying to trick you!
Even if you think you’re about to have an accident, as long as there’s a small chance you might be able to hold it for a few more seconds, you should wait to use the potty.
2. Don’t start looking for the potty unless you’re 100% sure it’s time. If you’re not about to have an accident this instant, you can definitely still hold it, so don’t waste time searching for something you don’t even need yet. 
3. Potty dancing is hard work, so take frequent breaks to relax and drink water.
4. It still counts as holding it if you leak, even if it’s a steady trickle or an occasional puddle. It doesn’t really count as an accident if you need to let some out in your pants to be able to keep holding it.
5. Don’t worry if you had an accident. If your potty dance was working to hold it up to that point, you probably just got really unlucky with a sudden urge. Rare things like that don’t happen every time!
6. It takes skill to balance potty dancing with other holding techniques. At the advanced levels of potty training, a small mistake can lead to a big accident. So practice lots!
7. If you manage to make it to a bathroom in time, congratulations on proving you’re fully in control and don’t really need to go! Celebrate with a nice big drink and hold it until the next bathroom on your journey.
8. Nobody can be fully potty trained all the time. In some situations you’ll be forced to pee in a bottle or in the bushes, or even occasionally in the potty when you didn’t completely need to go yet. If that happens, be sure to drink plenty afterwards!
9. If someone offers you a drink while you’re holding it, don’t worry about accepting it. After all, you should be able to keep holding it fine as long as the urge doesn’t get any worse than it is now!
10. After you leak, you should be able to hold it from that point on, since your body already relieved the pressure it needed to. If you were on your way to finding a potty when you leaked, it’s safe to go back to what you were doing before. You can look for the potty again later when it’s an actual emergency.
11. Don’t inconvenience people by asking for a potty break. If you tell them it’s an emergency when you still might be able to hold it, they’ll stop believing you in a case where you really do need to go.
12. Don’t get up to go potty if it might wake someone up, distract them, or you’d have to push past them. Even though since you were going potty, it must be an emergency, you can still hold it until it’s convenient for them.
13. Even if it’s been a few hours and you had a lot to drink, as long as you went potty earlier you shouldn’t need to go again for a long time. You already took care of that need, so you should definitely be fine for now.
14. Don’t let yourself start changing your plans or drinking less because you think you need to potty soon. If you’re holding it, it proves you’re able to hold it, so stop worrying. As long as you’re in control right now, it’s totally safe to go on that two hour hike, run those errands, or drink that large soda before going in to the the movie theater.
15. Potty trained adults have important things to do, so other priorities always take precedence over the potty. This includes being comfortable and warm in bed, cuddling with a lover, finishing a book or movie, playing a game, or doing chores.
16. Never use crowded bathrooms, even in places where they are always crowded. It’s important to be considerate, so if there is a line for the potty, let everyone else go first. You wouldn’t want to cause any unfortunate accidents by making someone wait too long! Besides, if you can hold it long enough to wait in line, it’s clearly not a real emergency.
17. If you’re going somewhere without access to toilets for a long time, don’t worry about planning ahead, drinking less, or going potty beforehand. Definitely never go potty “just in case” when you don’t really need to.  After all, being potty trained means you can control yourself even in unexpected situations.
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Re: Potty Training

Post by Brian »

Sounds like a recipe for disaster. I certainly wouldn't follow that advice myself. :lol:
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Re: Potty Training

Post by googlism2008 »

The expected outcome of this set of potty training tips is peeing your pants. Haha.
Posts: 2
Joined: 08 Mar 2021, 19:14

Re: Potty Training

Post by Secutor »

a How to wet yourself guide, I mean why not?
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