And the teacher wet himself!

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And the teacher wet himself!

Post by Lee »

Thanks to a good friend on here, I have been able to rediscover and recount the story I told a few years ago on the ‘old’ board. I’ve amended and updated it slightly from its first airing.

This happened some years ago when I was at a big family gathering to celebrate a considerably older relative’s landmark birthday. It was nothing out of the ordinary until later in the evening when several of us, young and old, were sitting outside enjoying some more refreshments (alcohol and soft drinks!) and the warm summer sun. I’m sure we’ve all been subjected to such events which seemingly always end up with some outrageous story-telling, and if my family is anything to go by, the tales are occasionally embarrassing to the extent of being cringeworthy.

One of my cousins, who wasin his mid-late fifties at the time was regaling us with stories of his youth and started discussing schooldays. It transpired that two others in the assembled group had also attended the same school and so reminiscences of teachers, pupils etc began in earnest. From what I picked up before I really took an interest, they had been to a London school which was a grammar school and which had converted half-way during their education, into a secondary comprehensive, hence half the teachers (ex-grammar) still wore the old-style degree gowns, whilst the comprehensive teachers dressed a bit more informally, although seemingly a shirt and tie were still the order of the day. It sounded a bit like “Goodbye Mr Chips” to me, although they were only talking about the 1970’s. In my later calculations and based on the teller’s age, I reckon the incident he told about must have happened around 1975 or 1976.

Anyway, back to the story – the discussion was well under-way when one of the others said, “You must remember Mr.D (I won’t reveal his name, just in case … you never know!).

There was lots of laughter and hands-over-faces in mock embarrassment, and the most amazing story began to be revealed.

It seems that Mr.D was a young PE teacher at the school (we called them sports teachers in later years when I was young!) and they seemed to think it was probably his first job after leaving teacher training college. He got a huge amount of attention at the time because he didn’t seem to follow the usual teacher dress code. My cousins said that the other PE teachers always wore shirt, tie and trousers when in the school building and only changed into their “PE kit” when out on the games field for the active stuff.

Mr.D was a bit of a unique-for-the-time exception in that he was never seen in anything other than his sportswear. They seemed to think he also taught another classroom-based subject at times, although nobody seemed too sure what it was, but even then, he was still always in his ‘kit’.

“Do you remember, he always wore that blue tracksuit top and white shorts” said someone and, according to one of the others “he was one of the first blokes I’d ever seen wear those white towelline socks, which went on to become very fashionable for a few years”.

(Fashionable? Really?! I don’t think I’ve seen anyone wearing a pair of those for many years now!)

He also apparently sometimes wore straight-edged gold-rimmed glasses which one of them suggested was nothing more than a fashion-statement (eat your heart out, David Beckham!), so it did sound as if Mr.D was not only a bit of a vain young so-and-so, but liked everyone to know he was too! That was just my assessment on the way they spoke about him rather than anything they actually said.

Anyway, it seems that the school always had a traditional end-of-year ‘outing’ which pretty much all the different year groups went on and when my cousin was in what he called the fifth or sixth year, which I think would have meant they’d all have been just a year or so from being school-leavers, they went on the trip to a bird sanctuary in Sandy. I wouldn’t have had a clue where that was except that in one of those strange quirks of co-incidence, I had actually noticed signs for it when I was driving up the A1 through Cambridgeshire just a few months earlier.

The story went that they were on the coach journey (presumably well into what must have been a pretty long trip back then) when someone went to the front of the coach and spoke to one of the teachers, and there was a bit of “to-ing and fro-ing” (using the words expressed) along the aisle of the coach.

Eventually, amidst the apparent uneasiness of the couple of teachers on-board, a boy called Howard tried to see what was going on, despite being told in no uncertain terms to sit down. Howard was a “mouthy-so-and-so” and suddenly blurted out,

“Someone’s wet themselves”.

Everyone was straining to see what was going on and what had happened and then this boy Howard announced, “It’s Mr.D!”

My cousin said no-one believed it, although it was apparent that someone had “had an accident” and everyone was firmly told to remain in their seats on the coach.

I imagine that back then in the mid-seventies, coaches would have been pretty basic affairs and definitely without any toilet facilities on board.

When the coach finally arrived at Sandy, everyone had to stay sitting until told otherwise and this one teacher (probably one of the ex-grammar type, although that’s only my assumption on the way she was described!) stood at the front of the coach and spoke.

She was referred to as “Old Ma Morrison” (hence my assumption) and my cousin put on a voice imitating that of the Queen, when he said that she announced,

“Unfortunately, someone has toilet’ed himself”.

They were all told to get off the coach and line up alongside it and then as they were all waiting, sure enough, this Mr.D disembarked, accompanied by another male teacher.

And Mr.D had clearly wet himself!

There was so much laughter and chatter at this stage of the discussion that I was straining my ears to hear everything and try to take it all in.

Apparently, Mr.D had his head bowed and (there was a comical exchange in the re-telling about the ‘shorts of those days’) his skimpy white nylon football shorts were all stuck to his backside and were so wet they could all see his underpants clinging beneath them.

He was walked away with the other teacher and no-one saw him again for the rest of the day.

When they all got back to the coaches at the end of the day for the journey back home, Mr.D was there, in his blue tracksuit top, (presumably his white towelline socks!) … and he was wearing a pair of black shorts!!

The conversation was all a bit rowdy and loud by this stage and soon fizzled out into another of their school memories from way back.

I was captivated I have to say. Even now, I am quite excited at having heard such a story, even though it was so long ago.

I’m going to confess that I actually looked up the details of Mr.D on a family tracing website that I had access to. They’d mentioned his christian name and I believe I may well haveI found the person concerned. I checked his birthplace and his date of birth and it seemed to fit as he’d have been 22 or 23 at the time, if the incident happened in 1975 or ’76.

That probably comes across as being a bit obsessive and odd, but I was completely fascinated by the story.

Imagine visualising a ‘flash’ young PE teacher sitting towards the back of a coach of mature students, no doubt out to impress, as ever, and in his short white shorts … absolutely desperate to go to the toilet and having to struggle to keep control without telling anyone?

And then ‘doing it in his shorts’ sitting on the coach seat!!

You’d have to assume he was shown to the toilets when he got off the coach, but the horror of that walk in front of pretty much the entire secondary school when everyone could see that the PE teacher had wet himself, must have been too awful for words.

And where did those black shorts comes from?

It also makes you wonder about the long-term association between Mr.D and the phrase “toilet’ed himself”…!!
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Re: And the teacher wet himself!

Post by zsrh2002 »

Wow, how embarrassing for Mr. D, thanks for recounting this here.
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Re: And the teacher wet himself!

Post by WetYs73 »

I wonder if poor Mr D was a wearer of traditional white Y-front underpants at the time or if he had a more 70s colour or pattern to his briefs. Love the vision of them clinging to his wet shorts for all to see. Great tale!
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Re: And the teacher wet himself!

Post by FranticK »

Wow, that’s a great story Lee, I wonder how many other families like yours laughed about the story of Mr. D for years!

“Toilet’ed himself” is a new one, but accurate lol
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Re: And the teacher wet himself!

Post by Bigdog »

I have seen this happen before
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Re: And the teacher wet himself!

Post by Lee »

Bigdog wrote: 18 Nov 2021, 12:49 I have seen this happen before
Tell more!
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Re: And the teacher wet himself!

Post by Sam70 »

I assumed when I read this story that this was at least a two hour journey or even a three hour journey.

I googled the places listed and found that the actual journey from the school to the sanctuary was only an hour.

That begs the question. How did a teacher find himself not able to hold it an hour?

I suspect that there were duties to be done before embarking on the journey. Suppose the coach left at nine. Mr. D might would have duties a early as 8 that morning. And had to be at the coach by 8:30.

All it would take is for Mr. D to get up at 6:30 and piss. Then have a cup of coffee at home. Then another cup or two of coffee with the other teachers.

Mr D may have had that urgency somewhere between 8:30 and departure. But he was a young man. He could hold it until 10:00! But he couldn't.

The other adults did not handle this well. The lady should have not said a word. The students can see what happened.

The other male teacher didn't handle it well either. Mr. D should not have been paraded in front of the entire secondary school in wet pants that are transparent and the students could see his underpants. There may have been too much that the students should not have seen that was somewhat visible to the students. (Outline of certain body parts!)

Mr. D and the male teacher should have remained on the bus until all the students had gone to the bird sanctuary. Then gotten out and gone to wherever they had to go to get dry underpants and black shorts.

I have to wonder why Mr. D didn't ask to stop at some place with toilets instead of sitting there and wetting his pants.

I suspect that Mr D was glad that the school year was over and he didn't have to see those teachers and students again!

I can't imagine being in that situation as a teacher!
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Re: And the teacher wet himself!

Post by Bigdog »

I have never seen any teacher wet themselves, I have seen teachers sometimes say they are bursting though
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Re: And the teacher wet himself!

Post by Sam70 »

I did not see this, but one female teacher wet her pants not once, but twice in the school where I taught. She was a fanatic that students and teachers not leave the lesson for any reason.Yes she did have students that wet their pants in her class.

The principal really came down on her after the second accident telling her that she "had" to get the teacher next door to look out for her students or turn on the intercom so the office could monitor the students.
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Re: And the teacher wet himself!

Post by Bigdog »

I have only once seen a teacher wet themselves before, a big wet patch on the teachers crotch. It did not really turn me on though, as the teacher was probably in his 60s. Nothing was said about it though, which was surprising
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