The Parking Valet

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The Parking Valet

Post by jdoewest »

When I was 19, I worked as at a hotel as a parking valet. I actually worked for a third-party contractor who provided parking services for the hotel. It was a pretty decent job and the tips were good especially during big events when the hotel was busy. And, I liked the people I worked with, which also helped a lot. Occasionally, our company got contracted to provide parking valets for off-site private parties and a few of us would be given the opportunity to work these events. I did this a few times and usually loved it because the tips were great and it was a different than the everyday routine at the hotel.

On one such occasion, my boss arranged for three of us to work a major Summer party at a well-known politician's house about 90 minutes from downtown. As I said, I was joined by two co-workers, who I'll call Justin and Samantha. Justin was a couple of years older than me, light brown hair, athletic, and a jovial personality. Samantha, our only female valet, was around the same age, short dark hair and generally accepted as "one of the guys."

The plan was for the boss to drive us to the place, help get us set up, then he would be back later that night to pick us up after the party was over. We left early because he feared there would be traffic (and he was right) and he wanted us to get there well before any guests arrived to set up, figure out the layout of the place, and plan for the night. The boss was a cool guy and brought a cooler of bottled water with a few soft drinks for us knowing that it was going to be super hot outside even after dark, especially in our semi-formal valet outfits. We met at the hotel and the boss picked us up in the company crew cab pick-up. I called shotgun and rode up front with the boss, while the other two sat behind. We all drank a soft drink during what turned out to be a journey taking more than two hours due to traffic. We still arrived with plenty of time to spare before any guests arrived. I didn't give a second thought to my bladder, which I could usually hold all day.

The set up for the party was quite impressive. This politician lived in a large house with a circular drive in one of these golf course developments with plenty of big houses all around. There was a large vacant lot next door and this is where we were going to park the cars-- so there would be a lot of running back and forth after we parked and to retrieve cars after the party was over. My boss talked to the lady of the house who was busy directing caterers, florists, and musicians who were all finishing up preparations for the party. We set up our valet signs, a small portable stand to organize keys, and orange cones to help direct traffic to the valet line. As expected, it was as hot as hell, and all three of us all greatly enjoyed a bottle of ice cold water after the boss left. Again, I gave no thought to my bladder or where we were going to go to the bathroom that night, I was enjoying a little calm before the storm of guests arrived and a little cool reprieve from the heat.

Before we knew it, guests began to arrive. To everyone's surprise, it appeared that a lot more guests came than the hosts were expecting-- all dressed in suits and evening gowns, they just kept pouring in. Before we knew it, there was a long line of expensive cars waiting for valet parking and we were really having to hustle. After about an hour, the need to pee was quickly growing, but there were few options. I wasn't about to go inside the mansion and look for a bathroom--we definitely did not belong there, and besides I had already heard one of the caterers complaining about long bathroom lines as they dashed out to their truck to get more supplies. Usually, I would have no problem ducking behind a bush or something, but there was absolutely no place like that anywhere in sight, and it was still daylight given that it was Summer and Daylight Savings Time. I had no choice to ignore my bladder and keep hustling.

Finally, my relief arrived in the form of a minivan. I grabbed the keys from a younger couple who drove up in their family minivan which was pretty messy with stuff on the floor boards, etc. Dusk was settling in and I was getting pretty desperate, but had been just trying to avoid the obvious since there were so few options. As I drove the minivan over to the vacant lot, I noticed that the couple had a small trash bag on the floor of the front passenger seat. Sticking out were four or five large empty, used paper cups from McDonald's. I debated for only a minute before I grabbed one of the cups and unzipped my pants. The relief that followed was indescribable. I felt a twinge of guilt for peeing in this family's van, but in truth, it was a victimless crime. I literally had no other options and was extra careful not to splash even a drop outside the cup. In less than a minute, the extra large cup was nearly full to the brim. I zipped up, exited the car, and causally poured the contents of the cup onto the grass as if discarding an old soda. I discarded the cup as it nothing had happened.

A ran back to the valet line, which was still long with lots of cars waiting for parking. The lot was already getting full and we were debating double parking cars versus parallel parking them down the street. It was getting darker by the minute and and still hot as hell. At one point Justin hustled past me commenting, "Can you believe all these cars, man? This is crazy. And, I've gotta piss so bad my teeth are floating!" I didn't dare tell him that I had gone a bit ago in some stranger's car.

I didn't have time to think too much about Justin because the cars just kept coming, but when I saw the bright yellow Ferrari Spider pull up, I knew Justin would want to park it-- he always loved parking super expensive sports cars. True to form, the minute he saw that car, he ran right up to help the driver and passenger out. As if on cue, an older gentleman was driving with a much younger, scantily clad, super model wife in the passenger seat, obviously both the car and the wife were upgrades from earlier models.

Justin hopped into the Spider and wasn't far behind him with a sedan. It was darker now and Justin was just a minute or two ahead of me heading to the vacant lot. As I began to pull the sedan into the grass along side the Spider, my headlights illuminated a sight that shocked me: Justin standing next to the Spider, with his very impressive organ out in his hand and a torrent of piss hitting the ground. The first thing I saw was this massive sense of relief on his face, but when he saw my headlines his face turned to utter surprise. He quickly realized it was me behind the wheel, gave me knowing nod and wink and kept on pissing. I hope he didn't notice, but I pulled in super slowly so I could enjoy the show! Who knew he was hiding that kind of tool in his pants?

When I got out of the sedan, Justin was zipping up. "Dude, I couldn't hold it anymore! I almost wet myself in that sports car! The minute I got in, I started leaking and I literally had to squeeze my dick head to hold the piss back. Could you imagine if I had pissed on that guy's seat? Damn, I was so glad when it was you behind the wheel-- I would have died if Samantha had caught me with my dick out pissing. I hope nobody else saw me..."

I assured him that it was dark and everyone at the party was occupied with drinking, dancing, and socializing and not with spying on the parking lot. We walked back to the house and the waiting line of cars. Samantha was just pulling out of the drive and heading to the parking area, which again was quickly filling up. I was so glad it was dark as we hurried back and that I was wearing black dress trousers so Justin wouldn't notice the bulge in my pants.

I pissed two more times that night--both much easier in the dark-- just kneeling down behind a large SUV. And, on more than one occasion, I noticed a few drunk guys sneaking out a side door of the mansion and pissing in a dark corner against a fence-- there seemed to be a long bathroom line near that side door and I suspect the guys got tired of waiting and were desperate. I have no idea what Samantha did that night, but she never seemed to need the bathroom-- I suspect she just squatted between cars and peed in the dark while no one was looking.

By the end of that very long, very hot night, as we were finally retrieving cars for the last few remaining guests, our pockets full of tips, a gorgeous woman with curly, fiery red hair in a long, low cut green dress went up to Justin. She handed him her valet ticket and whispered something in his ear. He turned bright red. After he got her car, she gave him a tip and a card. I asked him what the woman said. "Well," he said, "she told me she didn't think anyone else noticed, but she was looking out a window at the party and saw me pissing when the headlights from that car you were driving lit that area up. She said she was impressed by what she saw and that if I ever wanted to put on a little show for her and her friends, they would pay me very generously."

"Shit Justin! Are you going to take her up on it?" I asked, thinking about how much I'd love to attend and watch.

He answered too quickly, "No way man!"

Then he thought for a second, "But.. how much money do you think she's talking about?"
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Re: The Parking Valet

Post by Brian »

What a great account. Very well written. It's funny how guys of that age often just think they can hold on indefinitely if they have to, and the potential problems associated with working without toilet facilities don't even occur to them until they realise that they're bursting.
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Re: The Parking Valet

Post by Def123 »

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Re: The Parking Valet

Post by Fred »

Samantha, of course, would have played the "female in distress" card and charmed her way to the head of a toilet line. Guys like the narrator and Justin would be expected to hold it or, as they actually did, to improvise.
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Re: The Parking Valet

Post by cutsleeve »

i wonder if Justin would be hiring out his services for various groups after that???
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Re: The Parking Valet

Post by bearshel »

I love the way Justin was comfortable enough with you to admit that he'd been holding his dick
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Re: The Parking Valet

Post by Fred »

bearshel wrote: 20 Dec 2021, 13:24 I love the way Justin was comfortable enough with you to admit that he'd been holding his dick
It could be that he's just comfortable talking to anyone about his dick - if it's as impressive as suggested here.
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