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Post by Tytn »

He glanced out of the window, glad he was indoors. It was grey and dark, the office around him reflecting back at him. The windows were tinted to prevent sun glare but that was impossible today. The sleet had started this morning when he got to work as light rain with the cold air and then it turned into a blizzard. It slowed at lunchtime and he was able to nip out for a sandwich but then started back up with thick white flakes gushing down. He tore himself away from gazing outside and back to the figures. He usually liked figures and could cope with office software but right now he was gnashing his teeth at the screen in front of him.

He was trying to set up formulae to read across from numerous places and then set it to print, but it was slow going. He had the book for Excel out in front of him but it was no good. He leaned back in the chair, stretching his arms above his head and back, and feeling his shirt untuck from his new black trousers. He was new to the job and taken on just for doing computer entry in the finance department. He was told that he might be doing some spreadsheet work but would be mostly spent on tidying up various documents and letters. So far he had spent the entire time doing these pesky spreadsheets, trying to remember maths from his school years, ages ago.

“Hey, Jake, want another coffee?” a voice behind him said, a glance round gave him a shooting pain in his neck, but was rewarded with a colleague grabbing a bunch of cups from around the tables
“Sure, white and no sugar please. Know anything about excel” Rob laughed back
“No mate, this is why you were hired, we’ve tried those and some of can’t even get past the first page”

The hot coffee was placed on his table as he was mid way through working out how to merge the data and he absentmindedly drunk it. After a while other things nagged at him but he ignored them to work on this. Finally surfacing about 3pm he saved the document and stretched again, he stifled the gasp and looked around but everyone was busy with tasks, so quickly setting up the printer he sent the document to the printer and locked the screen and hurried out. He made a beeline for the gents.

It was 2 hours since lunch, and the two coffee’s since then had made themselves known and he had foolishly ignored the reminders. He tried to walk nonchalantly towards the gents, so as not to expose himself to anyone until he reached the corridor and out of the main office. He speeded up, he already had the urge to give it a squeeze but clenched his hand instead. He should really get out of that habit. Pushing open the pale light brown door he eased into the silver and blue executive gents. Really quite plush here. 4 stalls against one wall, nice and large with full length polished steel doors. Opposite them were similarly chrome polished half cup urinals, separated by a curved screen.

As soon as he had got inside the door his flies were down, his fingers reaching inside the moist hole for his manhood. His briefs got in the way, as usual, they were already damp, just a small bit, but he had it out as he reached the urinal. The flow started immediately, clear and strong, splattered against the chrome, strong and amazing. He relaxed, he let out a long quiet sigh, and then rested his forehead against the wall. He really shouldn’t wait this long.

He recovered his composure, the throb from his aching bladder easing and the vibration from it gushing out still there. He heard a noise then a knocking, it was a woman, he couldn’t remember her name though
“Jake, did you send something to the printer?”
“Um, yeah, the report…”
“Its, um, well, it’s having problems”
“Oh, can it wait…” he only needed another 20 seconds at least
“The buffer seems to think it’s a 4000 page document and it’s added to overflow to around the network printers” that sounded bad. He gasped, and willed himself to stop. It stung but stopped, zippered up quickly and rinsed his hands then sprinted back to the office, he strode to the printer already feeling the heat of embarrassment as another guy with a white shirt and tie stood up, he glanced over
“You sent the excel doc?” he asked, he didn’t seem annoyed, perhaps slightly amused
“Erm, yeah, the boss…”
“I think you made a mistake with your header information because it wanted to print one cell per page” Jake dreaded it when he made mistakes like this, he felt himself hot with embarrassment
“Don’t worry, I’ve killed it. I sent Mica to tell you I’ve killed it and to send you back”
“Oh” he could have finished, he thought, but didn’t want to say anything. He could do with finishing it off later
“So, lets have a look at this document shall we” the guy said
“Erm, ok, are you the excel guy here?”
“No, I’m the repair tech but I’ve done spreadsheets before, you look new” he smiled
“Yeah, only been here a month”
“Yeah, well, if you can stick it you’ll find it worthwhile. Guess we’d best grab a coffee first. Coffee’s always good”

The ‘tech’ soon found the mistake, his fingers flying over the keyboard, rarely touching the mouse, and added a few settings
“I take it you’re a pre-windows guy?”
“What gives you that idea?”
“No mouse?”
“Ahh no, that was from when I’ve had mice die or catch fire and need to carry on rather than reboot or something”
“Don’t worry, you’ll soon get used to it” he added “Right, I’ve sorted the printing thing, you added a zero in that box and that box was ticked, which means that if the first printer jams or slows then the job gets shared around the network. Take care of that one, it’s an old thing from our previous systems. We used to have a guy to change the paper so when it ran out he did all the printers, but he was one guy and covered the whole building so we had that option there. We do our own printers now but some still use it. I’d stay away if I were you”

Rob was passing and before Jake could say no or anything a hot mug of coffee was in front of him, the other barely having sank down and the tech was guzzling on his already, a glance up and remarked
“Wow, look at that snow” Jake looked and indeed it was coming down hard, he could barely see the traffic lights outside and the roads were thick with it
“I hope you’re not walking this evening” the tech said
“Public transport”
“Ahh, you poor bastard” he replied
“What about you?”
“I’ve got a Shogun, a nice three litre diesel. Brilliant in the snow. I might even go out for a play later” the tech grinned and Jake felt briefly jealous. The tech left him, his coffee mug empty and hammering into the document. He read back through the formulas and knew he was getting somewhere. Everything was working well and nearly ready. The urge came again but he had to watch the job this time, he could hold it couldn’t he. He could see the boss at the far side of the office, she was in a meeting and he figured he couldn’t just burst in and hand it over when done, although he’d want to. The urge came again, stronger. He really had to take a leak. A quick undetectable squeeze just proved he was pretty desperate, so after another quick scan around he rose, locked the screen and walked to the corridor. Again, he figured he was alone until the second corner when he the voice called out “Hey Jake”. It was Rob. He had tried to stay away but the guy was quite a latcher, or latch on. He briefly smiled and paused, his gut aching to be emptied, he legs quivering and he struggled to stand still. God, he had to piss like a racehorse. A glance back and Rob was hurrying towards him
“Figured you were going to the Gents” Rob said, Jake nodded and as they walked together Jake chewed his lower lip. He so badly wanted to hurry but Rob wasn’t rushing
“Mate, you’ve gotta take your time, relax a little, I've seen you working hard and you’ll burn out at this rate”
“What do you mean? I’ve been trying to work hard so I don’t lose the job”
“Nah, you’re here now, they won’t sack you, take more breaks, it won’t kill you”
“More coffee breaks you mean?”
“Not just them, I saw you practically sprint to the gents just before your printer played up” Jake blushed
“Erm, yeah”
“And you’ve not been back, you must have an iron bladder or something”
“I won’t go that far” Jake replied, the pain building quickly
“So the coffee’s helped then?” Rob grinned
“What?” he squared on Rob, scowling
“Hey man, I was just seeing how you’d cope with fresh insight” Jake gasped
“Yeah, man, you look pretty desperate” he grinned, and thankfully they were at the gents. Jake went in first, and hurried to the end urinal and Rob went next to him. This time he was more modest getting it out and starting but the ache was just as bad, and Rob started his waterfall immediately, and it was a waterfall. It was a noisy strong flow compared to Jake’s nerves, which coupled with the revelations in the corridor meant his would be waterfall was just a slow tap, despite the agony of a full bladder.

He tried to force it but it wasn’t having any of it, and just thinking about Rob and what he had said gave him odd feelings, mostly along the line of things happening that shouldn’t, least of all in the workplace. Thankfully with his semi hard on at the moment the trickle still flowed at the same speed, he tried not to think about different ways to humiliate him mostly because he knew deep down that he wouldn’t get away with it. The flow started to speed up, either that or the pain was slipping away. Rob zippered up and walked out without even rinsing his hands, and as soon as the door closed he felt the flow increase and now it was torrent.

After making sure he was completely empty he sauntered out after washing his hands and using their amazing hot turbine dryers and popped down to the lobby, the girl there was on the phone, and when she finished he slipped over
“Hey, um, sorry, I’m new”
“Yeah, we know” she smiled and winked at him, he felt himself warming up again
“Well yarr, all us girls in the accounting division know the new boys, and that includes you” she smiled sweetly but it didn’t help and he knew he was blushing furiously
“Anyway, I wanted to know if there had been any weather update or anything”
“Well, with bad weather we could go home early”
“oh that, no we don’t do it here unless hell freezes over, and even then we might have to stay late”
“Er, hell freezing over?” she giggled again, it was one of those that could get quite grating after a while
“Basically there isn’t a provision for leaving work early unless you can prove to management that you have no choices such as rural bus services cancellation and the like” another stern voice answered him. Glancing up revealed someone who had spent their life as a receptionist yet strived to be prim and proper, even power dressed. They wore little makeup and had 1960s glasses with the little wings on the edges, like Dame Edna Everidge used to wear. She gave a brief smile then returned to her normal business like look
“The weather should not stop you. After all, you live in Causton, right?”
“Yeah” he worried if everyone in the company knew about him, and must have been blushing
“My grandson lives near you I think, I certainly recognise your face” she smiled “Anyway, it will only take you 2 hours to walk home from here”
“TWO HOURS!” he whimpered
“Oh don’t worry, you’ll manage it. I did, and in high heels”
“Yeah, well, we all make mistakes” she returned to the desk
“Anne, will you close that and stop chatting to your mates upstairs” she indicated at the screen. Jake thanked them and hurried off.

Back at his desk he checked his work, and the printer and sent it. It came out right, he was pleased. So he went for a coffee, although regular was out so he tried decaf. Perhaps that was a good thing, he thought.

Returning to his desk he dug up the small binder from his drawer and brought the pages from the printer and punched the hole through batches of 10 sheets as he had been shown, so when the 100 page document finished he could join it together and hand it over to the manager, and whilst that was happening he gazed out of the window at the heavy snow.

The document was together, with a title page, and bound as requested. It did look pretty neat, even if he did think so himself! He walked down to the office and saw the door open slightly, so tapped lightly
“Ahh Jake” she boomed and instantly he was reminded of detention at school with the head, but when he moved forwards, his boss Mrs Wheeler, was smiling
“The report you requested” he handed it over, she glanced at it and then her face broke out in a smile
“Brilliant, just what I need for tomorrows meeting. I see you’ve met our IT tech, when you find out his extension number hang onto it like gold dust as he doesn’t publish it”
“Erm, how does he know that he’s needed”
“I’m not sure, I guess he’s either psychic or has bugged the office” she doesn’t seem too bothered over it
“So you’re settling in ok then?”
“Yeah, it’s fine, couple glitches with the computer, or me, depending on your view, but I’ll remember it for next time”
“Yeah, I’ve sent a thousand page document to the printer in error before too, took me a while to live it down, being the manager and all. But you’re new, you’ll get there! Anyway, must get on. I take it you’re here until 5.30?”
“Um, I suppose so?”
“Well, it’s nearly half four now so tidy your stuff and you can go at five with the bad weather and all, but I’d like you in tomorrow for 8.30am, can you manage that?” he dumbly nodded and then bade his thanks and returned to his desk. And some kind soul had left him a large mug of coffee, he looked around and saw some girl at he far end of the room with a tray, he moaned softly
“Bloody coffee” he moaned under his breath, and sat down and started to drink. Already he could feel the effects from the previous cups and he knew he’d have to go for another pee soon enough. And he thought his bladder was large enough. He survived with his mates in the pub, but this was different in so many ways.
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Re: Snowing

Post by Fred »

"He really shouldn't wait this long." A bad habit for a lad who loves his coffee.... ;-)
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Re: Snowing

Post by BottleBlaze »

I love the dynamic between Jake and Rob and the tech. I'm excited to read more!
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Re: Snowing

Post by cutsleeve »

it looks really good I just wish I could write that well. I could try writing a story but n out sure if people here will like it as I'm not as good at writing details like you are.
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Re: Snowing

Post by Tytn »

He went through his email, checking for anything urgent then quickly popped over to the metrotravel website, just in case there was an update. No. What a waste! He tidied his desk and then sorted out what he was taking home with him, not much. He didn’t even have his backpack with him today, just his fleece and coat. He grabbed his MP3 player out of his lower drawer and slipped it into his pocket. His PDA phone was at ¾ battery which should be good enough incase he had to use the mapping to get home. He was proud of his little phone, whilst not the latest greatest it was certainly good enough for him. He switched it back to vibrate and slipped it into his trouser pockets, where he’d feel it. Not that he was expecting a call, his life was otherwise pretty quiet.

He logged out of the applications database and all the smaller windows before being left at the main login screen. He wasn’t to shut the machine down here as IT did stuff on it at night, backed up things and stuff. If it was done the machine would shut off later, but he did have to switch it on in the morning himself. All that hard work, having to bend down and press the button! He knew some staff even moaned about that, about getting back ache and twisting things just to reach the button. He’d helped out on a farm during his school summer holidays so knew about hard work when needed and also stayed away from the nightclubs which were trouble for his mates. He rose, stretched and sauntered over to the Gents. Rob was not around but he found him talking animatedly at a urinal with some other guy, he avoided his eyes and took the urinal at the end. Even after he had finished he stood there for a few minutes, urging things down there to move and was rewarded with another 4 seconds of pee gushing out. He hated to think how much he had drunk this afternoon, but he felt the buzz from the caffeine in him!

The corridors were filling up, people filing to get stuff before heading out of the door, heading for the lift going down outside. He elected to go for the stairwell and was pleased. It was quite a lot colder than the office and even with moving he soon felt the chill enough to put the fleece on and then finally next to the door outside he made sure his socks were pulled up and his shoes done up tightly. With his coat on and done up he pushed open the door.

A blast of frigid wind caught him and chilled him to the bone. He felt the air rushing up his legs in his trousers and shivered, sure even the hairs on his legs were standing on end. He hurried away from the door and along the covered path towards the city centre.

The snow was still coming down hard, the ground was slick with slush trying hard to freeze. As usual a bare scant of grit had been put down, the ground turning a more dirtier colour coupled with the constant use. The snow had built up against the store walls and in the less travelled area it was more white. The orange and white glow from the street lights and store fronts made for interesting shadows.

He pushed ahead, trying to avoid patches that looked like ice with fists pushed deep in pockets whilst Enigma played in his ears. He felt more locked out of the icy world with the music, or with having to listen the same endless natter of people moaning about the weather and the price of this or that. The foot traffic slowed as they entered the covered market alley, wide enough to fit a car down and filled with people. At the far end he took a left out into the car park which was mostly slush that looked like it was freezing. Already he was wishing he had longer socks and had actually wore another pair of boxer shorts but knew deep down it would have made things more uncomfortable at work.

Even before he reached the main road he was freezing, the snow got in his eyes and he felt tense from having to look all around plus at the ground for ice and the other idiots that kept walking into him. He came across his bus stop unexpectedly and looking up realised he had got there sooner than he thought, but the bad news was the amount of people waiting. It was a lot larger than he had seen the queue in a long time. It stretched down to the next bus stop 30ft away and mingled with them. He tried to stand near another group of people, sheltering from the wind. Although not great it was still a discomfort. He had to ignore the cold, there was nothing he could do, so just stood still and more people joined the queue behind him, blocking off the wind a bit more.

He wasn’t sure how long he stood there before he saw lights coming out the gloom. Several buses, typical, running together. The first two said ‘Sorry, Not In Service’ and a collective groan went up. But those buses were nearly full anyway. Several pulled into the bus stop and let people off but then closed the doors and moved off before anyone could get on. The third bus was nearly empty and pulled in. The crowd moved.

He fumbled for his bus pass, his fingers cold and painful, he hated having to get it out of his warm pocket but he had no choice, and slowly moved forwards among the mucky slush to reach the bus. By the time he reached the door it was already looking full. The driver’s eyes darted from pass to pass with barely a nod from him to allow the passengers on. The Pensioners had to scan their passes, making it longer for everyone around but he soon got on. It was a damn sight warmer. Not so much with heating but lack of cold. The fans were running, but Enigma blocked that out. The movement of air he was sure was from the passengers but the front windows were clear, and the driver wore a t-shirt so he must have been warm up front! He quickly found a seat next to the aisle and sat down. More people poured on, scrambling upstairs and then filling the downstairs standing area. It was packed and even though he tried to ‘mind his own business’ he was soon face level with someone’s stomach and that person was a smoker! He could clearly smell it on their clothes, and he didn’t like cigarettes.

Finally the doors closed and he felt the vibration of the engines and the bus pulled away under power. It was dark out there, cold and hostile. And as soon as he had sat down he felt the all familiar ache in his gut. He had to pee. Damn it. He regretted the coffee’s. Still, the journey would take an half an hour, and he could make that. He tried to ignore the ache, thinking of other things but time was moving slowly, and the traffic even slower. They spent ages creeping along, he wasn’t sure if it was his view of it or they actually were, but traffic was heavy and there were lots of idiots squeezing through gaps that he could see, and he was several rows back from the front! His gut ached again, the pressure grew, he had to ignore it. He wasn’t a kid anymore, he could hold it. Sod Rob and his coffee’s. He’d get him for this, somehow.
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Re: Snowing

Post by cutsleeve »

it is interesting that only Britain has double-decker busses. why is that? do a lot more people ride the bus in Britain than in other places?? I would worry the bus would tip over if the road was too tilted. or if it took a turn too fast. Have they ever flipped over???
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Re: Snowing

Post by Tytn »

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Re: Snowing

Post by cutsleeve »

the route master bus looks interesting. they could not have disabled passengers use the lower level only and the rest are able to climb to the second level? How do they keep from tipping over in high winds? I have seen news coverage of semi-trucks flipping over in the high winds here. nice the university of California has double-decker busses.
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Re: Snowing

Post by Tytn »

They don’t tip over in high winds. They move relatively slowly, are mostly used in urban areas and if there is a risk of them tipping over the company don’t send them out or find ways around it
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Re: Snowing

Post by Fred »

We're having a cold, snowy day here. Perhaps those that are working on a Saturday are drinking lots of hot coffee to keep warm. And then there's really slow going when you're out on the roads in the snow. A nice combination...
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