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Re: Snowing

Post by Tytn »

He could see the cars in the bus lane, half in half out. Ahead the road was clear for a bit but because they had tried to ‘push in’ they had blocked the road. The bus driver leaned on the horn, and some of the cars moved but not many. The bus pulled through slowly but didn’t get far before the same problem again. The bus didn’t go too far to the kerb because of the build up of snow and ice, he felt it crunching over, then the juddering as the 15 ton bus powered through the slippy stuff and down to the blacktop again. So the driver kept away from the kerb. But they also couldn’t get too close for the turns because then the bus would catch things, and that was bad.

The pressure was building, the ache increasing, the traffic slowing and he couldn’t believe how soon it had gone through him. The snow still fell thickly outside, although now the windows were steaming up so he couldn’t see outside either. It was warming up and getting stuffy in the bus, he needed to breath deeply but the ache down below was worse. Even small breaths were hurting. The other passengers were packed in like sardines, the floor still damp and most had compacted snow on their shoes and trousers. As it melted it glinted off the floor in the lights. Everyone around him was in their own little world, either listening to their earphones or chatting on the mobile.

The bus moved ahead and he saw the ring road. Even in light traffic this was a nightmare to cross and the traffic he saw weren’t letting anyone through, let alone the bus. Time dragged on, the monotonous wait, the throbbing vibrating engine behind him and he thumbed the MP3 player to another track, this time some of the Ministry of Sound stuff, he hadn’t heard some of these yet but even trying to ‘enjoy’ the music he found that the ache was getting its own back and taking all his concentration. He was sure the pain was spreading up to his chest now and was getting quite a bit warmer.

With painfully careful movements he unzipped his coat and instantly found it was colder in the bus than he thought, but rather than fully opening his coat he just held it in place.

Finally, after what seemed like an impossible amount of time he heard the revolutions of the engine increase followed by movement. He felt like giving a small cheer or something but figured it was best to stay quiet. The bus moved within the sea of white and red lights from other cars, the orange street lights also glittering in the snow. He was glad he wasn’t driving today. He’d not long passed his own car test but didn’t have his own yet and had to borrow his mothers’. The bus crossed the junction but joined another queue of traffic. They hadn’t even left the city yet, and tried to relax as much as he could.

He awoke with a jolt, a siren was screaming nearby and throbbing blue lights strobing and pulsating through the windows, and then it was gone. An ambulance. He must have drifted off, the ache of his desperately full bladder was more a horrible thing that took his entire body. Every move was impossible and of course the bus was barely moving at all. He glanced down at his watch, wincing quietly as he pulled the sleeve back to reveal it, and found that he’d been on the bus an hour now. Normally he would be walking home by now and did remember previous times when he had reached home busting to go, but right now this felt far worse than what had happened before.

The bus pulled up at a stop, and even more surged on, pushing the throng of people back into the aisle and then tramped upstairs, the bus pulled away and resumed its slow journey. It was barely moving as every time the handbrake was released he felt the vibrations of movement. He was sure he felt vibrations everywhere right now and almost felt sick. God, he had to piss so bad!

There was a commotion upstairs, followed by movement. He felt and heard the noise through his headphones as a couple made their way downstairs. When they emerged at the bottom of the stairs it was two lads, late teens. He recognised the sort. The had grey tracksuits on, hoodies and trainers. Definitely the wrong clothing for the weather. One had a thick bulky jacket on that looked more puffed up than anything else. They pushed their way forwards to the door
“Hey, let us out here” they demanded to the driver, who replied something unintelligible
“Don’t fuck us around mate, just open the fucking door”
“Course you bloody can, just press the but… I don’t give a fu…” the other lad was holding back
“C’mon” he called out to his mate, some of the people moved away and back, and some others went upstairs to get their vacated seats leaving Jake to have a view down the centre aisle to the front of the bus. The noisy one was rocking between his heels and balls of his feet, and holding onto the bus drivers cab door, he was snarling aggressively at the driver, and the driver was ignoring him
“Don’t give me that bullshit” the guy called out, with another non heard reply”
“Safety? Road junction? This is a fucking car park mate, so open the door and let us out!”
“Oh god!” cried the other chap, his hands rushed to his crotch
“C’mon! I’ve gotta go!” he whimpered, the other guy was reaching for the door open button but couldn’t find it, Jake knew where it was, hidden from view and in the darkness the guy couldn’t spot the flap it lay hidden under. The quieter one held himself tightly the same way that Jake longed to but didn’t. The aggressive one had got quiet, then tried to force the doors, which he couldn’t manage to do, he started kicking the door of the cab and reaching forwards to the drivers cab. Another passenger, an older guy moved forwards
“Hey mate, give it a rest will yah”
“I just want to get off the fucking bus, here”
“And the drivers said its not safe dropping you off in the middle of the fucking road so why don’t you just calm down and shut the fuck up” the older chap sternly said
“What the fuck are you, traffic police?”
“No mate, but I want to get home like the rest of us, and if you fuck it up here we could all be turfed off, so why don’t you just shut up until we reach a bus stop”
“He won’t do that to us, we’re the paying public”
“And any profit they made with us was burnt up hours ago in this traffic, so why don’t you stop behaving like a twelve year old and grow a pair and shut up, ok?” there were sniggers from the other passengers.

Jake was watching the quieter lad. Fingers clutching tight around his crotch, ungainly for an eighteen year old, probably using a child ticket as most who used the service did assuming they paid at all. They looked the kind that would just make trouble for the fun of it, but this lad wasn’t having any fun right now. Even though he faced mostly forwards Jake could see the tightness of the grip and the lads face. It was shame, agony and almost terror. He wondered who was more desperate and as they moved into another bus lane and moved forwards another 300ft before stopping the lad started to lose it. He let out a gurgled soft cry, his face showing the amazed euphoric look, his eyebrows dancing over his face as his tracksuit trousers went a darker colour. It passed his hand and ran down the cloth, then gushed out around his trainers. The puddle grew quickly and stronger, now noisier as there were quite a few gasps from the other passengers followed by sniggers. Jake kinda felt sorry for him but with his past experience he knew that he needn’t worry, they lived up to their title of thugs and seeing one piss himself was well worth it!

The abusive lad, the taller one with scruffy light brown hair and numerous gold chains around his neck looked over and down and growled at the lad
“For fucks sake, I told you to hold it”
“Jeez, I said I had to go, we could’a’ got off by The City Arms”
“Yeah well, I’ve been banned from there”
“I haven’t, I could’a’ gone there”
“Quit moaning, always bitching at me”
“Fuck” he groaned. The flow was slowing. The entirety of the lads inner legs were dark, the trail had gone within his trainers too and those oozed with liquid, bubbling out the fabric of the trainers as he moved position.

The show was enjoyed by the passengers who were suitably annoyed with the attitude but Jake secretly wondered who else was desperate for a leak like him. Ahead he recognised a stop and before they even got there, a mere 100ft short, the driver pulled close into the kerb and stopped with traffic, he said something and the abusive one replied
“Bit bloody late now, he’s pissed all over the floor and it’s all your fucking fault” he sneered, the driver replied something causing the guy to slam his fists hard on the protective screen, there was the hiss as the handbrake went on sharply, the shudder of the vehicle sent shockwaves through Jakes’ tender aching body
“Don’t you say that, or I’ll…” the older bloke got up and marched forwards
“Driver, open the door” and the doors duly swung open
“Now piss off, the both of you” the two duly staggered out, and the smell of the urine gushed up the corridor. Strong and sharp, Jake gulped and tried to ignore it. Whilst stopped the older guy said something to the driver and pulled on a pair of gloves, then stepped outside briefly and returned with an armload of snow from the bank next to the path, he scattered it on the floor where it turned to mush the settled. The guy then grabbed a bunch of the metro newspaper’s from the waste area, dumped them on the floor and used it to sweep the contents out the door with his feet. It splattered out and for the first time this evening Jake recognised the pale red and cream floor show through.

The doors closed, the guy went back to the corner and the bus moved forwards. Not far, but enough. It hadn’t even reached the bus stop yet.

Jake wondered how long he’d last, but didn’t want to be anywhere near those lads when he got off. He was actually contemplating it now, the thought was there and he knew something had to give and he didn’t want to be like that lad, nor spotted and picked on. He didn’t like bullies and right now he was in quite a vulnerable position.

There was an woman sitting next to him, similar age to his older sister with a low cut top that made him wonder if she knew it was snowing outside. He must have glanced across because as he reached down for a squeeze he found it had reacted to something. He nonchalantly tugged his coat over his bulge and tried to think innocent thoughts, but they were all hiding from him.
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Re: Snowing

Post by Tytn »

The ache was unreal, it seemed to consume him to the point he felt little else. He felt the vibrations from the bus in a kinda muted way but they were slow moving, spending long periods stationary, there was a small amount of warmth where he was sitting but it was spread between the bulge in his trousers and the woman next to him. She was staring out of the window in a small round hole she’d cleared and he kept his eyes forwards. Slowly he felt himself relax a little and it sank from sight but all the same, he had to piss like a racehorse.

With a bit of movement he worked out where he was. Normally it would have taken 15 minutes to get here but he’d been here a damn sight longer. He recognised a bus stop ahead and decided it was his time. He didn’t want to make himself a spectacle, this was his regular bus. He recognised some of the other passengers and was sure they would remember him. It took an age for the bus to move forwards but as they were nearing it he braced himself and then rose, he edged forwards through the queue in the aisle, but people moved as the chap next to him sank into his vacated seat. He made it to the luggage rack and leaned on the bar. The bus stop wasn’t far now, but it was taking a while to get there. He thumbed the bell button and saw the amber light flash in the cab, the drivers head moved a little, then glanced up into the corridor mirror. Their eyes met briefly before the driver looked away, back to scanning the other mirrors and watching the sea of red lights in front, that seemed to stretch on forever. Everyone seemed to be using their foot brakes only, and the garish red was reflecting in the snow, still coming down heavily diagonally with the wind.

Finally, as he was a mere meter or so short of the stop the driver pulled to the kerb and the doors swung open, the hissing was loud as the suspension dropped the bus down at the front, and a artic cold gust of air rushed into the doorway. Jake thanked the driver for his attempt to get him home, zippered his coat up and then strode purposefully out of the door. A few others followed him. The first step onto the pavement and his foot slipped a little, he reached out for a lamppost and that was metal and cold, he regretted it instantly. Everywhere and everything was cold, his body ached and he felt utterly miserable as well as annoyed with everything.

The path hadn’t been gritted, it was dark and slippery, the white snow to the edges of the walls were protected by the walkers and this is where he stepped, it crunched underfoot and was a bit better. He strode forwards but now found that every step induced another wave of agony. His head was rapidly cooling. Nose, ears and cheeks feeling the sting of the snow that were pinpricks of pain before the ache took over. He strode ahead, he had to. Held his coat close to his body to protect the warmth, hands in coat pockets and to his sides. He couldn’t touch his front, it was too painful, so was even thinking about ‘a squeeze’. His eyes hurt from the flakes already. The raod was going slightly uphill and there were a few cars at odd angles, he spotted quite a few with wheels spinning on the ice and slush, compacted snow and the drivers of the expensive cars already had the tell-tale crunch and scrape marks on their bodies as they had obviously misunderstood their cars ability to control gravity, as his driving instructor had once told him.

Up ahead he saw a side road, it was lit by the orange light on the corner and glowed a stronger orange. When he got closer he found this was because no one had driven up there in a while and the road was compacted snow. He immediately took that road, even through it was going away from his house. But there was another turn on the right so took that, bringing him parallel to the main road.

It was quieter here, the snow falling was a bit slower and not many had walked this path. The orange street lights had given way to white lamps and it looked more peaceful and serene now. Few lights were on in the houses and mixed in with the colourful and white coated ‘for sale’ signs were other properties that looked dark and boarded up. He strode ahead, he was too close to the road and a glance behind had revealed another body there too, another darkened figure striding up the hill. A car drove past going down, a larger one, four wheel drive. How he wished he had one of them!

A patch of ice, hidden beneath the snow caught him out and his foot went out from under him and he went down. He landed on his knee and almost did the splits. Sharp pain invaded him, then the cold snow and impact, he lay there stunned, looking up into the sky as his body screamed all sorts of agony at him. He longed to just let go and as tears stung his eyes he knew he didn’t really give a damn anymore. The figure behind him materialised next to him
“Hey, you alright mate” the gruff figure said, clothed in dark with the hood up
“Bloody ice”
“yeah, it is a tad slippery” a hand reached down, a gloved hand and he reached for it. It was strong as it hoisted him up
“You need be careful where you step mate, its treacherous” Jake nodded, and wiped the tears from his eyes, it was blurring things a bit
“Still, nothings broken I take it?”
“You ok, you look a bit stressed?” the figure asked, it sounded older than him
“Yeah, just busting for a slash” he giggled and gasped
“Well, don’t break anything holding it, plenty of alleys around here, try one of the derelict houses, no one to spot you”
“Thanks, I thought I could make it up to the common, they’ve got public loo’s there”
“Assuming their open!” Jake nodded to the reply and looked around. He wasn’t sure if he had leaked but spotted a boarded up house up ahead
“Thanks mate, I’ll make it up there” he replied, the guy nodded and strode ahead, Jake followed and as soon as he was close looked around and slipped into the gap between the two houses. They were old terraced houses, red brick with small gardens that contained rubble and rubbish, coated in a layer of white snow. It was a bit darker here but there was no one else on the road or pavement, no cars and just the muted noises in the distant of other traffic. Nothing around here, and the white snow pristine under his feet. There were shadows though, and he slipped towards them carefully. He didn’t know what was underfoot and definitely didn’t want to fall again and get anything on him he’d not like.

Undercover of the arched alleyway, old brick up both sides and a distant light at the end of the alley where it split into the two garden gates. Tall wooden gates that were about 7ft tall and wood panels for a bit of separation and privacy. The brickwork was old and rough except where slimy green water dripped, then it was smooth.

He slipped into the darkness and found it without snow, and water ran down the walls and dripped onto the path in the corners. He fumbled with icy fingers, coat zipper down and then the cold gushed in. Flies were cumbersome, but finally were down and his cold fingers inside his underwear against skin made him let out a cry of surprise. He forgot his groin was that warm. His scrotum shrank away from the cold touch, his fingers held his cock tightly, then he had it out. He willed it to go but nothing seemed to happen. He pulled back from the wall, and saw in the light from outside the clear strong flow gushing out. The pain remained but he didn’t care as he pissed. It was a strong flow and seemed to go on for ages, and then finally, the ache started to fade, yet still he peed. On and on it flowed, and then he felt the vibrations through his fingers slow and stop. He let it dangle for a moment before he checked again. He’d stopped, and as he stepped back and started to slip it away he felt himself oddly euphoric, amazed and light headed. As he zippered up he felt his hard on return and with his other hand grabbed it through his open flies, the heat and cold transferring across. Heat to hand and cold to cock, and was reminded of the things that had got it hard today that he’d seen. But here was neither the time nor place and already the cold was seeping back into him yet he was gloriously empty and in a better mood than before!

He covered himself up again, and wrapped himself up. Stepping out on the path he noticed his ‘personal river’ had melted the path in a narrow stream all the way out to the main pavement. It was obvious what he’d done but didn’t care. However, as he strode up the path at a decent rate he felt himself go hard again. But he had to keep moving to keep warm and soon was breathing faster, the heat spreading around him in his exercise.

He knew roughly where he was going. He thought he was right.
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Re: Snowing

Post by Tytn »

The hill wasn’t too steep but coupled with the snow on the ground and floating down into his face the going was slow and slippery. Several times he had nearly lost his footing and ended up plunging his hand deep into snow-laden cars, soon chilling his hands. He was pretty much alone apart from another figure far ahead but wasn’t gaining yet. Now that there wasn’t any pain he could feel the other little problems. His feet were cold from the cold ground, his shoes were office shoes and gave little protection from the temperature. His coat wasn’t a thick warm one either, too thin to help much. Involuntary shudders crossed over him but he still carried on trying to walk as much as he could. His earphones had popped out a few times and his icy cold fingers already had problems in putting them back. Returning his hands to his trouser pockets didn’t help much either.

He came to a cross roads, there was evidence that some cars had made it through with the black stuff showing through briefly. His previous helper was standing there, facing towards the road and looking up. He stopped his music and called out ‘Hi’

“See you caught up then” he called back
“Yeah, well, I’m not used to snow”
“Don’t worry, looks like the rest of the country isn’t either” the guy hadn’t turned around, so Jake walked closer around his side, he stopped abruptly, the stranger turned his head and laughed
“Took my own advice, it’s good to let it out, isn’t it” Jake felt himself blushing as he’d caught sight of the mans privates, with the strong flow splattering out, defrosting the snow and boring straight down to the tarmac
“Um yeah…” he replied. The guy was nearly finished and zippered up then turned to face Jake
“So, going far?”
“Wow, quite a distance then, we’d best carry on”
“And you?” Jake asked
“Other side of the common”
“If I can make it that far I’ll probably try and get on another bus or something” jake replied
“Good idea, because there’s the superstore over there too”
“Oh yeah, I forgot about them. Might swing by, could do with a nice hot drink”
“I’m not surprised” laughed the man, he held out his hand
“I’m Josh”
“Jake” Josh pushed his hood back to reveal a guy in his 40s, grey to white hair, angular face with a grey beard that hung several inches below his chin. He wore tinted glasses but they didn’t hide the bags under his eyes or the variety of wrinkles over his face, making him look older.

They strode ahead, Jake didn’t talk much at all because he was trying to keep his breath for keeping upright, but he soon noticed the snow had stopped and the wind had settled. Traffic noises increased again but more of standing traffic than moving stuff. They emerged onto the main road and once again the place was pulsating in red, orange and white light from the variety of sources. The road looked treacherous to cross but the traffic moving was light. They were soon across and trudged up the slight back onto the common.

Ahead it was a white expanse, the clouds were clearing and some stars were showing through from the orange tinted darkness. In the distance was some lights where Jake figured the stores were. And so they started walking across the common. It was easy at first but then as the snow went above his shoes his feet got colder and now wetter too. The cold was getting to him, and what’s more his gut started to ache again. He had to pee. He cursed quietly but Josh looked over
“You ok?”
“Well, apart from freezing cold, my feet are getting damp and I’m not dressed for this I need a piss again”
“Yeah, that happens. Why don’t we stop for a moment for a breather?”
“Standing here in the snow?” Josh moved around and compacted the snow down
“Some space here” he smiled. Jake nodded and stepped into the area. He felt some body heat from Josh as the mans breath pumped out of his lungs in large columns. Turning around he looked towards the main road. No one was following or even remotely near and so he fished around and dropped his flies. He swore as his icy cold fingers touched his privates and he extracted his tackle
“Cold fingers?” Josh asked
“Damn right” Jake groaned then he surprised himself by instantly starting. It didn’t gush out but more of trickled but did so for a while, finally stopping. He urged a bit again but nothing else came so he zippered it away and turned back
“Ahh, feels better at least!” Jake said, then they lined themselves up on the superstore and carried on walking. This time they talked, it was easier here

“So you’re walking to work tomorrow then?”
“Dunno, maybe, depends”
“I doubt the buses will be running that early but they could surprise you. It’s an A road down to it and I think they’ll grit it but even so”
“Yeah, I think it’s worth me planning on coming into work earlier than I would or at least planning to come in early”
“Have you got cold weather gear?”
“Yeah, I’ve got some bits and bobs” he replied as he desperately tried to think where his cold weather gear was. He suspected in the shed, all frozen up too. He’d have to deal with that when he got home.

By the time they had crossed the common and emerged onto a path near the Tesco store Jakes feet were frozen and wet and he felt even more annoyed with the world. At least he didn’t have to pee! As they neared the store Josh groaned
“My feet are bloody frozen”
“Yeah, me too”
“I don’t want to catch anything so I’m gonna branch off to Tesco’s and get some more socks”
“Hey, that’s a good idea” Jake replied, Josh smiled
“I thought so”

The car park was busy, the store was too but it didn’t take them long to find the clothes section with fresh socks. Pack of 3 for £5, and they got a pack each. And it was nice to find the café still open. Having bought their stuff they got a hot chocolate each that cost them almost as much as the socks and went over to a far table. Sitting down was luxury and Jake felt drained and now a bit warmer. Loosening his coat he bent over and undid his laces and squelched his shoes off, then pulled his wet cold socks off and left them on the floor before pulling on two pairs of socks onto each foot. He instantly felt better as his feet started to warm up. He put his wet socks in a carrier bag in his pocket and the other spare socks in his other pocket. Josh had put all three pairs on and was doing his shoes up as Jake was sipping his drink
“You didn’t put them all on?”
“Gloves mate” he grinned
“Ahh, so you do have a brain then” Jake moved a hand to Josh’s drink
“Want me to deprive you of your drink?”
“No thanks mate, I can do that myself thank you” he grinned back

It was nice to rest for a moment. Jake pulled out his mobile, it was nearly 6.40 now, he tried to make a phone call but the signal wouldn’t go through
“Lines busy?” Josh offered
“Yeah, seen it a few times this year”
“Everyone calling home saying they would be 5 minutes away but they’re stuck in traffic” they smiled briefly and drank up, warming themselves enormously.

Finally dragging themselves outside, all tightened up against the cold they walked over to the bus stops
“Right mate, I’m heading off to catch the 442x with North Counties, you’ll be ok on the city service bus I’m sure”
“Thanks, yeah, I’ll take it as far as I can then walk the rest. Probably see you again”
“Sure, cheerio” and with that they separated. Jake watched Josh slip off into the night then walked over to the bus stop, it was quiet. He’d probably just missed a bus but sat down to wait. Thankfully he didn’t wait long, but the bus was standing room only so he crowded in the aisle next to the luggage rack of this slow double decker bus. At least the snow had stopped, so had the wind. It was quite calm outside. Inside it was a stressed depressing pall in the air, so he donned his earphones and tuned out again.
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Re: Snowing

Post by Tytn »

It was still cold wherever he was. Outside it was icy but inside the bus hallway it was a bit warmer but still cold. He could smell the breath and BO of everyone else there, the smokers and the drinkers were there too. As the bus moved along he swayed with the crowd, he tried to hold onto the pole behind him but it was clammy, damp and cold to touch. He couldn’t lean any further as there was the protrusion of the bell button and as he had already found out, when the bell is rung the driver would stop at a bus stop and open the doors, letting another fresh gust of cold air into the vehicle.

Movement was slow, all around outside red and white lights flared, some horns tooted occasionally and apart from the vibrations and noise of the engine and brakes he was getting tired of this whole day. With his headphones giving him music he could drown out the rest of the world.

He must have dozed off, people were moving, jostling him. He glanced around and saw some people moving from the back of the bus forwards. The group around him surged so some could reach that seat but were thwarted by others. It still took several minutes before the bus was able to reach anywhere close to the stand and the doors rushed open with a hiss and a bang, and the two older women got off, pulling their clothes closer and muttering bad words about the cold. Another group were waiting to get on and pushed onboard before the driver could say anything. Some went upstairs, but a group of them, shorter he noticed, crowded around his area. The doors closed and the bus moved back into traffic, still slow moving.

He was reminded of the hot drink he had had and was annoyed it had worked its way down so fast, the ache in his gut starting with a slight pressure right down at the lower end of his bladder. It was because he had already ‘broken the seal’ earlier he was sure but it came on with surprising ferociousness, but he had no choice but to ignore it.

He had to move position back to the luggage rack as a few of the pensioners had dozed off and had spread out a little, and in the hallway there were some foreign students there, shorter and fatter and chatting in a language he didn’t recognise. However, every time they moved the girl with the backpack pushed it into him, or more specifically, his waist. He tried to move himself out of the way but she seemed to move with him and as his aching bladder tried get him to empty it, the girl pushing on his full bladder something else happened that he tried to ignore, but it was difficult.

He felt the urges in time with the external pressure to his waist making his hardon strain. But he couldn’t do anything but wait and hold it. He had managed earlier, he was sure he could hold it until he got home. It wasn’t far now. The traffic should ease soon anyway. He hoped anyway, as he really had to pee!

Once again he had to pee, and ignoring it wasn’t going to be so easy this time. Almost every minute or so the external pressure was painful yet thrilling but despite this he would have preferred to have let it out instead, the pressure rather than the boner. That put a smile on his face briefly. Opening his eyes more he could see the long line of red lights off into the distance, the traffic moving very slowly, the snow having stopped falling.

Up ahead he could see one of the roundabouts but getting there would take a while. Time was the key for him and he envisaged finding another gateway to let off the pressure. He moved his way forwards, his legs aching with movement yet the cold already rushing along his exposed skin. He reached the perspex of the cab door and felt the walk leaking out, the fans were running full speed in the cab and he felt and instantly wanted the heat from that spot although he knew others were trying to push him out of the way to get the same heat. That would explain why that spot was so popular with people standing up near the doorway. He tapped on the perspex, there was the hiss and clunk as the brake came on and the bearded driver faced him
“Can I get off here?”
“Sure, I’ll just bring it to the kerb. I’m not supposed to but it’ll be faster than walking, just watch your step getting off”
“Thanks” he replied and waited. The bus inched to the side of the road then stopped, the doors swung open and the hissing of the suspension started but Jake was already on the pavement and walking away. Behind him he heard the exodus of other passengers as they slipped off and joined him.

Immediately he found that the path was freezing and slippery again. Orange light from the streetlights glinted off the middle of the path, and underfoot he felt movement he didn’t like. Initially sideways, he shortened his stride but speeded up a little. He soon moved to the edges of the path, near the hedge. The snow was more crunchier under foot but less prone to slip. The icy cold was biting on his exposed skin and even under his coat it was also sharp and unpleasant. He was soon shivering a little so just walked quicker hoping to warm up. The drafts moved down the back of his neck, and pulling his coat tighter didn’t help. Already the lower parts of his legs and arms were very cold so he just shoved his hands in his pockets and pulled the cloth tighter. Of course, as was the way, his boner had shrunk down again and was just a small bulge but his aching bladder was still there making its presence known.

He reached the roundabout and carefully crossed the road, some of the traffic was moving faster on the exit side of the roundabout but with some careful timing he got across. There were shortcuts here, he cut across the triangle shaped common to get him back on the road he wanted but glancing around found he still had stragglers from the bus over the visible distance behind him. So he walked as quick as he could without slipping. The hot chocolate was now painful and regrettable. He tried swearing to himself but it didn’t help. Although thinking about the girl pushing against him on the bus with her bag did create movement in his trousers although because he couldn’t do anything about it he had to ignore it, but it didn’t go down much. Perhaps it was because he had to pee so badly. The pain was depressing too. He didn’t want to wet himself but knew this part of the road quite well. There was no where to stop, no bush to cover him and no gateway to pop into, especially with all these people here.

The lines of traffic were thinning out, the cars, wheels spinning had made some progress and others were lined along the roadside, haphazardly dumped. Thankfully he still had his music, and that rhythmically helped him keep moving.

The downhill sections were the worse. On the other side of the road it was more polished on the pavement and roads, with the cars spinning wheels and the engines screaming. He recalled from his school years with the precision the bus drivers coaxed the school bus up and down the hills with low revs and steady control. Most drivers were old, at least 40 or 50, and knew what they were doing and didn’t get excited, but today most drivers didn’t understand that their cars and the snow and ice were not compatible. He had seen many accidents already which were probably down to people not thinking. He knew how to drive, he knew that the brakes stopped the wheels and if there wasn’t traction then it would skid. He took his driving test in a blizzard and that was fun, although thanks to nerves he was glad he went for a pee before hand as they were stuck longer than the test time in the car. Even the examiner had told him to find his own way back safely to the test centre as he didn’t know the way. So he had carefully driven down back roads, using engine braking and lots of looking around, more than the ‘just glancing at mirrors’ the tester wanted. His grandfather had helped him learn to drive in Bessie, and you needed to plan ahead for that beast. Remembering such things helped him get further but he was still sticking to the edge of the path, staying away from the ice and his entire body aching and screaming for multiple pains racking his body. Relief from the cold, the icy stinging on his face and body, the muscles complaining of use and above all, the so desperate need to take a piss. And there were still too many people around.

He felt something very hot then rapidly cooling in his trousers and moving fingers across in his pocket found a warm patch. He knew what that was, and didn’t want another. Wet trousers would be worse than humiliation in this weather. He didn’t even know he’d let go anything apart from the heat!

Up ahead there was a side road, and as he approached, he knew he had to go there and then. He glanced back but there wasn’t anyone nearby, so he turned. The ground was easier here, the snow a bit thicker from under use and not many feet had walked along here. He strode ahead until after about 100ft he saw a shade off to one side, a gateway. There were no streetlights here, it looked dark and even darker in the gateway and he stepped ahead without thinking.

He landed on his back with a sharp short shock. It knocked the wind out of him, and he lay there for a moment staring up at the dark sky, some stars and some wispy clouds. The ground was cold and frozen, the entrance to the field was frozen mud sloping down away from the higher level of the tarmac and he had made that usual rookie mistake of not taking care. His nerves were on fire and as his fingers closed around his bulge for a squeeze he found how damp his crotch actually was as well as how cold his fingers were. Very cold. Even colder was using his hands to get himself up again, but he grabbed the metal gate and pulled himself up. He staggered to the corner and fumbled around to find his flies, then they were down and his fingers inside his flies and fighting past the cloth of his underwear. Unfortunately frozen fingers didn’t help either, but when he had got past that level and his fingers touched himself down there he let out a shriek "By the power of Greyskull!"

It was warm, no, hot and his fingers were very cold. He quickly extracted his tool and with a soft whimper let it splatter out. He debated peeing on his hands but figured that would get a bad idea quickly, but he was surprised at the torrent, but using a hand on the gateway through his coat to steady himself he let out the strong waterfall through the gaps in the gate splattering into the field. Immediately the relief worked its way through him, the pain diminishing and the amazed feeling gushing through him, although that was closely followed by coldness.

He felt another vibration and popping out an earphone slipped his mobile out. He used the hand that was holding himself, leaving it dangling on its own as he answer his phone

“Yeah” he gasped
“Where are you dear?” it was his mother
“Erm, on the road between the Old Shep and the, um, the back of the old glass factory”
“Oh ok then, so not far”
“No, not far but it’s still bloody cold and I’m walking so it’ll take an hour at least”
“It doesn’t take that long….”
“The ice and snow don’t help. Most cars don’t make it this way”
“Ok then. I’ll send reinforcements. Your grandfather is itching to get out down the pub”
“Huh, I can barely walk yet…”
“Oh don’t worry, your grandma’s going with him for company”
“Oh well that’s ok then” he sarcastically said, hoping she’d catch it. She didn’t
“I knew you’d understand, they’ll meet you at the lone wolf, ok?”
“C’mon, the lone wolf? Your grandfather said you’d know where it was”
“Um, ok” he replied. He didn’t, but he was still peeing. He had stopped briefly, he was sure she could have heard the noise but she rang off and then it started quickly again. He had to think, he knew the name but hadn’t heard it in years.

Finally, zippering up he moved it to another place that wasn’t as cold and wet and carefully made his way back to the road before striding ahead, thinking and concentrating and listening to the quiet tones of the 1999 Ministry of Sound music album, old but a goodie
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Re: Snowing

Post by Tytn »

As he strode ahead on the road, a new purpose but also free of the agony of a full bladder, he tried to think of the phrase used. It didn’t come to him, he couldn’t remember, and it was too cold. It was on his way home, he hoped.

In the distance a glow lit up the road, a white glow, a few people had slowed down there and some were entering and as he got close, he realised it was a pub. Then he remembered. Glancing up at the sign part of it was missing, it had come down several winters before in the storms. It was the ‘Wolfpack Inn’ but only one wolf was left on the sign, the rest having broken away. He smiled to himself and stepped for the door. Several others around him were also going in as well and first he thought they were going for drinks but male and female that pushed in were making a beeline for the toilets, some almost running. He was pleased he was not the only one desperate and figured for women it was worse, as squatting and peeing where he had been would be a damn sight colder for them!

Glancing around he spotted his Grandparents by the bar. They were dressed in their usual smart clothes and their coats were hanging on the back of their chairs, each had a glass in their hand. He had a pint of amber liquid, and she was on a half pint, they smiled seeing him
“Enjoy your walk dear?” his grandmother, Bessie, asked. He nodded, his grandfather reached over and ruffled his hair
“Just in time, we’ve just ordered, what do you want?”
“Coffee would be great” he smiled to the bargirl, she nodded
“Fancy stuff or just regular?”
“Regular” he gasped
“Hot and sweet please” she smiled back
“Sure” and trundled into the kitchen. Most pubs served hot drinks but this one actually made regular coffee too and in large mugs for those walking home in the cold, like he would. When the mug came it was the usual half pinter, but it was deliciously hot and immensely warming
“We’re glad you’ve made it here Jake” Bessie told him
“I’m not surprised, you’ll need someone to guide you home when you’ve drunk the place dry” she giggled
“No, your grandfather isn’t having many tonight”
“Ahh, so you’re…”
“No, me neither. You’re mother sent us out to find you”
“I’d have been home in an hour”
“Don’t be silly, it’s always best to have company. Besides, we’ve bought a surprise with us” she giggled and then turned back to the bargirl conspiratorially. He was about halfway down the mug, his coat unzipped and the roaring heat warming him considerably. Even his legs could be felt now. His feet were still blocks of ice but the rest was warming up well. Under the bar was a long radiator pipe, the kind found in bathrooms and was deliciously warm. Coupled with the drink he was getting rather toastie and starting to feel a bit tired. Finally finishing the drink the mug was whisked away and he found his grandparents had finished too and were waiting patiently
“Ready Jake” She called
“Sure, I guess, I’ll just nip…”
“Oh don’t worry about that, we’ll be home soon”
“Sure, but it’s cold outside, and even colder when I have to open my flies outside” she smiled at him
“Sounds like you’ve already found out dear” he felt himself blushing as he made his way to the Gents. It was quite busy but he found a urinal and relaxed, pretending he knew no one here. After a moment the trickle started, it wasn’t much but he was sure it would be enough for him. He did listen to the others, some he knew and some he didn’t, rush in. Older and younger than him, up to the urinal to release a furious spray along with their own whimpers, gasps and groans of relief. As he finished up he felt himself go hard thinking about all of them desperate on the way home. He’d have to ignore that if he wanted to keep it down he felt, those leaving the urinals looked weak yet relieved, and some even light headed. Jake wasn’t surprised but glad he wasn’t that much different!

Back in the hall he was handed some gloves and scarf
“put these on dear, it’ll help” The scarf was wool and quite warm but the gloves were thinner but still warm. As they stepped outside he followed them, and was surprised when they turned to the carpark
“You bought the car?”
“Yes, of course dear” she replied. Their Rover 75 was good enough in the snow but in this weather it would be a nightmare, then he saw it. Glinting in the carpark, silent and still. The chrome bezel around the headlamps and the white roof glowed in the white carpark lights. The boxy shape, strong metal bumper and square shape was familiar as if he had known it for years. He had, years ago, but hadn’t seen it in a long time.

“We bought Bessie down”
“I know, she’s here”
“Both of them” he smiled at both of use, his grandmother hugged his arm
“Don’t worry dear, your grandfather’s named the landie as ‘Bessie’ so he wouldn’t get himself into trouble at night when he talks about it in his sleep”
“I don’t talk in my sleep” and she gave me the knowing look
“I’ve heard what you’ve said you’d do in her, dear, fondling her long slender sticks, gripping tightly the familiar steering wheel and daintily caressing the pedals to ease it through the synchromesh, the power as it surged ahead, knowing where it had to and….” and Jake saw his grandfather blushing, he looked away
“Yes, well, anyway, Jake, you’ll be driving. It’s about time you learnt such things and now is the time to try”
“Look, we can’t afford another car in the family, but this one is parked up for quite a lot so in the colder months you can use this to get to work and we’ll share it, but I can’t bare to part with her”
“Ok” he simply said. A hand held out a small bundle, and when he took it it was a cluster of small keys. He took them and slipped to the drivers’ door, and it was unlocked
“Don’t worry about door locks, this is a Landrover” and he climbed in. The back door of the vehicle opened and Bessie climbed into Bessie. She seemed adept at it and moving around the box on the floor she got into the seat behind the passenger, where Roger, his grandfather was pulling himself in.

“Right, we’ll start with the basics” and he pointed out the various knobs and switches, all dark and lit only from the street lights
“But I can’t see them…”
“You’ll soon get used to it, you’ll be able to reach down automatically to work them, but for now I can switch the torch on if you want”
“Gee thanks Roger” he joked
“Don’t humour him Jake, it’s how I learnt too” Bessie replied from the back
“Yes Gran”
“Just call me Bessie, and your grandfather is Roger. It’s so much easier”
“And doesn’t make us feel that old” Roger joked

“Right, ignition key in here” he pointed to the flat dashboard, a bulge in the middle between the instrument’s dials and a hole in it
“The red key” not that he could see the colours but soon found the right key. He turned it on and the dash lights lit up. Small warning lights and switches lit up. A button was pointed out and he pressed it, the starter motor ran quick and short before the diesel coughed into life, throbbing and vibrating. With all the instruments and panels pointed out he made sure his seatbelt was on, the door closed properly and his seat adjusted. Um, it only went forwards and backwards. Never mind. He peered above the steering wheel and Roger flicked a switch, heat gushed out into the floor and window
“The heaters are good” Roger beamed, then looked guilty “But we can’t have it all in the front and…” he adjusted some valves by his feet “this controls down here sent some of the heat into the back, for your Gran”
“Oh gee thanks, you thought about me this time”
“You’re normally in the front, with me, dear” Jake just smiled to himself.

The headlights weren’t that bright though, the indicators worked and before they moved Roger pointed out the two other knobs
“Red gets pushed down and you’re in four wheel driver, and to get out you have to pull the yellow lever back and push it forwards again”
“When you pull the yellow lever back it puts it into low range four wheel drive. Remember that when you push the lever forwards again it puts you into two wheel drive high range”
“UM Ok”
“We’ll talk about this later. Bessie, you got the shackles and rope there dear?”
“Yes Rog, got them here, and the torch too”
“Um, what for?”
“What we do for fun around here. You’ll see, and no sarky comments when we get in, ok?”
“Um, sure” he felt confused, and already the coffee was working it’s way through. He was glad he’d gone for a pee. He’d be home soon enough in this beast.

He dipped the clutch and selected first. The red lever was down and as he pulled away it felt surefooted and he was feeling in a good mood already. They left the carpark without slipping and pulled onto the main road. This car had no power steering so had to work hard on the steering wheel, and as he accelerated up he dipped the clutch and eased the long gearstick back into the next gear. The biting point was quite easy and it slipped in with ease
“I fitted a full synchromesh series three gearbox in the 90s, saves having to double de clutch between first and second” Jake nodded, not really understanding
“It was such a bitch having to faff around with that in first and second but made life easier. Then again, we both grew up with crash boxes
“Crash boxes?”
“Gearboxes where you didn’t have that nice thing that you can slip between the two gears. You had to match the gearbox speed and the engine revs to change gear. Changing gear without a clutch” he’d heard about that, it sounded complex but he was sure he’d learn it with these two. The headlights weren’t brilliant but they were good enough and he was feeling in a very good mood, relaxed and warm.
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Re: Snowing

Post by Fred »

Looking out my window at the falling snow puts me in the mood, and grateful that I can release my breakfast coffee in the toilet instead of having to hold it! The detailed descriptions put me behind the wheel - which is something I won't do in real life until at least tomorrow.
Can't stay away...
Posts: 364
Joined: 09 Jan 2017, 06:22

Re: Snowing

Post by greatwater »

I love this story. Thank you for writing it. I hope somebody would reach their home in time for another pee.
"What a relief! I thought I was gonna wet myself at the interview!"
"Damn the traffic! Been holding for about three hours!"
"Here we go! Ahhhhhhh Amazing piss!"
Can't stay away...
Posts: 261
Joined: 13 Mar 2021, 23:05

Re: Snowing

Post by cutsleeve »

impressive with the length and the in-depth detail of everything around him as well as what he is experiencing including the effects of the cold on him. how many months of writing and editing and rewriting and more editing did you have to do to get it to come out this good??
Posts: 47
Joined: 02 Nov 2020, 17:18
Location: UK

Re: Snowing

Post by sebby »

Really enjoyed this one! Thanks for writing :)
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