London's Transportation Soiled Thousands of Times

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Re: London's Transportation Soiled Thousands of Times

Post by Fred »

Sam70 wrote: 06 Sep 2019, 18:01 I can just hear the questions. At what point did you realize that you were going to piss your pants? How long much longer were you able to hold it before the dam broke? I can see that it went down both legs. Your friend over here had it go down only one leg. Can you two explain why this is so? Would you pose for us in your pissed pants? Please turn around so Fred can get a picture showing how wet your butts are. Were you seated or standing when you first started pissing your pants? Is this the first time this has happened? Have any of your mates pissed their pants as well because they couldn't find a toilet in time?
Other questions: Were there no toilets wherever you were before boarding the train? Did you choose not to use a toilet that might have been available? If so, why? Macho vanity? Shyness? Do you enjoy the challenge of holding it in? Have you been desperate to pee on the train before? Since becoming an adult, have you wet your pants before? Do you sometimes wait until you are desperate before you use a toilet?
Can't stay away...
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Re: London's Transportation Soiled Thousands of Times

Post by Bigdog »

Very possible
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Re: London's Transportation Soiled Thousands of Times

Post by evergreen »

I knew as soon as I entered the final coach and compartment on the last train of the day travelling on The Mid Kent line to Hayes. I had needed to do some fair running to catch it and the thought of pissing had never entered my head, not at least until I sat down, out of breath and sweating. As I lowered myself into the seat overflow kicked in and I found myself clutching myself to stop the flow.

I have no idea why I bothered because I would never last the thirty minute journey to West Wickham or the twenty minute walk to my home. At least I was alone. It was not long before I dribbled again and then the third time when the train stopped at Ladywell I gave up the fight. I stood and pissed my pants. I remember they were classic white Jockeys with the waistband that had risen above the waistband of my trousers. I was wet all over the front of my work pants and down both legs to a pool around my shoes.

I had seen wetting befall other people on trains but it was a first for me. As my bum was hardly wet I sat and enjoyed the journey knowing at least I was not going to make the seat wet for next morning travellers. Happily I have never peed myself on a tube or on many busses. It was Southern Region where I suffered -several times.
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