The Roomates

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The Roomates

Post by Holdit4me3 »

Hi - this is a story that I posted on the original board. Fred was kind enough to find it for me.

Alison could not believe her luck the first time her new roommate, Josh, came home from work desperate to pee. He had walked in the door looking frantic and actually holding his pen1s like he was about to pee his pants. Obviously he didn't expect her to be watching, and honestly this first time it was simply luck that she caught him on his way to their only bathroom. She wondered if this was just a crazy chance he was desperate or did he come home from work in this state often.

The next evening she didn't leave it to chance to find out. She was careful to be sitting in the living room right by the front door casually reading a magazine so she could take a look at his "state" when he arrived. Unbelievably he seemed to be in an even more desperate state then the day before. His hand was on his pen1s again and his legs were crossed. Alison guessed he was having the feeling of absolute desperation that came when you were so close to being able to relieve yourself but still had to fumble with the keys to get into the door and to the much needed relief. She watched him as he quickly darted for the bathroom and heard him pee for what seemed like forever.

How had Alison gotten so lucky? She secretly loved to see a guy desperate for a pee. Unfortunately she didn't see this often. Now it appeared she would get a daily show from Josh. This got her to thinking. What if Josh came home desperate but she was already in the bathroom? They only had one bathroom so he'd have to wait. What would he do in that case? Well,she decided, tomorrow she would find out.

Josh loved his new place. Alison his roommate and landlord was great. They got along and considering the place was only a 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment, they didn't really get in each other's way much. Unfortunately the place was a good hour drive in traffic from work and he now realized this was a bigger problem then he originally planned for.

Josh's job required him to work straight through lunch and really through any breaks at all. He was lucky if he even got a chance to pee during the day. The crazy thing was his boss worked him so hard but everyday he closed the office at 4:30pm exactly and required everyone to leave immediately so he could close and lock the doors. His boss didn't trust anyone else with the keys to lock the place and he was obsessed with getting out of work before rush hour traffic. Well this was good in one way at least he knew he'd never be working late! However, Josh seemed to frequently miss out on a chance to get in a pee break before leaving for home.

This meant that he often ended up leaving work with a full bladder. This made the hour long drive problematic. So far everyday he had arrived home at his new apartment about to burst. He secretly enjoyed feeling a full bladder and enjoyed waiting until he was very full before going to the bathroom. However this was getting ridiculous. Twice now he had actually peed a bit in his pants on the ride home. He would be driving, squeezing his d*ck and trying to decide if it was worth it to pull off the highway to a gas station or something. This would take precious time and he would end up in a rush hour traffic jam for sure. Every day he had decided to just hold on - no matter how much it hurt- so he could get home quickly. His ride could turn from 1 hour to 3 easily if he got in the bad rush hour traffic.

Today was like most other days. Driving home with a bursting bladder, counting the miles until he would be home to relieve his aching bladder. He spent most of the drive with his hand fully clenched holding his pen1s and the what felt like gallons of pee waiting to be released. Once the car in front of him slammed on its breaks and he had to quickly put both hands on the wheel to swerve around him. The shock of it and having to release his grip had caused a large squirt to pee to escape into his underwear. He looked down and luckily his pants didn't appear wet.

Once he made it home he rushed up the steps, the best he could, to his apartment. The steps were hell on his bladder and even though he was desperate to get there he had to take them carefully to be sure no more pee was released before he finally made it to the bathroom. Being so close to the final release was causing the bladder spasms he'd been having to increase to a whole new level of intensity. He got to his door fumbled with the lock and rushed straight for the bathroom. But the door was closed to the bathroom. What the h#$&? He tried the door knob with his free hand - he had his pen1s in a death grip at this point trying to keep the pee from escaping- and found the door locked. Next he heard Alison's voice saying she was just getting into the shower and would be out soon.

SOON was not soon enough for Josh! He needed her out of there NOW. He started pacing the floor still with his pen1s clenched tight and tried to think. What can he do? He can't be standing here holding himself when Alison gets out of the bathroom. He could go to his room to wait but then he'd still have to walk past her on his way to the bathroom. At this point he didn't know if maybe he should just try to find a place to go outside? How long would she take before she got out? Usually she took at least 30 mins in there when she showered. He doubted he could hold on for 30 seconds let alone 30 minutes before he lost it completely. Just then the door bell rang and Alison called from the bathroom, "Josh, can you get that? It's my friend Kelly. Tell her I'll be out soon."

To be continued....
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Re: The Roomates

Post by bodgyuk »

I feel I ought to remember this story, but I don't, so looking forward to the next part.
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Re: The Roomates

Post by Fred »

I included the "continued" piece in my message to him, so I hope he finds it and posts it. Or I can post it if he wishes.
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Re: The Roomates

Post by neodreamwaters »

bodgyuk wrote: 11 Feb 2022, 22:07 I feel I ought to remember this story, but I don't, so looking forward to the next part.
I might vaguely remember this story. Is this the one where he's been invited on a night out on the town by his roommate's friend, tries to maintain his composure while talking to her friend, then frantically tries to find a bottle or something in his room to pee in because she's taking too long in the shower? Or have I got it mixed up with a different story?
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Re: The Roomates

Post by Holdit4me3 »

Josh yelled, "One minute, I'm coming", and then took several deep breaths before trying to stand up straight and compose himself. He as a grown adult and there was no way he was going to pee in his pants right here in the living room. He'd figure things out as he went. But for now he had to get the door.

When he opened the door he was pleasantly surprised to see a beautiful woman about his age standing in the hallway. He invited her inside and took her coat. She went into the living room and Josh took her coat to the closet for her. While standing there in front of the closet what little composure he had mustered completely left him. His bladder spasmed asking desperately to be emptied immediately. He leaned over and crossed his legs but he still felt some pee escape his pen1s. Oh no he thought, there is NO WAY he was going to have an accident in front of this amazingly hot woman. He started for his bedroom as quickly as possible. Although he had no idea what he was going to do there, he knew he had to get away from Kelly!

He had to pass Kelly in the living room on his way to the bedroom and told her, "I'll be right back". Pretty lame and rude but he didn't have much choice in the matter, it was clear his bladder was not going to calm down to let him sit and have a casual conversation with this girl. Once he made it to his room he started to panic. Was he going to piss himself right here in his room? No way was he going to let that happen. He just had to think of a solution before that happened. Just then another wave of desperation hit so hard he leaned over and grab his pen1s. Some more piss escaped his pen1s and now his underwear was soaked. Then he saw the coke bottle on the floor.

This was his only chance. He could pee in the bottle and just throw it in the trash, Perfect! His bladder loved the idea and before he could even reach the bottle it was trying to release the pent up pee. Once he grabbed the bottle though he found it was barely half empty. He had no more then 4-6 ounces of space in the bottle. Not taking time to think about any other option he just pulled out his pen1s and released some pee in the bottle. It filled up way too quickly and it took all of his will power to stop the flow of pee before spilling out of the bottle. Although stopping the pee had been horrible, now that there was a little bit of much needed space in his bladder he felt much better. Well, now at least he could go and socialize with Kelly while he waited to finish his pee in the bathroom. Alison had to be out of there soon and he felt sure he could make it now. He quickly disposed of the bottle in the trash can in his room and changed out of his wet underwear.

When he joined Kelly in the living room he offered her a drink and she requested a beer. Josh decided to join her in a beer too. After all his bladder was a little better - for now- and he sure as heck needed to relax after coming so close to pissing his pants!

The thought of Josh in the living room desperate to pee was so exciting to Alison. Although she wanted him to have to wait, she hurried up with the shower because she was curious to see how he was making out. She wanted to see first hand what his situation was.

She dressed quickly and as soon as possible she called out to Kelly, "It's your turn, but you'll have to make it fast if we're going to be on time for the show." This was a very important part of Alison's little plan for Josh. She didn't want him to get to run to the bathroom as soon as she got out. Where was the fun in that? She wanted a little show of his desperation first. Therefore earlier that day she suggested her friend just get ready for the show at her apartment. Kelly was always complaining that there wasn't enough hot water at her place for more then a 2 min shower anyway. So Alison knew Kelly would jump at the chance to shower someplace better.

Kelly brought her things to the bathroom while Alison was just finishing up. That way Josh had no chance to get a turn in there first! Now it was time for Alison to check on how Josh was doing.

She found him sitting in the living room finishing up a beer. He looked a little worried and Alison saw his leg was bouncing up and down fast. Just like you do when you have to pee. Great she thought, my plan is working.

Alison decided she'd like a beer too and brought one with her for Josh, just in case! He didn't seem to thrilled at the second beer but she had already opened it so he took it and thanked her.

He had been in the living room for about 20 mins with Kelly enjoying himself. Kelly was beautiful and seemed extremely nice and interested in him too. Maybe this night isn't going to be so bad after all he thought.

He was starting to feel a strong desire to finish emptying his overfull bladder when Alison called out that it was Kelly's turn to shower. He wasn't worried about making it to the bathroom when he thought he just had to wait for Alison to get out of there. Now he was going to have to wait for Kelly to shower and dress too. He would never have started drinking a beer if he knew he would have another long wait! The realization that relief was not coming as soon as he thought seemed to be hell on his bladder. The waves of desperation started coming on strong and fast again. Then before he knew it Alison had brought him yet another beer and he was sitting there with a bursting bladder drinking yet more beer.

Everything was going better then she could have imagined. Josh was shaking his legs, crossing then uncrossing his legs, basically doing everything one does when they are desperate to pee. She even caught him grabbing his crotch when she thought she was watching TV. Boy he must be bad off, she thought.
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Re: The Roomates

Post by Holdit4me3 »

While sitting watching TV with Alison and drinking his beer, Josh was quickly realizing that his situation was serious again. Real serious. He was starting to have waves of desperation that seemed stronger each time. Without realizing it he had started shaking his legs and wiggling around in his seat as each wave of desperation hit. Kelly had only been in the bathroom for about 5 mins and he was sure she'd be in there for at least another half hour or so. He figured he'd have to do something to be sure to avoid peeing in his pants in front of Alison. His bladder was already so tired from holding his pee for hours on end as it was. He'd had a small bit of relief when he peed in the bottle but that small bit of room in his bladder seemed to be filling up very quickly indeed. He was pretty sure he was at least as full as when he came home if not more!

Oh no, his bladder just spasmed again and he had to grab his pen1s to stop it from leaking. He wasn't sure but he thought Alison may have noticed. This was getting embarrassing fast. He needed a plan and NOW before he lost the battle with his bladder. Josh casually put his hand in his pocket and took hold of his pen1s to help with the pressure. Now he could think for a bit.

Josh's wiggling and squirming was getting worse. She noticed him quickly grab his d*ck like he had felt a surge of pee try to escape and he was holding it back with his hand. It was so hot watching him sitting there basically doing a pee pee dance in his seat. She was starting to worry that he was going to lose it and pee all over the sofa though. She decided to try to talk to him to take his mind off things for a while.

"Josh, Kelly and I are going out tonight. Would you like to join us?" Alison asked. He looked up and she saw how uncomfortable he looked. He asked, "where are you guys going?".

"Well we were thinking of stopping for a bite to eat and then heading over to the theater for that new show they have been advertising."

A night out with Alison and Kelly sounded great to Josh. It was Friday night and he didn't have any other plans. Kelly was gorgeous and he figured it would be great to spend some more time with her. So he told Alison, "Yeah sure, that sounds great. When are you leaving?"

Alison told him they were planning to leave in about 1/2 an hour, as soon as Kelly was ready to leave. This is what Josh had figured. Kelly would be in the bathroom for a while still. What was he going to to? He had even started to sweat from the effort of holding in his pee. He was not going to make it a half an hour. He seriously doubted he'd make it 5 more minutes.

He needed a plan and quickly. Maybe if he just went to the kitchen he could find another bottle to take to this bedroom and pee in. That sounded like as good of a plan as any so he started to get up from the sofa. Moving was harder then he expected. His bladder hurt so bad and standing was so much harder then sitting. Unexpectedly his bladder spasmed again and this time he felt a large squirt of pee escape. He let out an involuntary moan and moved quickly to the kitchen. There he found an empty trash can and recycle bin and remembered he had taken out the trash in the morning before work. Crap! Now what! He started pacing back and forth in the kitchen and realized he was going to pee his pants in seconds not minutes now.
Can't stay away...
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Re: The Roomates

Post by cutsleeve »

It is a really good story, love how desperate he is to piss and he just drank more beers and it is going to be even worse for him. How come he let the boss keep him from eating lunch? I would demand I eat lunch as I would be eating the desk if I did not get lunch. I get super hungry if I miss a meal and it's hard enough to keep my weight up eating 3 full meals a day plus snacks. There is hardly any fat at all on me and I can't afford to lose any weight.
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Re: The Roomates

Post by Wombat48 »

Great story!! Hope that there is a conclusion soon!! 😀
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Re: The Roomates

Post by Holdit4me3 »

I imagine Josh gets to eat lunch at his desk and he probably gets away from his desk during the day for a pee break. It's just his boss never gives him time for a pee before that long car ride home!
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Re: The Roomates

Post by wetter »

I love this story!!! Poor josh, for his bladder is very difficult this time.
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