Has anyone got any sightings which actually involved wet pants ?

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Re: Has anyone got any sightings which actually involved wet pants ?

Post by googlism2008 »

Extremely rare for me, because toilets are plenty and men would usually just pee somewhere when not within reach of a toilet.

However I did see one. This man had a wet streak on his jeans down on one of his thighs. He was very drunk and could barely walk straight. Only caught the sighting for a few seconds, and no idea what happened though.

I have also seen a guy sporting a coin sized wet spot on his trousers, but it appears more to be a post pee dribble rather than a real wetting.
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Re: Has anyone got any sightings which actually involved wet pants ?

Post by Bigdog »

I have seen plenty of sightings at school, but unfortunately due to the forum rules I can’t talk about them, but I have seen a few adult ones mainly drunks.
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Re: Has anyone got any sightings which actually involved wet pants ?

Post by bodgyuk »

When I was in my early twenties, I went on a scooter run to Morecombe with a couple of mods/scooterists I was part of.
We arrived on the Friday night (pubs had already sold out of lager :( ), on the Saturday we decided to wander around a sort sideshow ally off of the main street, lying half across the footpath was this bloke only a couple of years younger than myself, who had, judging by the lake around his rear end and the big wet patch on his jeans and down the right side of his leg , quite possibly imbibed a few too many Snakebites . He was out for the count and people were just stepping over or around him.

I wanted to stay longer and see what happened, or helpfully offer to help him back to whatever B&B he was staying at. Sadly I was with other people who would most definitely not understood my interest.

So many missed opportunities for some excitement, ho hum such is life.
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Re: Has anyone got any sightings which actually involved wet pants ?

Post by nocontrol »

Hi...been a member for a long time but never posted anything. I've loved guys having accidents since I was a kid and have seen a few that have burned images into my memory forever.

1. When I had just graduated college, I lived in an apartment building in the back of a community. I loved it because I could park my car and walk right up the steps to my apartment. I used to enjoy holding it in back then and if I had an "accident" I'd have privacy from neighbors.

Behind my balcony was an empty field, and across from that a small neighborhood of single family homes. One day I heard the screeching of tires. It stopped, but less than a minute away I heard it again. Then again. I looked from my balcony to see what was going on. A car was chasing another car, and the neighborhood road was a loop so at each turn the cars tires were screeching. After not too long a time, the cars were both stopped by a police car in full view of my balcony. I went in to get my binoculars, and when I went back the police were talking to one of the guys standing outside of his car. He had a huge wet circular stain on the front of his jeans. I always wondered if he peed his pants because of fear. Fear wetting isn't as exciting to me, and I don't know the situation but could tell that the guys in each car were not thugs. It's much more fun to think that it was two younger guys, looked like in late teens based on their sizes, who were having fun with their cars. Maybe one of them had a full bladder and in the excitement of it all, wet his pants. I always wondered what he was thinking when he was standing there in wet jeans talking to the officer.

2. When I was in my late 20s, I flew to Washington, DC to see a friend. In the airport baggage claim area I saw a slightly more muscular guy, also in jeans, walking away from me with a large wet area as if he wet himself.

3. I was staying at an upscale hotel for work, but can't remember what city it was. It was an older, more historic hotel with an air of class in the lobby. A guy, guessing early 30's, wearing light stone colored khakis and a blue blazer walked toward and past me. His pants were wet all around the fly area and down both legs. A complete wet accident. It made me wonder if he did it on purpose, as he easily could have held his blazer in front of his pants but chose not to.

Those are three I remember as an adult. I have one of a friend when we were 16 that happened on the bus on the way to the mall.

Years ago I had a partner who also enjoyed this as much as I do. We would go to car shows or other events and one of us would have an "accident" but not in view of others. But then would walk around the event and just pretend that it didn't happen. Always in shorts, not jeans so it was not so blatant. We both loved when a guy couldn't hold it any longer and imagined their thought process before, during and after they had an accident.

Hope to get more involved in this small but unique community.
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Re: Has anyone got any sightings which actually involved wet pants ?

Post by Sam70 »

Thanks for posting your sightings. I really enjoyed reading them.
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Re: Has anyone got any sightings which actually involved wet pants ?

Post by Fred »

Three good sightings! Speculations: #1 When guys that age are having fun together, they aren't going to interrupt it just to pee, and sometimes they haven't yet learned the limits of their newly-matured bodies. Being stopped by the police might, as you suggested, result in an involuntary release from a full bladder. #2 Probably another victim of a seat belt sign on too long after his pre-flight beers. #3 Cities now have relatively few public rest rooms, and hotels are sometimes the only choice available. And this man got there too late, though, as you suggest, he may have been purposely wetting in public.
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