Hi all,
Just as a matter of interest, does anyone here have any tips for holding it in when you have no choice?
The reason I ask is because my regular master makes me wait for ages for a piss when I'm handcuffed, caged or chained to the wall.
On some occasions, especially if I've had a few drinks, it has become unbearable, especially when he says I've got a long time left to wait. The usual leg crossing doesn't seem to provide much relief.
Tips for holding it
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Re: Tips for holding it
sitting astride a padded tube would work. so would one of those banana-type bike seats be set up on some kind of mount for you to sit astride. if hands are free you can press up between your legs firmly to block it. usually what works best is with your pee blocked that way you then try to pee as it's blocked. the bladder will spasm hard for a few minutes then relaxed exhausted and it is easy to hold again and that takes the back pressure off the kidneys as the bladder muscle will stay relaxed for a while after that.
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Re: Tips for holding it
I love dick-grabbing but obviously if you're hands are cuffed you can't do that. You could press your junk up against something, applying some pressure to it if you hands aren't available.
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Re: Tips for holding it
Yes, sitting astride something or pressing your penis against something. It may not actually block the urethra (that could be painful!), but it sends signals to the sphincters to hold on a little longer.
Re Pants original message, while having a master control your urination may seem coercive (which I don't support), it's a voluntary situation, a variety of role playing, and I can understand the appeal to both the master and his subject.
Re Pants original message, while having a master control your urination may seem coercive (which I don't support), it's a voluntary situation, a variety of role playing, and I can understand the appeal to both the master and his subject.
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Re: Tips for holding it
Interesting ideas guys, thank you:)
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Re: Tips for holding it
I found the following article in my archives, and I know there are others on the Internet. Clearly, many men would like to be able to hold their pee longer for various reasons.
Absent from this article are ways to restrict the penis/urethra, which is the last line of defense for a male. I've seen suggestions that would be painful or potentially damaging which I will not relate here, but most forms of pressure or manipulation should be harmless and might buy you a little time.
\https://www.askmen.com/money/body_and_m ... it-in.html
It happens to all of us at one time or another: You have to take a piss, and it's just not a convenient time to do it — so you hold it in.
You might be at a bar talking to the right girl, but it's an early and precarious situation, so you can't risk losing her attention or allowing another guy an opening by walking off to the bathroom. Or you're at a close ballgame, the clock is winding down, and you'll be outraged at yourself if you walk away now and miss some spectacular play.
In most instances, holding it in won't do you any harm. Yet, if you do it frequently, you can indeed develop some health problems. For example, although the risk is low, holding it in can present a danger that you could develop a urinary tract infection (UTI), although men are less likely than women to develop one thanks to physiology (namely, a longer urethra). However, among the consequences of having a UTI is a rectal exam — reason enough to not make it a habit.
To that end, we present 4 steps to hold it in.
step 1
The first step to hold it in is to relax. Don't get yourself overly concerned about your bladder bursting or about developing additional potential health problems by holding it in at this moment.
Many stories about exploding bladders are myths, and worrying about them will only exacerbate the urgency. Among the most well-known examples is 16th-century astronomer Tycho Brahe, who is alleged to have died from a bladder bursting after holding it in for too long. Despite being disproved again and again, this myth persists. Brahe died over 400 years ago; no one in their right mind could possibly accept the contemporary account of his death, considering that medical knowledge in his era was as blind and stupid as it was.
With the exception of sustaining some serious physical trauma, you'll piss your pants long before your bladder bursts, so relax if you want to hold it in.
step 2
Stop drinking
As obvious as this may seem, it's important to keep in mind, especially if you've been drinking alcohol. As Cecil Adams of The Straight Dope made clear, alcohol not only kick-starts the urine production process as a diuretic, but it also contains an anesthetic so you don't know exactly how full your bladder is or how badly you need to go until you really, really need to go.
Bladder capacity varies widely from guy to guy, with the top end being something close to a quart — which in beer terms translates to two pints. However, you'll likely get the urge to go well before that. The bladder is made to expand — just don't keep drinking and ask too much of your organ.
Hold on just a bit longer, there are a few more steps to follow when you are trying to hold it in...
step 3
Eliminate additional bladder pressure
On its own, the pressure is bad enough; don't make it worse by the way you are sitting or standing. The male bladder is roughly located behind the pubic bone, so leaning forward while sitting will put added pressure on it. Crossing your legs seems like an old stand-by but, physiologically speaking, this too is a bad move because of the added pressure you put on your bladder. Leaning back won't do you any favors either.
If you're sitting, your best bet is to sit up straight like you would if you had good posture. The same goes for standing. In short, show as much discipline as you can and keep your torso in a strictly vertical position with regard to the ground if you want to hold it in.
step 4
Distract yourself
When push comes to shove and things get desperate, the physical aspect of a full and angry bladder can be bad, but the psychological aspect can be far worse — brutal, even. If you're in a situation where you have to hold it in, the last and arguably most effective step will be to distract yourself with unrelated thoughts. Don't dream of that satisfying moment standing over the urinal or hidden in the dark confines of an alley; don't focus on the bartender as he or she pulls another pint; block out the sound of the waterfall in the lobby. In short: Get your mind as far away as you can from thoughts of water flowing downward, in any context. It sounds cliché until you're in that position, and then there's nothing cliché about it. Rather, it's nothing short of torture.
No matter where you are, there are other things you can focus on to distract your mind. Use those, and hold out a little longer — long enough for you to finally get the chance to let it out.

\https://www.askmen.com/money/body_and_m ... it-in.html
It happens to all of us at one time or another: You have to take a piss, and it's just not a convenient time to do it — so you hold it in.
You might be at a bar talking to the right girl, but it's an early and precarious situation, so you can't risk losing her attention or allowing another guy an opening by walking off to the bathroom. Or you're at a close ballgame, the clock is winding down, and you'll be outraged at yourself if you walk away now and miss some spectacular play.
In most instances, holding it in won't do you any harm. Yet, if you do it frequently, you can indeed develop some health problems. For example, although the risk is low, holding it in can present a danger that you could develop a urinary tract infection (UTI), although men are less likely than women to develop one thanks to physiology (namely, a longer urethra). However, among the consequences of having a UTI is a rectal exam — reason enough to not make it a habit.
To that end, we present 4 steps to hold it in.
step 1
The first step to hold it in is to relax. Don't get yourself overly concerned about your bladder bursting or about developing additional potential health problems by holding it in at this moment.
Many stories about exploding bladders are myths, and worrying about them will only exacerbate the urgency. Among the most well-known examples is 16th-century astronomer Tycho Brahe, who is alleged to have died from a bladder bursting after holding it in for too long. Despite being disproved again and again, this myth persists. Brahe died over 400 years ago; no one in their right mind could possibly accept the contemporary account of his death, considering that medical knowledge in his era was as blind and stupid as it was.
With the exception of sustaining some serious physical trauma, you'll piss your pants long before your bladder bursts, so relax if you want to hold it in.
step 2
Stop drinking
As obvious as this may seem, it's important to keep in mind, especially if you've been drinking alcohol. As Cecil Adams of The Straight Dope made clear, alcohol not only kick-starts the urine production process as a diuretic, but it also contains an anesthetic so you don't know exactly how full your bladder is or how badly you need to go until you really, really need to go.
Bladder capacity varies widely from guy to guy, with the top end being something close to a quart — which in beer terms translates to two pints. However, you'll likely get the urge to go well before that. The bladder is made to expand — just don't keep drinking and ask too much of your organ.
Hold on just a bit longer, there are a few more steps to follow when you are trying to hold it in...
step 3
Eliminate additional bladder pressure
On its own, the pressure is bad enough; don't make it worse by the way you are sitting or standing. The male bladder is roughly located behind the pubic bone, so leaning forward while sitting will put added pressure on it. Crossing your legs seems like an old stand-by but, physiologically speaking, this too is a bad move because of the added pressure you put on your bladder. Leaning back won't do you any favors either.
If you're sitting, your best bet is to sit up straight like you would if you had good posture. The same goes for standing. In short, show as much discipline as you can and keep your torso in a strictly vertical position with regard to the ground if you want to hold it in.
step 4
Distract yourself
When push comes to shove and things get desperate, the physical aspect of a full and angry bladder can be bad, but the psychological aspect can be far worse — brutal, even. If you're in a situation where you have to hold it in, the last and arguably most effective step will be to distract yourself with unrelated thoughts. Don't dream of that satisfying moment standing over the urinal or hidden in the dark confines of an alley; don't focus on the bartender as he or she pulls another pint; block out the sound of the waterfall in the lobby. In short: Get your mind as far away as you can from thoughts of water flowing downward, in any context. It sounds cliché until you're in that position, and then there's nothing cliché about it. Rather, it's nothing short of torture.
No matter where you are, there are other things you can focus on to distract your mind. Use those, and hold out a little longer — long enough for you to finally get the chance to let it out.
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Re: Tips for holding it
*** Reply is under step one of the quoted post.Fred wrote: ↑22 Jan 2022, 19:49 I've seen suggestions that would be painful or potentially damaging which I will not relate here, but most forms of pressure or manipulation should be harmless and might buy you a little time.
\https://www.askmen.com/money/body_and_m ... it-in.html
In most instances, holding it in won't do you any harm. Yet, if you do it frequently, you can indeed develop some health problems. For example, although the risk is low, holding it in can present a danger that you could develop a urinary tract infection (UTI), although men are less likely than women to develop one thanks to physiology (namely, a longer urethra). However, among the consequences of having a UTI is a rectal exam — reason enough to not make it a habit.
To that end, we present 4 steps to hold it in.
step 1
The first step to hold it in is to relax. Don't get yourself overly concerned about your bladder bursting or about developing additional potential health problems by holding it in at this moment.
With the exception of sustaining some serious physical trauma, you'll piss your pants long before your bladder bursts, so relax if you want to hold it in.
*** This is what I have read from the web sites from the best known Medical Centers. In a guy who has good urinary health, the bladder won't burst, instead the urine will back up in the ureters and kidneys. The automatic brain center will get the message that urine is backing up into the kidneys. The automatic brain center (That controls heart rate, etc will send a message to the bladder muscles that casues them to be temporary paralyzed. The bladder will then release every drop in the bladder.
Once this message to empty the bladder has been sent, there is no way for a guy to over ride this. The only way to stop this would be to have a 100 % blockage in the uretha due to a physical blockage such as the severely swollen prostate to press down so hard that the urine cannot get past it. This very very rare.
step 2
Stop drinking
As obvious as this may seem, it's important to keep in mind, especially if you've been drinking alcohol. As Cecil Adams of The Straight Dope made clear, alcohol not only kick-starts the urine production process as a diuretic, but it also contains an anesthetic so you don't know exactly how full your bladder is or how badly you need to go until you really, really need to go.
Bladder capacity varies widely from guy to guy, with the top end being something close to a quart — which in beer terms translates to two pints. However, you'll likely get the urge to go well before that. The bladder is made to expand — just don't keep drinking and ask too much of your organ.
Hold on just a bit longer, there are a few more steps to follow when you are trying to hold it in...
step 3
Eliminate additional bladder pressure
On its own, the pressure is bad enough; don't make it worse by the way you are sitting or standing. The male bladder is roughly located behind the pubic bone, so leaning forward while sitting will put added pressure on it. Crossing your legs seems like an old stand-by but, physiologically speaking, this too is a bad move because of the added pressure you put on your bladder. Leaning back won't do you any favors either.
If you're sitting, your best bet is to sit up straight like you would if you had good posture. The same goes for standing. In short, show as much discipline as you can and keep your torso in a strictly vertical position with regard to the ground if you want to hold it in.
step 4
Distract yourself
When push comes to shove and things get desperate, the physical aspect of a full and angry bladder can be bad, but the psychological aspect can be far worse — brutal, even. If you're in a situation where you have to hold it in, the last and arguably most effective step will be to distract yourself with unrelated thoughts. Don't dream of that satisfying moment standing over the urinal or hidden in the dark confines of an alley; don't focus on the bartender as he or she pulls another pint; block out the sound of the waterfall in the lobby. In short: Get your mind as far away as you can from thoughts of water flowing downward, in any context. It sounds cliché until you're in that position, and then there's nothing cliché about it. Rather, it's nothing short of torture.
No matter where you are, there are other things you can focus on to distract your mind. Use those, and hold out a little longer — long enough for you to finally get the chance to let it out.
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Re: Tips for holding it
There apparently are men who can override the signal for the bladder to empty, holding until there is serious pain, and the pain causes them to let go. I consider pain (not just severe discomfort) to be a danger signal.
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Re: Tips for holding it
You are correct. Most men lose control of their bladders at some level of pain. Some being able to deal with the pain better than others. Some men do lose control of the bladders not from pain or muscle fatigue.
The websites that I visited all say that there does come a point when the bladder muscles no longer can hold the urine in. Explanation below.
Severe pain is the last symptom before the brain paralyzes the bladder resulting in total loss of control. When the urine is backing up into the kidneys and the person still has control of his bladder, the auto center will step in and cause a total loss of control. Otherwise, some men could die from the urine totally destroying the kidneys if the man's bladder muscles are strong enough keep holding the urine in.
This brain auto control does not step in until the the bladder is overflowing with urine. Most people piss their pants because the bladder muscles holding in the urine no longer can hold the piss in their bladders, and the pain is overwhelming, not because the brain center paralyzes the bladder muscles.
When men start leaking, this is from muscle control exhaustion. If the man does not go to the toilet, the muscles will continue weakening and the man will piss his pants.
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Re: Tips for holding it
I remember once I was very desperate, I held it in as long as I could grabbing my crotch. Then I just felt this uncontrollable feeling of peeing