Wet Walk Home (by "Almost made it")

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Wet Walk Home (by "Almost made it")

Post by googlism2008 »

This is one of my favourite kind of story: a desperate guy unable to get it out in time.



Wet Walk Home
By "Almost made it"

A few weekends ago, I enjoyed a night out with the boys. We started pregaming at my friends apartment around 7 and then hit up the bars a couple hours later. Since I also lived nearby, my plan was to just walk home from the bars. Well, the beers were going down real smooth and at the bar I decided to have a little fun and see how long I could hold it.

At the time of starting my hold, I had only urinated twice that night. Once at my buddies apartment (8ish) and the other time shortly after we got to the bar (10ish). I was doing pretty good holding for an hour or so and then started to feel the beers pretty quickly. After a while, I was getting fidgety and could feel my bladder expanding. At one point I was playing pool which helped quite a bit as I could keep shifting and moving to relieve pressure off my bladder. Near the end of the night though I was getting pretty desperate. We were done playing pool and I was actively pinching my dick and shifting my weight every chance I thought noone was looking.

One more beer and I’ll head to the pisser before walking home I remember telling myself. It was probably around 1:00 and the bar closed at 2:00 so I figured I could make it til 1:30am at least. I was way wrong. Like 10 minutes later I was at a fire alarm level. I gave my goodbyes to my group that was left and slammed the rest of my beer quickly. At this point I was feeling real loose and frisky, and a bad idea popped into my head. I figured I’d skip the bathroom at the bar and see how far I could walk home before pissing in a bush or something.

My house was about a mile from the bar so I had about a half hour walk. Maybe 5-10 minutes in and I was fully holding my crotch and waddling. My bladder was in pure agony. I needed to find a bush or tree now. There was a tree across the street that was dark around it and I decided that was my best bet. Right as I was crossing the street I gave up a long 2 second straight spurt of piss. It took everything I had to stop it. I looked down and had a silver dollar wet spot on my jeans. I got closer to the tree for final relief and of course the house had a motion sensor light that came on as I approached the yard. Fuck me lol. Another spurt escaped and I was shaking I had to piss so bad.

At this point I decided I didn’t care who could see as I frantically tried to undo my belt. I think I might have blacked out a minute but I just remember trying to yank my belt but it was too late. A hard jet of piss released and that was all I could handle. I hunched over, stopped messing with my belt and just let it happen. I had to go so bad it started as a slow trickle before flowing into a full blown stream down my pants legs. I just kept pissing and pissing. I must have peed in my jeans for 2 minutes straight but finally after I emptied enough of my bladder I stood there on the sidewalk exhausted, mortified, embarrassed, and super horny all at once. My boxers were complete soaked. My socks were wet and I had piss in my shoes from it going down my leg. The walk home was uncomfortable to say the least but I was drunk enough I didn’t care. I did come across one person who definitely noticed while walking home wet lol.
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Re: Wet Walk Home (by "Almost made it")

Post by Fred »

I, too, like this type of story! There was no coercion; the fellow had made the choice to hold it until he got home, and though he didn't quite make it, it wasn't a public embarrassment. Someone may have noticed, but not likely someone he would have to face in the morning. In years past I've done the "hold it until I get home" thing, though I've watered the roadside shrubbery rather than my pants.
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Re: Wet Walk Home (by "Almost made it")

Post by googlism2008 »

The exceptionally fun thing is, when he realized that he could not make it safely home, he originally intended to water the plants. But then he simply could not extract it out in time, meaning that he was not able to execute his Plan B either.
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