Car chase

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Car chase

Post by Brian »

"Nice bit of parking, mate!"

Kevin Millar opened his eyes, which he had been holding shut for almost thirty seconds while his bladder had been emptying itself explosively, and looked to his right to identify the source of the remark and to verify that it was addressed to him. A man with short blond hair and equally blond stubble on his chin, maybe slightly older than his own twenty-nine years, was peeing into the next-but-one urinal to Kevin's and looking across at him, a grin on his face. The two of them were the only occupants of the men's toilet block, situated behind a shop at these roadside facilities.

"Oh... er, yeah..." muttered Kevin sheepishly. He realised that this was the same man whom he had swerved to avoid as he had braked hard to a stop right outside these same toilets, one wheel mounted onto the raised pavement.

"You know there's a car park outside, don't you? You know, with marked spaces where we're supposed to leave our cars and then walk here?"

"I know," said Kevin. "But it was an emergency. I've been desperate to pee for half an hour."

The man laughed and nodded. "I thought so. I saw you jumping out of your car and rushing in here. I thought: that's one bursting guy. I know how that is. Been there, done that. There aren't enough services on this road, are there? Did you get caught in heavy traffic?" He was already finishing up and wandering over to a wash basin behind Kevin.

Kevin sighed as his pee stream started to dwindle and the tension washed out of his body. "No but I had to do a long detour to drop my brother off at his home first."

"Wouldn't your brother let you in to use his toilet when you dropped him off?"

"I didn't ask him," replied Kevin shortly. He was beginning to find the man's questioning a touch over-intrusive and it reminded him of his old college friend Michael who had a fascination with other guys getting desperate to pee, would typically want to know details of any incidents when this had occurred, and had even on a number of occasions through the years engineered such incidents by devious trickery and had caused other guys in their group of friends, or even strangers once or twice, to have accidents and wet themselves.

The man with the blond stubble had still not lost interest in Kevin and had one final question. "Did you make it with dry pants?"

"Of course I did!" lied Kevin indignantly as he shook the remaining drops of urine out, stuffed himself back into his blue Calvin Klein briefs which were uncomfortably wet all over the front, and zipped up the denim jeans which Kevin hoped were thick enough to hide the fact that in his extreme urgency he had squirted a few times while he had been getting out of the car.

"Sorry, didn't mean to pry," said the man as he washed his hands. He evidently sensed Kevin's self-conscious indignation and was changing the subject and attempting genuine friendliness. "I'm Aaron by the way. What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you Kevin. What were you and your brother doing today, then?"

Kevin engaged in the small talk but waited until he was sure that Aaron was not looking in his direction before moving away from the urinal. A glance downwards at himself after zipping up revealed that his jeans were not hiding his leakage. Kevin had no wish to invite more comment on the subject, sensing that this man seemed just as interested in pee desperation and wet pants accidents as his friend Michael was. He kept himself busy at the basin, responding neutrally to Aaron's conversational questioning about the family get-together which Kevin had just attended, and keeping the slightly stained crotch of his jeans firmly out of sight against the washroom fittings until Aaron finally left.

A couple of minutes later Kevin was wandering back out of the toilet block, his wet briefs clinging uncomfortably to his groin but his body nonetheless tingling with relief after his severely belated piss, to reunite with his sloppily and illegally parked car ready to complete his journey home from his family get-together. Aaron had treated Kevin to a parting shot of "Take care then, Kevin. Stay dry, mate!", but he had by now headed off towards his own vehicle and Kevin's attention was instead drawn towards someone else, a younger man in his mid-twenties, wearing a pair of faded jeans and a thin white teeshirt which looked inadequate for the somewhat chilly temperature. The guy was standing a little way off at the side of the acceleration lane which led onto the motorway, facing away from Kevin and towards the open road ahead in a posture which suggested anguish, his hands clutching the sides of his head as he stared towards the roaring traffic ahead of him.

Kevin paused by the driver's door of his car and continued to watch as the guy slowly lowered his hands from his head and turned back round to face in Kevin's direction. The pair locked eyes for a moment despite the distance between them. Then the stranger seemed to make a sudden decision and started sprinting straight towards Kevin as he stood there, one hand in his coat pocket ready to extract his car key, watching him.

"Can you chase after that woman in the small red car?" was the stranger's breathless opening line. "It's a small Fiat or Renault or something like that, and it's a sort of metallic red colour!"

"What?" replied Kevin, bemused. His initial slight anxiety at being approached in such a fashion by someone he didn't know was quickly tempered and replaced by concern as he saw that the lad was looking very upset.

"Quick, please!" continued the man. "She's got my jacket, my body-warmer. My wallet's in the pocket. Oh no..."

"Call the police," said Kevin at once.

"I can't, my phone's in my jacket too!"

"I'll call them," said Kevin reaching into his coat pocket for his telephone.

"Oh, no, please, just chase her," said the man. "She doesn't drive fast. You'll catch her up easily. And she's only just gone!"

Kevin could see that the guy was almost in tears and shivering slightly in the cold. Ignoring a slight thud on the ground by his feet as he fished his key smartly out of the inside pocket of his coat, Kevin's natural instinct to help a stranger in need kicked in. "Okay, get in before you freeze out here!" he said, unlocking his car with a flip of the key and nodding towards the passenger door.

With Kevin watching him the young man looked momentarily at the men's toilet block out of which Kevin had recently emerged, hesitated for a split second with one hand making a brief motion to touch the crotch of his faded blue jeans, then ran round the front of the car to open the passenger door and get in.

"Now, calm down and tell me what's happened," said Kevin as he took his place in the driver's seat next to the panicking stranger. "Your jacket has been stolen with your wallet and phone, right?"

"No, I don't think she's stolen it. She doesn't know she's got it. I left it on the back seat of her car. Please chase her, quick!"

Kevin started the engine and put the car into gear. "Who is she?"

"I don't know her but she said her name's Linda. She was giving me a lift. I'm hitch-hiking to Easton to see someone. Oh... oh..."

The last groans were accompanied by another look sideways at the door to the public toilets, but he then abandoned this sidetracking and stared ahead at the road as Kevin jerked the car forward and set off into the acceleration lane.

Kevin was aware of a car behind him hooting several times but he ignored it, thinking that it was completely unnecessary. Okay, in his haste he had not signalled before pulling out, but the car had not been driving past him at the time and the driver was probably just taking out some frustration.

"Well, this is all very unexpected," remarked Kevin. "It's not every day I'm asked to 'follow that car' like in the movies. I'm Kevin by the way. What's your name?"


"Why has this Linda driven off without you, Jason?" asked Kevin.

"She got angry with me. Oh please hurry, catch her up!" He was perched forward almost on the edge of his seat, scanning the cars ahead as Kevin merged into the motorway traffic, and his whole body seemed to be trembling with the stress.

"Could you put your seatbelt on, please," said Kevin as he moved the car out to overtake the other traffic. "If I'm about to get done for speeding, let's at least not let them add the charge of you not wearing a seatbelt as well."

Jason obediently made a few perfunctory attempts to grab at the intertia-reel seatbelt behind him, but he was evidently so agitated that he was unable to pull it without the jamming mechanism kicking in. He quickly gave up and reverted to his previous hyper-agitated and slightly trembling posture, his body seated forward on his seat and his legs knocking back and forth against each other. At least this meant that Jason, in his preoccupied and tense state, was unlikely to notice the visibly wet crotch of Kevin's jeans.

Kevin decided not to press the point about the seatbelt and instead to try to calm the young man down. "Alright, don't worry Jason," he said. "If she's driving slowly like you said, we'll soon catch her up. Small metallic red car, right?"


"And you say you're hitch-hiking to see someone in Easton? I pass by there. I can drop you off once we've got your things back off that woman."

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

"Is it a friend of yours you're seeing?"

"I don't know her. A date," replied Jason shortly. He was still very upset and clearly unable to relax, so Kevin continued his attempts at friendliness.

"Oh, a date? What, a blind date, you mean?"

"A girl on Tinder."

Kevin laughed. "Oh, nice! I've picked up a few times using Tinder before as well. Grindr occasionally too in the last couple of years, but that's another story. So you swiped-right on her and she liked you, then?"

Kevin continued to chat affably to Jason while driving speedily and scanning the vehicles they were passing in an effort to locate the elusive Linda in her metallic red car. Jason remained on edge and apparently unable to sit still, but he was the one who suddenly spotted what they were looking for. "That's her!" he exclaimed pointing at a small red Renault Clio in the inside lane some way ahead of them.

Kevin slowed down and manoeuvred the car into the same lane behind the Renault. "Hmm, what do we do now?" he wondered out loud. "I guess I flash my lights and hope she notices?"

"She's turning off. Oh..! Nnng!" Jason, though now focussed on the car in front of them and his imminent reuniting with his missing jacket containing his valuables on the car's back seat, still seemed unable to settle himself, and his leg motions were even more pronounced now than they had been before.

"Yeah, you're right," agreed Kevin, observing the car ahead moving into the deceleration lane to leave the motorway. "Calm down, Jason, and sit still for goodness' sake! You just knocked my gear stick with your leg. Look, we're almost there. I just have to work out how to get her to stop."

With a technique born out of a history of watching action movies, Kevin spotted that the sliproad up which he was following his companion's previous volunteer driver was leading to a roundabout controlled by traffic lights with two approach lanes, and briskly used the outer lane to draw alongside the car he had been pursuing. With both his own vehicle and the red Renault slowing to a stop in front of the red light, Kevin sounded his horn three times to attract the other driver's attention. Jason was unaccountably incapacitated and leaning over forwards in his seat, breathing heavily and audibly but saying nothing, so Kevin continued to take the initiative as soon as he locked eyes with the middle-aged woman driving the Renault. A gesture first at his trembling companion and then towards the rear interior of the woman's car was immediately successful. She clearly recognised Jason at once despite his hunched-over position, then responded to Kevin's indication of the rear of her car by glancing briefly over her shoulder and evidently spotting the black padded jacket clearly visible on her back seat, then made an annoyed and world-weary eye-roll back at Kevin before briefly pointing at the first road off the roundabout. Within a short time the traffic light had turned to green, Kevin had followed the woman's car into the road she had indicated and to a parked position behind her.

Without waiting to see if Jason was finally prepared to spring into action, Kevin immediately switched off his engine, jumped out of his car and moved forward to where the driver in front was gathering up Jason's body-warmer. She proceeded to stuff the jacket through her open window into Kevin's arms.

"You're Linda, I understand?" said Kevin. "Why have you just driven off leaving this poor guy stranded without his jacket and valuables?"

"Why didn't he take his jacket with him?" retorted Linda. "I didn't know it was still in the car."

"Oh well, at least we caught up with you," replied Kevin. "I guess I'm taking over giving him a lift now?"

"You've got that right. I don't know why I picked him up in the first place, but then when he started yammering at me about needing the toilet and not being able to wait when it hadn't even been half an hour since he got in my car, I decided that if he couldn't wait to pee then I wasn't waiting for him either." With that Linda wound her window back up, engaged first gear and sped away.

Kevin opened the passenger door of his car and thrust the body-warmer at the still seated and speechless Jason. "Quick, check your wallet and everything is still there," he urged. "If anything's fallen out in her car we'll have to chase her again."

He made to move round to his own door but then froze suddenly as what he had just said caused him to feel the inside pocket of his own outdoor coat and his fingers closed on emptiness instead of his chunky wallet which he usually kept there, his cash, bank cards and personal items all normally ensconced in this one place. Kevin felt the blood drain away from his face as he felt in both side pockets of the coat, then touched the pockets of his jeans, and finally looked down on the ground, none of these actions revealing the whereabouts of his wallet. Standing motionless and frowning in urgent concentration, Kevin's mind went back to the moment at the service area when he had ignored a thud on the ground after grabbing his car key from his pocket, letting Jason into his car, and setting off to chase the elusive red Renault with Jason's wallet in his jacket on its back seat. In retrieving Jason's valuables for him, Kevin had lost his own! Still refusing to believe it, Kevin touched his jeans again to verify that the pockets were empty and, perversely, this caused him to feel the uncomfortable clammy wetness around his privates and recall that he had pissed himself in his urgency on arriving at the service station. And now he had lost his wallet while trying to help a stranger get his wallet back. Kevin's world fell away from him as he shut his eyes in anguish.

"Bloody hell, do you always drive as fast as that?"

The voice from just behind him pierced through Kevin's numb horror. He turned round to see a familiar male face with blond stubble on the chin.

"I couldn't keep up with you just now. Didn't you hear me hooting at you when you drove off?" added Aaron. He was proferring a familiar black wallet.

Kevin drew in a long breath, muttered "Oh..." and took his wallet from the young man.

"I saw you drop it on the ground before driving off, Kevin. I tried to attract your attention but you just drove away. And then you drove like a maniac and I couldn't keep up with you. It's a miracle I spotted you leaving the motorway in the distance, otherwise I'd have missed you."

"Oh... Oh, thank you so much!" Kevin quickly verified that everything was still present in the wallet then looked back at the man. "Aaron, isn't it? Oh Aaron, thank you. I've only just realised it was gone!" And in a flood of emotion he threw his arms round Aaron's shoulders and hugged him.

Aaron laughed, gave Kevin a quick hug in return as soon as Kevin had released him, and then looked Kevin up and down.

Kevin flushed slightly with momentary embarrassment at his own slightly over-enthusiastic display of gratitude and then self-consciously looked down at the place where Aaron was looking. His jeans, he noticed for the first time, were sporting a very obvious wet patch on the crotch. The way Aaron was looking at Kevin reminded him now of his old friend Michael who was blatantly and, sometimes, embarrassingly open about his fascination with other guys getting desperate to pee and accidentally leaking in their pants, even to the extent of encouraging this to happen by being deliberately obstructive when male companions expressed the need to pee. Kevin had on occasion been on the receiving end of Michael's manipulative behaviour himself as well as seeing Michael abusing other guys when they needed a piss, and Kevin had always been clear that he disapproved. But something about Aaron's apparent interest in the spectacle of Kevin's damp crotch now gave Kevin a different feeling, one which stirred longings in him.

Kevin shrugged his shoulders and grinned at Aaron. "I guess I wasn't being entirely truthful with you in the toilets. I didn't quite make it with dry pants."

Aaron laughed again then jerked his head towards the other person in their vicinity, the guy who was still sitting in Kevin's car, now with the door hanging open and the jacket with which he had been reunited draped over his lap. "Didn't you say you dropped your brother off earlier?"

"Oh, that isn't my brother. It's Jason. I don't know him. It's a long story." Kevin wandered over to the open door and addressed him. "Is everything there, mate? Your wallet and everything?"

Jason looked at him with a weird expression which Kevin could not fathom for a moment. After a fairly lengthy pause Jason finally nodded. "Yes," he replied simply.

"Well you don't seem very relieved. What's the matter? Aren't you getting out of the car to meet this brilliant guy who's just returned my wallet which I dropped back at the service station when I was trying to help you?"

Aaron wandered over to Kevin's car too and regarded the two guys inquisitively.

Jason, having no reasonable way of keeping what had just happened to him secret any longer, looked Kevin in the eye. "Kevin, I'm so sorry. I ... um ... I've wet myself in your car," he stammered. Then he added: "I just couldn't hold it in any longer when we were coming off the motorway. It's all come out. I couldn't stop it. It's all over your seat. I'm sorry." His voice trailed off to a whisper with his final two words.

There was a silence for a few seconds. Then Aaron moved up behind the seated Jason and gently picked up the body-warmer from Jason's lap, moving it aside so that Jason's lower half was in full view. The thin white teeshirt barely came down to Jason's waistline and could not conceal the soaking jeans which were a faded light blue colour on the lower legs but now darker in most visible places above Jason's knees. This had clearly been a massive piss, a complete emptying of his bladder which had drenched his boxer briefs and jeans and had soaked into the car seat.

Kevin and Aaron were still silent as they regarded the soaking wet Jason impassively.

Jason broke the silence again, looking pathetically at Kevin. "Please don't be mad at me. I'll give you some money to get your seat cleaned." And with that he looked back down at his drenched lap and started to cry.

"You don't need to do that," said Kevin hastily. "It's okay. It's alright." His practical instincts kicked in and he continued. "Look, Jason, you're obviously not going to meet your date like that, are you? Come home with me. I'll put your clothes through the wash. We can have your jeans and underpants washed and dried in a couple of hours."

Jason stopped sobbing and nodded.

"Your phone's in your jacket, right? Text your date now, tell her you've been delayed."

"Right. That's good of you. Thanks." Jason brushed a tear away from his eye and reached into the body-warmer which Aaron had moved off his lap revealing the gigantic mishap.

Kevin left Jason to contact his Tinder date and turned towards the other guy who was still staring at Jason's soaking jeans. "Aaron, are you doing anything tonight?"

Aaron turned to Kevin, glanced briefly at the wet area on Kevin's crotch which was a lot smaller than Jason's wet area but just as prominent, and smiled up at the guy he had first encountered back at the service station toilets. "No, I was on my way home. I don't have any plans," he replied.

"You want to come back with us to my place to help Jason get his jeans washed? I live just forty minutes down the road." said Kevin.

Aaron grinned broadly. "I'd like that," he replied.

"Follow me in your car then," said Kevin, heading for his driver's seat.
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Re: Car chase

Post by Wombat48 »

Absolutely brilliant! I love it 😀
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Re: Car chase

Post by bodgyuk »

Nice, I can visualise this taking place on the M1 or M6 oop north.
Can't stay away...
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Re: Car chase

Post by Lee »

What a wonderful account and such a brilliant and believable scenario.

And what an intriguing character Aaron is!

I often ask myself which scenario appeals to me most - a lad frantically and desperately announcing how badly he needs to go, or one who suffers in silence before embarrassing himself. I’ve never been able to decide and I reckon both are as exciting as each other. But whichever one occurs, an accident like Jason had … namely a major and uncontrollable torrential release into his pants and jeans is the stuff dreams are made of.

Fantastic story.
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Re: Car chase

Post by Fred »

I love it! Clearly, I don't stop at the right highway rest areas. ;-) This could be the first episode in a budding relationship.
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Re: Car chase

Post by Brian »

Thanks for all the comments. I really appreciate the feedback.

Lee, a couple of things you wrote are particularly interesting and make me want to respond.
Lee wrote: 15 Sep 2023, 15:18 What a wonderful account and such a brilliant and believable scenario.

And what an intriguing character Aaron is!

I often ask myself which scenario appeals to me most - a lad frantically and desperately announcing how badly he needs to go, or one who suffers in silence before embarrassing himself. I’ve never been able to decide and I reckon both are as exciting as each other. But whichever one occurs, an accident like Jason had … namely a major and uncontrollable torrential release into his pants and jeans is the stuff dreams are made of.

Fantastic story.
I envisaged Aaron as a more acceptable form of Michael who is mentioned several times in this new story and is so extreme in what he does that all stories involving him are firmly in Stronger Interests here. Aaron, too, makes it a bit obvious that he's interested in male pee desperation and wetting, but he doesn't cross the line. Michael got a serious come-uppance for his appalling behaviour in my final story involving him, "Reunion", and I don't think I'll write anything about him again. But Aaron is someone I might well write more about. And I think he might bring Kevin out of his shell.

And about the two situations: being vocal about your desperation, or suffering in silence, oh yes, very interesting! I think Jason did both on this day. He caused his first lift, Linda, to complain about him "yammering" at her about his desperation (and to drive off without him), and by the time Kevin stepped in to help poor desperate Jason was completely cowed into silence about it.
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Re: Car chase

Post by twj731 »

Great story!
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