Good Sighting yesterday

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Good Sighting yesterday

Post by Wombat48 »

I was at my local supermarket which I had popped into mainly because I was bursting for a wee, heading towards the toilets I saw one of the car wash guys from the car park, young cute and wearing overalls and wellies!! šŸ˜šŸ˜

He was literally walking as fast as he could without running

Fortunately there were only 2 urinals which afforded me an excellent view- he pissed for a minute and a half!!!!

He was clearly absolutely busting!! It was a bitterly cold day, can't imagine how hard washing cars in the cold with a full bladder must be!!!
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Re: Good Sighting yesterday

Post by Brian »

It's difficult to run in wellies, anyway. And overalls are not ideal attire in such an emergency, at least not the ones I'm familiar with! Did you notice if he had any difficulties getting the overalls down?
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Re: Good Sighting yesterday

Post by Wombat48 »

They had a fly!! šŸ˜
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Re: Good Sighting yesterday

Post by Fred »

Young men who need some quick cash take jobs like that. One big box store that I know of has a kiosk at the edge of the parking lot with one attendant to pump gas. I stopped there just once, and as the fellow was filling my tank I engaged him in conversation, eventually getting around to asking him what he did if he had to pee. He glanced at the big coffee container on the counter and said, "You don't want to know."
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Re: Good Sighting yesterday

Post by Def123 »

Reminds me of a friend who was working on a trade stall last year, I was visiting the event as a punter and weā€™d arranged to meet at his stand in the afternoon when he finished working to go for a coffee.

I turned up at the agreed time but his boss hadnā€™t surfaced to take over so we had to wait a few minutes until he turned up. I spotted straight away that he clearly needed a piss, jiggling slightly from leg to leg and just generally a little bit more uncomfortable than normal.

His boss arrived and he grabbed his bag, I suggested he go and grab a coffee and have a wander round, he agreed but said yeah but letā€™s go out of the back door. (It was in a big marquee). We went out of the flap at the back of the tent into a service area with bins etc and he immediately started wobbling off walking as quickly as he could towards the hedges and a skip and came out with ā€œI have to piss right now! Watch my backā€. He went behind one of the big skips and immediately pulled his dick out and started pissing a huge stream into the hedges. I asked him, ā€œneeded that did youā€ and he replied agreed and then said, ā€œIā€™ve had four coffeeā€™s and Iā€™ve not had a piss since 7 oā€™clock this morning and that was in a paper coffee cup before the show opened. I threw the cup in the bin and that was a big mistake! I could have filled it up 3/4 times this morningā€

He pissed for a good two minutes, gave it a big shake and we went off for lunch. Straight after lunch he had to visit the gents again, definitely too much coffee that morning!
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Re: Good Sighting yesterday

Post by Brian »

@Def123 I like the detail about your friend saying "let's go out of the back door" without immediately telling you why. Suggests to me that he was a bit embarrassed about the situation (understandably). Could it also be possible that he exaggerated the length of time since he'd pissed ("not had a piss since 7 o'clock this morning") because he was trying to make an excuse for having to pee in the hedge and was embarrassed about how much he kept having to pee? The fact that he went again straight after lunch suggests to me that he was having to gp a lot, anyway. Then again, maybe he just had huge capacity? And maybe when he went in the hedge he "broke the seal"? Hope you don't mind all this speculating... i liked your account, that's why.
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Re: Good Sighting yesterday

Post by Def123 »

Oh speculate away :D

I put the second piss down to breaking the seal. He does have a very big capacity, heā€™s usually one of the last to need to go when weā€™re out for drinks/a run etc, but there have been a couple of occasions when heā€™s ā€˜really had to go nowā€™. I couldnā€™t tell if he was embarrassed, heā€™s generally not shy about peeing in public but was a little on this occasion, probably just goes to show how desperate he was that time.
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Re: Good Sighting yesterday

Post by Adrian6970 »

If he was working outside in the cold washing cars it's no wonder he was desperate. I know the effect cold weather has on me and working with cold water would only exacerbate that.
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Re: Good Sighting yesterday

Post by Wombat48 »

I know he either has a huge bladder or had been holding a long time?
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Re: Good Sighting yesterday

Post by Def123 »

I had lunch in the car while parked up at a supermarket earlier this week, itā€™s got one of those hand car wash places and I was parked sort of next to that but at the side/back not the front.

They seemed to be having a quiet period for some reason, only one car being washed so several of the staff were sat around smoking etc. Then one of them casually walked round the side of their office/store room and took a piss through the fence onto some waste ground next to the car wash! He seemed to piss for quite a while and then headed off back to the front to wait for more customers!

I guess they couldnā€™t be bothered to walk all the way into the supermarket and use the facilities in there, but saw an opportunity to take a quick piss during a quiet spell. Iā€™ll have to go there for lunch again!!
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