Caleb Garth's long day (For all of us to add to)

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Caleb Garth's long day (For all of us to add to)

Post by greatwater »

Irene Garth, Caleb's beautiful wife, flew to France to stay with her aunts for months because they needed her to stay close to them, their beloved niece, as the eldest aunt's health was failing. Caleb got the whole house for himself. They kept contacting each other lovingly every day, as married couples always do, but with him alone in the house, he secretly enjoys his sole possession of the house. His wife, Irene Garth, had a chronic intestinal problem, and she occupied the toilet for such a long time. He had learnt to hold it at home, and developed such a large bladder. This time the toilet was empty, yet, he found himself a bit like Pavlov's dog. He decided still not to use the toilet when the need starts to hit him. He secretly enjoyed himself being on the verge of wetting his pants. He loved the sheer joy of releasing his golden torrents into the toilet, or the urinal, after he had been holding for ages.

As he is also known as "the kindest boss in the universe", he almost always let his employees use the toilet before him, despite his severe desperation. Well, he knew that doing that caused some accident, but it didn't happen that frequently. Whenever he brought his employee home to have some drinks and relaxing talks in order to break the ice, he had never burst their bladder and let them use the toilet before him. He could remember the day Jason, his driver, decided to take him home first because Jason knew well that his boss was desperate to release all the coffee he drank in such a long meeting, Caleb also knew that Jason wouldn't be able to hold on that long because of the tea he drank. When Jason parked the car, Caleb opened the door, with his legs crossed and wet spot on his crotch, to let Jason in. Jason rushed in the toilet and unzipped to release his steamy waterfall. Jason was young, and Caleb could hear that forceful and copious piss thundering in his small toilet. Caleb was happy to help his employee, despite his severe desperation worsened by the sound of furious urination and ecstatic moan in relief. When the door opened, Caleb almost lost it. He rushed to the toilet and unzipped to unleash all the flood he had been holding for the whole afternoon. Caleb sighs pleasurably as his acidic urine runs into his toilet, splattering all around. He secretly loved doing this.

Today was going to be a long day. He woke up with a very full bladder and released all his pent-up urine into the toilet bowl as his routine went. When he finished getting dressed, he reread his memo and waited for Jason to pick him up. He had a meeting from nine to twelve, then a short lunch break, then he would meet his customers at one in the afternoon. Another meeting from two to five. Yet he needed to make sure about his company's plans to organise a beer festival so he decided to have a more casual business meeting with Rick Lands, his younger colleague, and many other men he was familiar with at a pub not far from home.

He made himself a large cup of coffee and some milk, along with some toasts. When he finished eating, Jason arrived and asked what his boss always allowed him: to use the toilet. Jason's splashing urination sounded like a herald for every workday of his. He made Jason a cup of tea and then they headed off together to the company. Caleb then called Sam Rogers, his secretary, to recheck about his appointments.

"A board meeting from nine to twelve, A meeting with customer at one, a meeting for special product advertisement from two to five, and your business meeting in the evening, sir."

"Thank you, Sam, is there anything else?"

"Oh yes, sir, Mr. Jonathan Rudder would like to take you to lunch, sir"

"Jonathan Rudder, my old friend," Caleb recalled his tall smartly-dressed friend, who had turned into a TV show host now. "OK, thank you, Sam,"

"A moment sir. There was a problem of the plumbing system on the third and fourth floors, sir," Caleb Garth worked on the fourth floor, "I hope we could fix it around lunch time, sir. For now, we have to use either the second or the fifth floor, sir." Caleb recalled the toilet at the fifth floor. It was quite small, indeed.

"Thank you, Sam, where are you now?"

"On the stairs to the fifth floor, sir."
"What a relief! I thought I was gonna wet myself at the interview!"
"Damn the traffic! Been holding for about three hours!"
"Here we go! Ahhhhhhh Amazing piss!"
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Re: Caleb Garth's long day (For all of us to add to)

Post by Brian »

Jason was just steering the car into the premises of Caleb's work place at this point, so Caleb kept his secretary on the line for a moment longer. "Okay Sam, well I'm just arriving on site now and I'll want your help to prepare for the nine o'clock meeting, so when you've done what you need to do on the fifth floor you can join me straight away in my office. See you shortly. Bye."

"Have a good day, sir," said Jason as he pulled the car up at the main entrance.

"Stay with the car, Jason," instructed Caleb as he alighted. "And keep your phone on. It could be busy, depending on the outcome of the meetings. I could need you at any moment during the day if it turns out we need you for an errand."

Caleb dashed up the stairs to the fourth floor, anxious to be ready to get straight on with preparing for the morning's schedule by the time his secretary returned from the makeshift men's room on the fifth floor because he did not want to lose any time. To his surprise, however, Sam was already standing outside his fourth floor office when Caleb arrived.

"You beat me to it!" said Caleb, grinning at his smart young secretary who smiled back at him as he waited for Caleb to unlock his office door. Sam was dressed in his best grey slacks and a neat shirt and tie.

"Yeah, I didn't want to keep you waiting, sir," said Sam.

This was true. Sam never kept his boss waiting. And that was why, on arrival at the small fifth floor toilet a few minutes before, he had turned straight back as soon as he saw the queue of three guys waiting outside, all just as keen as Sam was to relieve themselves before the start of their working day. Joining the queue for relief would have meant delaying his boss who was already on his way into the building.

Caleb opened his office door and strode over to his desk followed by his loyal secretary. "Show me what's on the agenda for the nine o'clock meeting, then," he continued briskly as he sat down.

Sam clenched his full bladder shut and produced a sheaf of papers. The two men pored over them for a while, and the digital clock on the wall gradually moved round to 08:55.

"Right, well I will need you with me for this meeting, I think," said Caleb as he glanced at the clock. "I'm not up to speed with some of this, and you will need to fill me in as necessary during the proceedings. We'd better get downstairs now, or we'll be late."
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Re: Caleb Garth's long day (For all of us to add to)

Post by evergreen »

Sam had a bad feeling about the length of the upcoming meeting, perhaps not simply the length of the meeting but about his ability to hang onto his pee for anything like as long as his boss. Sam loved his job and held his boss in high regard and would go to incredible lengths to ensure he never let him down. If his boss wanted him by his side then that is where he would be.

He had been working for long enough to know that Caleb expected a lot from his workforce but that in return he was a great master. The meeting began promptly and it was clear that it was going to produce results but Sam had an inkling of an idea these results might not come until the afternoon and that by then there was a danger he would have already exploded. He sat himself as comfortably as he was able bearing in mind he was already suffering from his need to go and wee and was wishing he had waited in the queue earlier even though he would have been a little late. He suspected a delay would have been preferable to sitting in wet pants and disgrace. In this firm after all, holding your wee was a cherished ability.

At the table he swiftly got the papers ordered and ready for handing to his boss as needed. He actually got five minutes to explain some details Caleb was not aware of. He also felt wetness in the white cotton of his briefs. He took a deep breath and gathered himself together for a challenge the like of which he had never before experienced. He suspected that with Caleb hanging on was a cause of pride and habit and whatever the pain he was not going to wet his pants today, well not so it showed.

The meeting was bought to order and silence fell amongst what Sam viewed as contestants around the table. Just how many of them were aware of the challenge ahead of them and how many would be leaving the meeting wet and humiliated.
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Re: Caleb Garth's long day (For all of us to add to)

Post by greatwater »

"Please help yourself to some refreshments," Caleb told the board, "the tea's fantastic. Thanks to you, Adrian,"

"From my hometown," Adrian smiled, dusting his dark blue jacket suit and slacks, "So fragrant that you forgot how many cups you have drunk. I think you like it too, Sam?"

"...Yes sir..." Sam pretended to be busy reading the agenda, while he crossed his legs tight under the table, trying very hard to clamp his urethra shut. Oh three hours! He really needed a wee-wee. Yes, he drank too much of Mr. Adrian Liu's tea.

"Totally agree," Sebastian, a bearded man in grey suit, said, "but my lemonade is quite good as well."

Sam agreed. He drank some lemonade this morning too. He shouldn't have. He saw everyone in the board consuming those liquid they just talked about. The sight of liquid pouring out of its container tormented Sam. Sam looked at his boss, who finished the lemonade and smiled back at him. Caleb spoke softly for only him to hear,

"You looked nervous. Are you OK?"

"I am..." Sam sighed, "good, sir. Don't worry." Sam crossed his legs again. A wave of desperation hit him. He just had goosebumps.

"OK, people, I think we're going to talk about our projects for the next quarter, not about beverages," Mr. Ruttigers, whom Sam secretly called him the silver fox, frowned, "if we drink all that, we will end up desperate for a toilet! Where's Oscar, by the way? He has never been late."

The door opened and Mr. Oscar Lewis appeared in smart attire. Everybody could see a large wet spot not far from his crotch. He walked in cavalierly as if nothing happened to him. Everybody tried not to stare at him, but Mr. Oscar was conscious that his "accident" was obvious.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. I was waiting for my turn to use the loo."

Sam winced.
"What a relief! I thought I was gonna wet myself at the interview!"
"Damn the traffic! Been holding for about three hours!"
"Here we go! Ahhhhhhh Amazing piss!"
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Re: Caleb Garth's long day (For all of us to add to)

Post by evergreen »

Sam felt he was being tested by his boss. He had arrived at a final exam and he wanted an "A" grade. He suspected Mr Oscar stood no chance of winning through and he would be the first to suffer humiliation at the hands of Caleb. He, Sam was not going to and in his dream he wanted to outlast the boss and see him, the masterly Caleb fail and that he, Sam, would wear the crown at least once and at least become a worrying challenge to the great master. As Caleb lowered himself into his chair next to Sam he noticed his boss looking for signs of weakness on his trousers, even tiny wet patches but Sam knew as yet nothing showed. Caleb noticed his nervousness though and that made him happy.
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Re: Caleb Garth's long day (For all of us to add to)

Post by Brian »

"Thank you Mr Garth for that," said Mr. Ruttigers finally when Caleb, aided by Sam who was managitng to keep his desperation at bay by concentrating on handing his boss the right sheets of statistics, had finished his spiel about the current project. "Are there any further questions for Caleb Garth before we continue with Oscar Lewis' presentation about the Waltham project?"

"Uh, yeah," said Sebastian, the bearded man in the grey suit. "Are we having a rest break any time now?"

Mr Ruttigers frowned. "I meant questions pertaining to what Mr. Garth and his assistant have just presented for us."

Sebastian gulped and grabbed himself in the groin as he continued to attempt to negotiate a pause. "Well, I know, but I actually need..." he began. His youthful face, accentuated by the three-day beard growth, seemed to show anxiety.

Caleb interrupted him. "I don't think we really need to discuss all this any more, Mr. Ruttigers," he said, modestly handing the documents pertaining to his project back to his young assistant Sam and turning towards Oscar Lewis. "Let's hear from Mr. Lewis now, shall we? The Waltham project is something I've been wanting to hear about for some time."

Oscar stood up self-importantly and began his spiel. Sam watched him, mesmerised by the wet spot on the crotch of his suit trousers, surprised that Oscar did not seem at all self conscious about the fact that he had obviously peed his pants a bit. Sam shuddered slightly as he thought to himself that if he were to do the same thing and leak into his clothes, he would be very self conscious and very embarrassed, unlike Oscar.

Then Sam noticed Sebastian sitting opposite him. The guy with the beard, who had asked about a rest break, seemed to be looking really worried. He had crossed his legs, Sam noticed, and had one hand wedged in between them. Then Sebastian looked back at Sam and met his eye. The two men stared at each other for a moment, as if they were acknowledging a shared situation.
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Re: Caleb Garth's long day (For all of us to add to)

Post by greatwater »

It's not that Caleb Garth didn't notice anything.

He saw Sam wincing. He saw Sebastian's anxious face. But the first thing he noticed, when the meeting had started for 30 minutes, was his slight need to use the toilet. Those two cups of tea from home, a cup of tea at the office, and some lemonade were taking their toll on him. He didn't care much because the need was just a little. But when he looked at Sam Rogers, his loyal secretary, and Sebastian, the youngest man in the board, he sympathised with them. Though seeing them wince or grabbing their crotch made his bladder sympathise with them by sending more signals to his brain, he knew he could let them go first. His bladder can always wait. Almost always. Well, it had to learn to wait anyway. Caleb crossed his legs and listened to Oscar Lewis talking about the construction of Waltham library and gallery. He took notes and fantasised about Oscar Lewis trying to keep all his hot urine inside his body. He knew Oscar must have such a sweet relief. He knew that feeling well. His bladder sent him another signal, and yet he ignored it. He had his duty to do. His bladder had to learn. He knew that it was almost two hours from the first signal, yet he was sure he could hold it. It was quite normal for him to hold it very well during the day, before nightfall.

Poor Sam and Sebastian. Caleb looked at Mr. Jonathan Ruttigers, who kept jotting down almost every word Oscar said. Jonathan Ruttigers was going to fire questions to Oscar for sure. Ooh Sam and Sebastian would suffer from such a long wait. Sam Rogers was too good not to pee when he told him to; Sebastian just drank too much of the lemonade he was so proud of. After Oscar finished talking about his project, Jonathan kept asking him question after question. Sam was taking notes for him and crossing his legs under the table. He knew that both lads would enjoy the release hugely afterwards, and he was sure they can wait. Yet, he could read severe desperation on Sam's face. Poor loyal Sam. Despite his desperation, Sam was taking notes at his normal speed, despite his severe desperation, when Jonathan Ruttigers started to cough.

"I think you should drink some tea, or some lemonade, Mr. Ruttigers," Caleb said, looking at Sam. "Could you please open a bottle of lemonade and pour some tea for Mr. Ruttigers, Sam?"

"Yes, sir," Sam winced, looking at Sebastian, who did pity him because of his own swollen bladder. Sam walked slowly. When he stood up, he felt even more desperate. He then poured some more tea for Mr. Ruttigers. The flowing liquid made his cross his legs.

"I think I will just sip. I think I have had too much of it." Mr. Ruttigers said, sipping the tea. Caleb was sure he could see the oldest board member wince.

"Don't you find the questions quite repetitive, Mr. Ruttigers?" Caleb asked. "I think we are clear about the purpose of the building and the design."

"What about the budget? That's what I have to make sure about. It is my duty to go in details, Mr. Garth," Mr. Ruttigers insisted.

"But an effective meeting is not a long meeting, Mr. Ruttigers," Caleb opposed. "We have booked the meeting for three hours, yet we don't have to use the whole lot."

"I just have to check whether it is worthwhile to build a library and art gallery," Mr. Ruttigers said, "Nowadays people are not interested in artistic stuff."

"I can answer you for that, Mr. Ruttigers," Oscar Lewis said and started his long speech on the value of art. Oscar was a good man, but he could not summarise anything.

Caleb sighed and started to finish his second bottle of lemonade. He hid the bottles under the table and looked at Sam and Sebastian. He was sure that after this speech, the silver fox still wouldn't let go that easily.

Did he see Mr. Ruttigers shoved his hand very hard into his trousers pockets? Caleb started to observe. He looked at the clock. It was 11.35 now. His bladder thobbed softly. He crossed his legs again, and looked at the silver fox enjoyably.
"What a relief! I thought I was gonna wet myself at the interview!"
"Damn the traffic! Been holding for about three hours!"
"Here we go! Ahhhhhhh Amazing piss!"
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Re: Caleb Garth's long day (For all of us to add to)

Post by evergreen »

Every man around that table was aware he was a challenge to Caleb. That was simply Caleb. Oscar now had a wet spot in the front of his trousers that was very plain for all to see but frankly Oscar was past caring. He was quite aware wetting publicly would not do his image a deal of good but against that he was not going to hurt himself for the sake of Caleb. Even if he walked out of he building the toilet situation was such that he would still wet his pants. Sat down he ceased squeezing his legs together, took his hand away from from his dick and let go. Ah, blessed relief he thought to himself. It was warm and he could see his suit trousers changing colour totally. He felt so much better and frankly had no interest in Caleb's humiliation practises. He had not wet himself as fully as this since he had been on honeymoon and his wife had given him a good OTK spanking. Memories flooded back and he decided when he got home a full confession would be called for. It was a good marriage and they still enjoyed fun and games. Oscar was happy being wet but he was sorry for sam and Seb because this was a real test for them.

He remained at the meeting for another half hour but stood and told them he had to leave for other urgent business. Right now that was what he considered his wife to me. Turn disaster into bliss he reckoned. H was aware of everyone else staring at his wet trousers and knew as he walked out his wet bottom would hold their attention.
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Re: Caleb Garth's long day (For all of us to add to)

Post by greatwater »

Caleb laughed. He loved this. Nobody beat the anomalous, but friendly and lovely Oscar Lewis. The silver fox looked uncomfortable. Adrian looked fine, while Sebastian and Sam looked severely desperate. Caleb fondled his crotch and sighed. He felt the need to urinate stronger, but still he was sure he could cope with it. He just wanted to play something with the silver fox.

"Mr. Ruttigers," Caleb said, "I think the meeting should end for now. Oscar has made clear about his points. So, I think you have something to be taken care of."

"Yes, I have drunk too..."

"No, I mean your meeting with the customers on the third floor," Caleb smiled. He knew that the third floor's toilets were being fixed. "They just arrived a bit too early."

"OK," Mr. Ruttigers crossed his legs and stood up. Caleb could see him squirming. Such an enjoyment.

"Will you have lunch with me, Adrian?" Caleb asked.

"No, Thank you, I have my lunchbox," Adrian smiled, "but before lunch I think I have to queue for the loo." Adrian left.

"My dear Sam and Sebbie," Caleb said, grabbing his crotch again. The need gets stronger. "Why don't you just go?"

"Mr. Garth, sir," Sebastian said, "I think I'm leaking now!"

"Same here, Mr. Garth! I can't hold it!" Sam screamed. Caleb could see a huge wet patch expanding fast from Sebastian's crotch.

"Hey, wait, I have two empty lemonade bottles for you!" Caleb looked under his table, looking for those bottles. Where are they?

The phone rang. Caleb's bladder throbbed. Two men panicked.
"What a relief! I thought I was gonna wet myself at the interview!"
"Damn the traffic! Been holding for about three hours!"
"Here we go! Ahhhhhhh Amazing piss!"
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