Weekly Wee Chat: Office Desperation

An area to discuss sightings and other observations. No sexual references please, there is the Stronger Interests section for that.
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Weekly Wee Chat: Office Desperation

Post by greatwater »

I like to do this at tumblr, but tumblr is not going to be my main place any more. I'd like to move it here. It's simple. Just share your stories under a theme given. It can be a real story, or a fantasy/speculation about the real world. (For example, you wonder how desperate a call-centre office workers could get. Or you wish your hot boss get desperate to use a urinal.) It could be a very short story as well.

Let me share mine.

I used to join a discussion group not so long ago. I had a sore throat so I thought I needed some tea, or else I might not be able to speak anything at the discussion. So I had some tea and when I thought I could use a toilet before the discussion started, I was going to be late. So I headed there just in time. The first ten minutes was OK, until waves of desperation hit me hard.

It was the most tormenting discussion I've ever had. Two hours of suffering. My bladder was getting full so quickly. It might also be irritated by the tea as well, so I couldn't focus much. I sat very still and spoke very little, despite my clearer voice. I crossed my legs a few time and stayed very still. I felt the need to pee quite strongly. I nodded to others as if I could focus.

When we reached the end of our discussion, it was 5.30 pm, and I needed to stay in the office a bit late that night to finish my work. I needed to prepare for my dinner and some snacks. However, as my office card had not been activated for out-of-hours work and the building was going to close at six, I had to grab my food first before getting in. So I just ran to the nearest Sainsbury, picked some food, and waited in the queue for self-check-out. I needed to pee quite badly at that point. When I got back to the building, I left my food on the nearest table, and just ran to the men's room. Luckily, it was empty, and I just peed it all out. It felt amazing. It kept coming out for about one minute, as I timed it. It was amazing.

I was a bit high when I got to work at my office that night. Maybe because of such great session of urination.
"What a relief! I thought I was gonna wet myself at the interview!"
"Damn the traffic! Been holding for about three hours!"
"Here we go! Ahhhhhhh Amazing piss!"
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Re: Weekly Wee Chat: Office Desperation

Post by Brian »

True story from about 20 years ago when I worked in an office as a programmer.

There was this quite new guy in the office, 23 years old, who I'll refer to by his initial, R. The thing was, I very quickly developed a huge crush on him. He not only had a very nice temperament (really pleasant guy), but he was also gorgeous to look at. He later became a friend by the way, and I have a few other hot stories about him about times when he and I went on training runs together which I might write up later on. But this one occurred during the early days of his work in the office.

R had the position of "help desk staff member" in our organisation which entailed that he was to be a sort of initial front-end help to anyone coming into our department. His early weeks were spent going round each of us at our respective desks and learning about the applications which we had built and how they needed to be maintained.

One morning, to my secret delight, he came up to me at my desk and shyly asked if I had time to show him a particular application which he needed to be acquainted with. I had no objection whatsoever to showing him, and he sat down on the chair next to me and watched as I brought up all the relevant files. It was an involved project, and I was prepared to spend a good hour showing him everything about it. R was wearing an open neck shirt and smart beige coloured trousers, by the way.

Initially R seemed on-the-ball and took in everything I told him, asking sensible questions and taking notes from my responses. But after a while I noticed he seemed a bit less sharp with his questions, his attention seemed to waver, and suddenly I got the strong impression that he was getting desperate for a leak. He was scissoring his legs at times and displaying all the signs which seemed to suggest a full bladder, including a rather anxious expression at times, and an inability to settle himself in the chair.

Well, I kept him there for a significant length of time, showing him all the vital parts of the application which he would need to know. I figured that if he really needed to pee he would tell me, but he never said anything about it despite seeming to get more and more anxious. Finally, after he must have been sitting there squirming for three quarters of an hour, I said something like "And now we haven't finished yet, because we've got to rename all the logfiles so that nothing gets overwritten..." whereupon R really tensed himself and stuffed his hands into his groin. I looked at him, he looked back at me, and I took pity on him, saying "I guess you'd manage that by yourself if you had to do it. Is there anything else you need to know?" He shook his head, I let him go, and he left my office really smartly!

I had the impression R had pushed himself to his limit and wouldn't have been able to hold it any longer if I hadn't wound things up right then.
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Re: Weekly Wee Chat: Office Desperation

Post by Fred »

My office experiences were when I was 18 to 20, earning money for tuition to college. It was a freight forwarding company, and long before computers or even Xerox machines. Freight bills were typed with 12 (yes, 12) carbon copies on special electric typewriters, and Harry and Tom were the two young men that performed that monotonous task. They sat there all day long, typing and drinking coffee.

Tom had the smaller bladder, and sometimes when he got up to "go down the hall", Harry would make some remark about him slacking off. Tom would get very defensive and insist that he really had to go! One day I made a point of strolling into the men's room right after Harry, and his pee was for more than a minute! He gave me a proud smile and a wink, and I'm sure he was happy to impress me. From then on I pictured him holding his full bladder as he typed. :o
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