Jeff's Office Desperation

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Jeff's Office Desperation

Post by zsrh2002 »

Loosely based on a true sighting at the office. I embellished some details to remove any identifying information. In addition I took some creative license with the story. I am not a regular story poster so please forgive the quality of the story below.

I work for a call center, in the training department. We train new hires about the company, its products so they can take calls from our customers. The first part of training is classroom based and the second part is when the new hires take calls with assistance from myself. I sit with them for 2 weeks to make sure they a following proper policies and procedures and also to answer their questions and to help them out. Then they will go onto their teams.

Our company provides its employees with free coffee, soda, juice and snacks, not a lot of companies do this so this benefit is quite popular, especially with new hires.

Anyways last week I had an amazing sighting, Jeff is around 20 -25 years old he is tall and thin and quite good looking. He has short brown hair and likes to wear tight jeans that leave nothing to the imagination. He was referred to the department by his girlfriend's sister. On this occasion he was wearing light grey skinny jeans. The material was tight enough to see the outlines of his boxer briefs. I observed that Jeff started his shift with a large cup of coffee. Later he consumed 2 cans of coke.

When answering the phone you will not know how long a call will take until you answer, during a call you can not go on break. The expectation is that you should go on break between calls. Jeff had just answered a call. He was assisting with the installation of one of our products. The customer was located in Panama and we did not have the facility to call the customer back as it was long distance (outside North America). It was quite a complicated situation on top of that the caller was translating all the instructions given from English to Spanish. As the start of the call Jeff grimaced and looked a bit nervous.

I asked him if everything was OK, he said it was fine just disappointed that he received a call as he was about to go on lunch break. At first I just thought it was just nerves as this was the first day Jeff was taking calls.

As it was a complicated call I decided to sit beside Jeff, so I could help him if he was unsure of something. Around 30 minutes into the call I observed Jeff scissoring his legs back and forth, he tried to do this discretely. It looked like he was desperate to go to the washroom. He did not mention anything to me about his need at first. I decided to not mention it as I did not want to embarrass him, in front of his training colleagues.

At around the 45 minute mark, I looked over Jeff's computer screen to check in on him, at this point I noticed his hand go towards his crotch and give it a tight squeeze, followed by more scissoring of the legs, back and forth. I observed Jeff's increasing need. I was hoping for his sake that the call would end soon. Unfortunately it was not to be. There was a lot of trial and error going on as the case was quite complicated. I could see the desperation building as the call went on.

Around the 1 hour mark Jeff them asked for my assistance as he was totally lost, I praised him for his perseverance so far and said it was a good point to ask for my assistance. I then said I wanted to look over the notes and photos the customer had sent it, so I could figure out the mess. During my review I saw that Jeff kept squeezing his throbbing member through the fabric of his jeans, sweat was beginning to appear on his face from the intense strain and pressure in his bladder.

It took me another 15 minutes to review the situation and find a possible solution for the customer. Aware for Jeff's growing need I tried to do this as fast as possible. I then spent some time explaining the solution to him. Jeff said to he that he understood and was ready to guide the customer on how the solution would work. At this point he let slip, that he wanted to go on break and was unable to do so before the call came in. He then went on to explain it to the customer.

Towards the end of the call (around the 2 hour mark!) I could see that Jeff was squeezing his crotch much tighter than before and scissoring his legs back and forth with a lot of force. Finally the customer stated that the product had powered on and started working. Jeff was so happy that the call was ending that in a moment he forgot about his need in the excitement of it all. I then observed a small wet spot appear on the light grey fabric of his skinny jeans. At this point I observed some tears coming down his cheek. I told him to quickly finish the call which he did. He then ran for the washroom. At this point I noticed that Jeff forgot his security access card at his desk, which was needed to access the rest room. I ran after him to let him into the washroom. At this point I decided to use the facilities my self. Jeff was grateful for my assistance. He ran to urinal and ripped off his belt, undid his fly and pulled his gushing member from his box briefs and let a long stream into the urinal. It took him 5 minutes to finish.

He then saw the damage to his pants, during his dash to the washroom his small wet spot had grown into the side of a dinner plate. He then looked at me in shock and horror. Jeff then broke down and started crying, I truly felt sorry for him and tried to console him. I then told Jeff to go into the disabled stall, and for him to hand me his pants and underwear. Jeff then complied His pants were a little damp, however his boxer briefs (grey Calvin Klein) were soaked. I then proceeded to dry his pants first under the hand dryer. When then wet spot dried out, I then put the boxer briefs to dry them out as best as I could. I then handed back Jeff his jeans and boxer briefs over the stall partition, he then came out looking sheepish and washed his hands. I told him to follow me. I took Jeff into a conference room and told him not to worry, I would not tell a sole about what happened. He was worried I would let his girlfriend's sister know. I reassured him that I would tell a sole about the incident. I then gave him some friendly advice, to go to the washroom the moment you feel the need and to make sure you don't have too many drinks during the shift.

Jeff then returned to the floor once he finished his break, his colleagues were none the wiser, they were too focused on their calls for them to even notice the situation that had occurred. Since the incident I have see Jeff desperate only once and have noticed at times there is a small dime sized wet spot that is noticeable when he wears light colored pants. I will keep an eye on him to if he has another incident.
Can't stay away...
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Re: Jeff's Office Desperation

Post by Lee »

Love this story.

I can imagine that help desk staff must experience many lengthy calls and I bet a lot of them have had panicky experiences when they've been desperate to go to the toilet. I love stories where a 'wet spot' grows in size!
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Re: Jeff's Office Desperation

Post by Brian »

What a wonderful embellishment of a very exciting true occurrence. This is one of my favourite scenarios actually. Thanks for writing this great account.
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Re: Jeff's Office Desperation

Post by Fred »

I have read that call centers are high on the list of jobs where employees have limited opportunities for a pee break, so this account is quite believable. A few years ago I received telephone tech assistance for a problem that went on for well over an hour, so I know that these calls can be very lengthy. While I might criticize the supervisor for not letting this young man go once he perceived his need, I know it doesn't create a good impression to hand off a call before the client is satisfied.

A hot situation well told!
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Re: Jeff's Office Desperation

Post by Wombat48 »

What an amazing experience
Thanks for sharing with such amazing detail 😏
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Re: Jeff's Office Desperation

Post by zsrh2002 »

Thank you all for your feedback. This is the first story I have posted on this forum! I will see if I can write more in the future.
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Re: Jeff's Office Desperation

Post by Brian »

It will be wonderful if you can write more for us. You have been on this forum and its predecessors longer than I have, and no-one knew about your writing talent until now!

I've been thinking about Jeff and what you wrote about him for the last few days. ;)
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Re: Jeff's Office Desperation

Post by Wombat48 »

Lol Brian- me to!! 😜
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Re: Jeff's Office Desperation

Post by bearshel »

zsrh2002 wrote: 15 Aug 2019, 03:47 Thank you all for your feedback. This is the first story I have posted on this forum! I will see if I can write more in the future.
Loved the story, especially because it's based on real life. Is Jeff really as good looking and trendy in real life? :)
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Re: Jeff's Office Desperation

Post by ThePTNN202 »

Re-directed here from the true story on which this is based in the briefer sightings topic (where I just posted).

Thanks for the well written story :)

These call centre type scenarios are good. There is sometimes an element of truth in them, I’ve done some call centre work about 20 years ago and as it happens am currently in a bit of a battle with one right now as a 3rd party over 'conditions' (a very complicated issue but in simple terms, not appropriately allowing telephone operators to go to the toilet). I’ve actually got a fairly extensive ‘essay’ on the subject, the content of which I’d even thought might be of interest to some here. In interest of privacy and confidentiality though I think I’d have to completely re-write and over fictionalize it because as it currently stands it’s all in the context of a real business (currently investigating, and for a lot of other matters as well), real people and real situations that are actually happening.

On a couple of occasions I’ve been on a really long technical call (as the customer) and even made that consideration …like after an hour and a half already should I ask the person on the other end if they want a moment for 'whatever' (how do you ask a stranger on the phone "do you need to do a wee?")? I think I’m inclined to be over empathetic, just generally with everything in life I would have been the supervisor/trainer that 'rescued' poor Jeff earlier on (and ruined everyone's fun LOL).

Also, my experience back when I did it (worked in a call centre) was OK, I mean, it was what it was and there were occasionally some supervisors and managers who I considered unsuitable for those roles of authority (didn’t have the people/human skills to appropriately look after their teams and only cared about statistics …and this is typical call centre behaviour) but even though I've a couple of 'interesting' stories no one was ever actually told they weren’t allowed to go to the toilet. It wasn’t uncommon to sometimes ‘hold on’ though as there was a perception of supervisors/management ‘frowning upon’ too much away time. Combined with a largely young demographic in the workforce, so particularly among the males sometimes (and this happens just generally anyway) a ‘he who can hold on the longest’ mindset or just not wanting to be the first to go. Nothing is predictable but I might have occasionally managed to time my own breaks to catch a good 'show' (guy come in and 'blast' right next to me) LOL.
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