Caleb Garth, a boss with a bladder of steel

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Re: Caleb Garth, a boss with a bladder of steel

Post by greatwater »

"Yes, RicK?" Actually Caleb thought he knew what Rick's problem was.

"I'm really desperate to use the bathroom,sir!" Rick squirmed and sighed out loud. "I'm leaking now,sir!"

"Can you wait ten minutes more?" Caleb shifted from foot to foot. Rick's desperation lessened his ability to hold on. "I'll see if my wife come out of the toilet or not."

"I think it would be too long for him to hold on," Joe winced, grabbing his crotch when he happened to see a small wet spot on Rick's trousers. "He should stop drinking, Mr. Garth."

"You're right!" Caleb fidgeted and smiled apologetically to Rick, "I'm deeply sorry, Rick. Since I live with Irene and work at our company, I have learned to wait, and the result," Caleb smiled again, not apologetically this time, "is truly satisfying." He grabbed his crotch again. "By the way, Joe, I just don't want to waste the beer, can you drink Rick's beer instead?" Caleb handed the bottle to Joe. Joe appeared calm, but inside he was panicked. His bladder was throbbing, full of golden urine. Joe sipped his beer, and found that a drop more would burst the dam and

"I'm really desperate, sir!" Rick begged, "please help me! Can I use that bush?"

"I'm sorry, Rick," Caleb found that it could be a nice idea for his guest to use that bush as a toilet when his wife was still inside the bathroom, but .." that is Irene's rose bush. Her mother just planted it for her last week as a birthday gift."

"Where can I go then? I'm bursting so, Oh God!" Rick started to leak once more. A hot jet of urine escaped. The wetness expanded. Both Caleb and Joe can clearly see what happened. What they saw worsened their situation. Joe looked at the rose bush, while Caleb moaned softly in desperation.

"Can you wait, Rick?" Caleb asked kindly, "If you can't, I have a pair of trousers for you to wear in case, but if you can, I think we should move to a pub called Will's Place and continue our talk," Caleb smiled, "we...I mean... you can use the men's room there."
"What a relief! I thought I was gonna wet myself at the interview!"
"Damn the traffic! Been holding for about three hours!"
"Here we go! Ahhhhhhh Amazing piss!"
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Re: Caleb Garth, a boss with a bladder of steel

Post by Brian »

Joe nodded his agreement, and while Rick gave another desperate glance at his boss, then at the rose bush, and finally down at the the crotch of his smart work pants which were displaying a small, narrow wet streak extending down to the top of one thigh, Joe efficiently drained his beer bottle and then added Rick's beer too to his very full stomach in a few efficient gulps.

Caleb was reassuring a very agitated Rick. "Look, the pub's just round the corner," he urged his employee. We'll all jog round there now and you can go straight to the men's room."

Joe belched slightly as he swallowed the last of the beer, and winced as his bladder tried to expel its contents. "Yeah, come on, guys," he added in agreement with Caleb. "I'll race you," he added, setting off towards the driveway.

Rick gasped again and shot a glance at a couple of other bushes and shrubs in his boss' garden, but Caleb put a firm hand on his back and pushed him in the direction in which his mechanic friend was running. Rick clamped off another high-pressure spurt which threatened to turn his underwear from a moist state to soaking wet, and brought his trembling legs into a running motion under Mr. Garth's friendly encouragement.

But as the three desperate guys passed the door of the house, a female voice hailed the three from inside. "Caleb! Where are you going? Aren't you going to introduce your friends?"

Joe stopped and looked back, and Rick bumped into him from behind. Caleb, too, stopped in his tracks. "Oh, sorry Irene," he said apologetically. "We thought you were in the toilet. Joe, Rick, come and meet my wife."
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Re: Caleb Garth, a boss with a bladder of steel

Post by greatwater »

"It's great to see you Mrs. Garth," Rick hurriedly said, then he rushed past her, hitting one of her shoulders and getting into the house. Another hot, large spurt of thick urine escaped him. He looked around frantically, in search of a toilet. Another spurt came out. He sighed and moaned. He stood inside the kitchen, with a dripping faucet, and rushed to the left. He found a door and opened it. Another hot spurt escaped. He was still desperate. Inside were broomsticks and some detergents.

"The toilet is on your right, Rick!" Rick heard Mrs. Garth calling. He saw, on the right, a gleaming white toilet. At the sight of it, his bladder relaxed and he just flooded his smart attire. The warm jets of urine keeps pouring out of him. He went straight to the toilet and peed out what was left inside for less than thirty seconds. The relief was great, but he was embarrassed. He was even more embarrassed when he turned back and found his boss, his boss' wife, and Joe Vincy looking at him. He didn't notice that Joe was more agitated than usual, while Caleb grabbed his crotch for dear life.

"It's OK, Rick," Mrs. Garth consoled him, "I have problems with the inside too. You can change with Caleb's trousers. Caleb, can you help him change? I think I have to use the toilet again." Irene ran inside the toilet and locked the door.

"Yes, Irene!" Caleb took Rick upstairs, grabbing his crotch tight, "Joe, just wait a bit!"

Joe winced, looking at the locked toilet door.
"What a relief! I thought I was gonna wet myself at the interview!"
"Damn the traffic! Been holding for about three hours!"
"Here we go! Ahhhhhhh Amazing piss!"
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Re: Caleb Garth, a boss with a bladder of steel

Post by Tytn »

With Rick in a fresh pair of trousers and his wet stinking ones in the laundry basket Caleb knew, with certainty, that he had to act. He couldn’t rely on anyone else now and release was imminent.

He strode downstairs, and spotting Joe called out

“How about a nice stroll down to the bar for some drinks…”
“If it’s all the same, I’ll take the truck” he replied but seemed eager to try
“Sure thing, when Rick is ready we’ll meet you there” Caleb groaned inwardly as he waited for his wayward employee, and then with the clicking of the front door Joe was gone.

Joe tried to walk normally but the pain was too much, his gut aching with a heavy feeling he had not known in a long time. He resisted the urge to touch himself too much, but once he was in the truck he felt safe.

The cloth seats on this new truck were not like the old one, vinyl, that could just be wiped down. These had to be properly cleaned and woe betide anything seeping into them. So he just held the tide back.

Driving with his hand lower on the steering wheel, the other working between the gears and the reassuring squeeze was sometimes too much. He tried hard not to even change gear, and the van protested a few times, the shuddering being more noisier than usual as he struggled to make it to the bar.

Before he had even made it to the end of 7th avenue he knew he wouldn’t make it. Traffic was beginning to build up on the access road to the ramp and he knew that Rick’s car needed attention. He had the tyre but… not the will.

He hit a pothole. The shockwave left him whimpering, he gripped the steering wheel tighter and then remembered something, a property had had worked at some time ago. Over the road was a small pocket park, but overgrown with, he remembered to his glee, large bushes right by the road.

He turned off, struggling with everything and steeled himself to hold on just that little bit longer. He was freely sweating now, his brow felt hot and his arms and shirt damp. His gut ached and he was starting to not even feel his fingers as it grasped his manhood to hold back his pressure lance.

Finally he spotted what he wanted and passing it, to check it was clear, he screwed it around in a roadway entrance before driving back. He parked just past it, and just past the opening he had spied, then carefully parking and engaging the brake he left it in gear and pocketing the keys he slipped out into the cool afternoon air.

The ground around him felt hot, the noise from the traffic was muted and while normally he would be concentrating on the task he quickly looked all around, and found he was alone. He pressed the lock feature on the remote and slipped into the trees.

It was cool here, cool and dark. He recognised the path, and saw it snaked down the side of the brown bare embankment to the ditch then it started up the other side towards some trees. He hurried down to the ditch, then away from the road ‘upstream’ towards an old wooden fence with a chainlink lower. There were no other noises around, and a quick check had him dropping his flies and extracting his tool.

He didn’t even signal the release, it just happened and then the flow was stronger than he had ever known it. Splattering into the ditch, digging a hole out as pressure washers usually did on soil, and he let out a soft moan of relief.

A noise, a shadow, he looked up. He recognised the uniform of the policeman, and the shape of the body, and it was someone he knew.

“Public Urination is an offence in the law books of this here county” he wheezed
Joe tried hard to think of a response, anything, as he let his waterfall gush out, unable to stop it but sure he’d just earnt himself a stiff fine.
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Re: Caleb Garth, a boss with a bladder of steel

Post by greatwater »

The light on the road caught upon the speaker. It was Officer Bob Cody, whom he knew quite well.Joe knew well that despite Bob's large and muscular body,...

"I need to do as the law says, Joe!" Officer Bob looked serious. Joe couldn't stop midstream. He still gushed a lot of urine out. He hadn't pissed since 1 pm, and it was now 6.30 pm.

"Let me finish pissing first, Officer Bob," Joe moaned in relief. He pretended to look happier that he really felt. "I just needed to take this wicked piss for hours!"

Joe smirked when he saw the Officer grabbed his crotch and squirmed.

"I just wanted to know, Officer," Joe's piss was now trickling, "the reason you're here. Are you looking for people pissing in public?"

"All right!" Officer Bob squirmed and unzipped. He yanked his tool out and released substantial amount of urine upon the ground. "I needed to piss so badly I couldn't drive."

"Well, Officer," Joe almost finished pissing, "Are you on patrol tonight? I'm going to Will's Place with Caleb and his colleague. Do you wanna join us?"

"Ahhhhhh" Officer Bobmoaned, "That would be great. I think I can join you. I haven't seen Mr. Garth for a while. Such a kind man!"


Joe squirmed again, waiting for Rick to finish wearing his new trousers and hoping that his wife would come out of the toilet soon.

"Are you all right, Irene?" He asked kindly, grabbing his crotch and sighed.

"It's as usual, Caleb," Irene said, "I'm not done yet, sorry,"

Caleb looked at the beautiful rose bush in his garden. The bush looked tempting.

"Mr. Garth, I'm ready!" Rick went downstairs in his new trousers. Caleb sighed and led Rick to Will's Place.
"What a relief! I thought I was gonna wet myself at the interview!"
"Damn the traffic! Been holding for about three hours!"
"Here we go! Ahhhhhhh Amazing piss!"
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Re: Caleb Garth, a boss with a bladder of steel

Post by Brian »

"Come on, man, don't dawdle!" said Caleb finally in exasperation. Rick had been ambling along, either trying to ease his groin muscles after the little accident he'd had a short time before after holding on far too long, or possibly trying not to damage his boss's trousers which he was wearing and which did not fit perfectly. And now, as Caleb had tried to cross the road on the pedestrian crossing whose light had only just changed from green to flashing-green, Rick, to Caleb's irritation, had obeyed the pedestrian lights and stopped at the side.

"Sorry, Mr. Garth," said Rick. "Are we in a hurry then?"

Caleb grunted slightly to himself in pain as he returned from his attempt to cross the road and rejoined his employee to wait for the lights to change again. Then, on an impulse, he confided his problem. "Yes, we've got to run because I need a piss! I'm nearly doing it in my pants like you just did."

Rick blushed slightly at being reminded of his embarrassment, but then watched in mild fascination as his boss gripped himself tightly between his legs and looked anxiously at the traffic which had started forwards again as if he was considering making a dash in between the vehicles to get across the road.

"Oh," Rick replied, unsure what else to say.

Then Caleb felt the floodgates about to open. He swore under his breath. "Wait here!" he snapped at Rick, and ran off along the same side of the road leaving his colleague staring open mouthed at him. He made a beeline for the path by the embankment, proceeding at an ungainly gallop born out of sheer urgency, and fumbled with his fly as he turned off to where he knew he could release his bladder out of sight of the road users behind him.

But he was accosted by two men. "Hey, Caleb! What are you doing? Where's Rick?" It was Joe, and the large man accompanying him was a uniformed officer who looked quizzically at Caleb as the latter fumbled with the fly of his trousers.
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Re: Caleb Garth, a boss with a bladder of steel

Post by greatwater »

"Officer Bob!" Caleb was a bit shocked. He zipped up and moaned. A jet of hot piss ran into his brief. He danced. Joe looked at Bob to observe Bob's decision about his friend's obviously desperate situation.

Officer Bob Cody was going to open his mouth, but he saw a policeman from across the street waving at him. Then he said, "I think I know how desperate you are, Caleb, but Mark and other officers are on patrol tonight, and they would fine you for public urination. So, I think you should use The Gents at Will's Place. It's just a stone's throw away. You can make it."

"Ahhh Yes, I can!" Caleb grabbed his crotch tightly. "Let's go!"

"Wait for the sign, Caleb," Officer Bob said. Caleb couldn't stand still. When the pedestrian sign was lit up, Caleb walked fast to Will's Place. He then met Will Cassidy, the owner of the pub, at the door.

"Hey, Caleb, long time no see!" Will smiled. "I'll get you a pint as usual!" Will went ahead to the bar, where Caleb could clearly see the golden and fizzy liquid coming out of the tap. His tap was also leaking now.

"I gotta use the loo!" Caleb yelled and ran to The Gents. He knew well where it was. He used to test himself by holding his beer for two or three hours here before heading to the men's room, to join the unison of moan and sigh in relief at the large trough urinal. However, this time, he held for almost seven hours. He couldn't think of anything but pissing! He headed there, followed by Will, who shouted at him, "Hey I think I can help you."

Caleb ignored Will and headed to The Gents to find tons of men queuing and relieving themselves. He leaked once more into his brief. He squirmed. He danced. He didn't care anymore that Joe, Officer Bob, and, above all, Rick could see him desperately dancing. He almost had nothing to think about but to wee, to release the golden flood inside him. The man with curly hair nearby seemed as desperate as he was. That made him wince.

"Too much drink, huh?" the man asked him, squirming "I regret drinking my fourth pint."

"I haven't pissed since noon," Caleb said, Somehow he felt proud of this fact, despite the pain. "I just need to piss right now!"
"What a relief! I thought I was gonna wet myself at the interview!"
"Damn the traffic! Been holding for about three hours!"
"Here we go! Ahhhhhhh Amazing piss!"
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Re: Caleb Garth, a boss with a bladder of steel

Post by Aquarius »

And then, another spurt leaked out. Caleb braced himself, pressing his legs together while bending through his knees slightly. He immediately felt that this time it was different. His muscles were so tired from holding by now that they just didn't react the way he wanted any longer. That's why he couldn't stop peeing right away and the squirt turned into a little dribble.
Hils briefs, already quite wet form having leaked a few times already, became saturated immediately and Caleb felt the wetness spreading rapidly. He looked at his hand, buried between his legs and saw and felt at the same time how in the crotch of his smart trousers, a dark stain started spreading rapidly.
He tried a bit harder to pinch it shut, moaning with the effort. The wet warmth weaved its way down between his legs, and by the time the peeing stopped, he was wet almost down to his knees.
He gasped for air and shuddered all over. His bladder hurt, it was so, so full. There were two more people in front of him now, oblivious to his predicament because their back was towards him.
'Woww, buddy, you really need a leak, huh,' his new friend next to him commented, a sympathetic look on his face. Had he seen yet that Caleb was wetting? Caleb didn't care anymore. His heart was pounding in his chest. Despite the screaming pressure in his bladder, despite the earlier leaks, he had never actually thought he might wet his pants. But now, so close to relief, he seriously started to doubt if he'd last even one minute longer.
Then he felt it coming again. He bent down a bit more, pressed down on his peehole through the wet fabric in his crotch a bit harder, and wrapped one leg thightly around the other.
Just then, he felt a hand on his shoulder, gently pulling him bacckwards. 'Come, Caleb', he heard Will saying. 'Quickly come to my private toilet then.'
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Re: Caleb Garth, a boss with a bladder of steel

Post by greatwater »

"Thank you!" Caleb moaned, using all his willpower to stop the flow. What he could do was to make it slower. He felt embarrassed and not so relieved. He still needed to go. Other guys in the line looked at him. Some with pity, some with disgust, but most of them tried to look away because that increased their need to urinate. Some of them grabbed their crotch tighter when they saw Caleb gushed out only a part of his waterfall.

"Just follow me, Caleb," Will said kindly. Caleb saw will walked into the den filled with cartons of alcoholic drink and then found a stair up to the second floor. Caleb squirmed. It was harder to hold on when you released some of your strong piss. He started to dribble along the way up to the second floor. Thin yellow piss trail could be seen quite easily.

"Sorry, I pissed all over your place!"

"It's all right, Caleb," Will said, "Actually I did piss myself as well. I just had to go very bad, and the toilet downstairs were being cleaned. I was so desperate that I started to leak on the way to the bathroom upstairs. My trousers were soaking wet."

Caleb moaned while listening to Will. The image of Will leaking in his pants made it much harder to hold on. He was about to release the rest of his piss now. "Please, where's the toilet?"

"Sorry," Will said, pointing to the door in front of him, "That's the toilet. Just push hard. That's why I leaked so much to day. Sorry!" Will pushed the thick door hard. Caleb found the toilet inside and he was ready to gush out. He leaked again, this time quite a lot, and yet he didn't care anymore.

"God!" Caleb yelled.

"What's happening?"

"My zipper got stuck!"

"Hang on!" Will got inside. Caleb was in despair. "I'll help you!"

Will's hand slowly helped Caleb unzip his trousers. Some more piss leaked out of Caleb's trousers on to Will's hand.


"That's all right, Caleb!"

Finally Caleb can release the rest of his urine. The hot piss firstly splattered all over the toilet. The stream was quite strong and he moaned in relief. He felt relaxed and relieved. This was what he had waited since 1 pm. He was fascinated with his own bladder which kept holding most of his piss for more than five or six hours. The relief was tremendous. He shivered and moaned like a beast.

"How long have you been holding this in?" Will shouted from outside.

"Around 1 pm, I guess," Caleb moaned.

"You've got a bladder of steel!"

"Much weakened now," Caleb said and laughed. "This is the longest I have ever held."

When Caleb flushed, Will smiled and showed him a pair of trousers.

"You might be able to wear these, Caleb," Will said, "they have just been washed."

"Don''t you worry that I might piss your trousers?" Caleb laughed.

"Not at all," Will laughed louder, "This is the trousers I just pissed myself in. Sorry, man, other trousers haven't been washed yet!"

Caleb walked back to the table with Will to find Rick fidgeting again. A large mug of beer was surely the cause.

"Are you OK, Mr. Garth?"

"I'm good now," Caleb smiled, "let me try your new beer, Will!"

"Sure!" Will said from the counter.

"It was good, sir, and I think I drank a bit too much of it," Rick squirmed, looking at the long queue at the men's room.
"What a relief! I thought I was gonna wet myself at the interview!"
"Damn the traffic! Been holding for about three hours!"
"Here we go! Ahhhhhhh Amazing piss!"
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