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I need a wee

Posted: 19 Mar 2017, 07:28
by Bowbow
This below is fiction but based on a hash/mix of real life encounters.

There are times when we're all a tad shy. You're in a meeting and you don't want to be the one whose bladder disrupts the brainstorming and, it's actually interesting but your bladder is begging you for an empty. Or when you're in a car driven by a work colleague and you realise that you actually haven't peed for a while and now it's getting urgent but you've got fuck all idea how long it is until the final destination. Of course that trapped feeling means that all of a sudden the "I need a wee" becomes "I'm not gonna make it" or "I'm gonna wet myself" a possibility.

As a female and a boss I'm obviously intimidating to some and to some of the young men that spills in to not allowing common sense prevail.

I know I've told you of some of my work encounters. The IT guy is one of the best.

But just recently I've taken on two young men in the department and to my amusement both struggle in my presence to excuse themselves or ask for a break. As I'm so tuned to men needing a pee I guess as well as working I watch them like a hawk. The subtle signs of body language changing, the shifting or language change.

For this story I'll tell you what happened with one of them in a recent trip. I believe having spoken to him after the event he took me a little too literally over toilet use. Something I'd not really thought about when I said....."hospital toilets are pretty dire so we don't use them". I didn't mean never and I certainly didn't mean don't ask!

So here goes. My two employees are Daniel (Dan) and Vinnie and this is about Dan.

"Nervous?" I asked a petrified looking Dan. Dan looked at me and smiled weakly. I could see he was worried and understandably. His first trip out in his new job, taken by the boss and to Hungary, not that the location mattered. Dan had never been abroad before.

"Just follow me and I'll show you everything you need to do and if you're unsure just say so"

"Thank you. I'm sorry I'm being ....."

" don't be daft we all had a first once"

We went through security and I checked I'd Dan wanted to to shop or go to the lounge. He chose the lounge and while I had a glas of water Dan, eyes on stalks, had a beer and then another.

We sat talking and he seemed to calm a bit but still seemed fretful.

"We've gotta walk to the gate soon. I'm going to the loo will you mind my bags?"
Dan nodded.

On my return I offered to mind the bags if he wanted to do the same but he declined. He just said he was OK.

The flight was unremarkable until I noticed Dan fidgeting a bit. He'd been chatty but that changed. He was by the window and I was on the aisle. No one was in the middle thankfully. The seat belt signs were off but with my timings we had about half an hour to go and so soon they'd be on.

"Dan, we'll be landing in half an hour do you need to stretch your legs?"

Dan looked at me. "Seat belt sign will go on soon I reckon. If you need the loo you'll not be able to once the signs on"

Dan answered all flustered blushing madly but took the chance to get up and go pee.

I felt bad for embarrassing him but in the 4 weeks he'd been with us I realised he and also Vinnie were shy to say or excuse himself and he'd often dash to the loo as soon as he could.

I smiled as he returned.

"Sorry" he said as he sat down. I frowned but decided to leave the subject.

Anyway we landed and made our way to the taxi line and again not until we were lining up did I realise Dan was anxious and fidgety. I left it. It was 30 mins to the hotel and he needed to man up. By the time we got to the hotel it was obvious Dan was desperate for a piss but I said nothing. I let him check in first and we arranged dinner. He was almost dancing on the spot so the wicked woman wanted to prolong but the boss in me knew I needed to let him get to his room. In the lift I could see he was getting really anxious.

"Are you OK? You look worried? You'll be fine and we're next to each other. Tell me over dinner if something's bothering you. "

Dan forced a weak smile to me and we walked to our rooms.
"See you in 30 in the lobby "

Dan raced in his room and I was sure I could hear the waterfall from outside.
I smiled but again I hadn't twigged

The next day we had to do our site visit. My own personal choice is that I try not to have to use the toilet at these sites until I either know where they are and that they are clean (I'm not a clean freak but I don't like to use "scarily dirty loos or ones which I fear for my health"). Somehow in conversations or being overheard this got translated to.....if you're with the boss on site you're not allowed to go to the toilet. As I mainly work alone I'd not really realised this until today. Of course if I need to go I ask but usually on the first day I'm careful not to need to in case of unsavoury facilities.

So this is what happened and I can tell you I was mortified.

We left the hotel at 8. We met for breakfast and I had my conservative intake of fluid. I popped back to my room, grabbed my things and took a quick wee. I didn't know when the next one would be.

During the day we were given tea and coffee and lunch before being left in a conference room to do our work. I hadn't actually even needed the toilet and being so busy Dan''s bladder was the furthest from my mind.

I explained to Dan what we needed to do and set him his task. I thought he was a little distracted but just thought he was overwhelmed by it all. I patted his back and gave him words of encouragement. He'd been doing OK. Sensible questions, well focused observations.

The next couple of hours passed and I noticed a couple of times Dan got up and walked around. Nothing unusual until the third time I noticed him squeeze the front if his trousers. Again I igored it. Remember I had at this time no idea of the rumour.

It was coming up to 3.30 and we were due to see the site staff again at 4.30 when I noticed Dan squirming and looking decidedly uncomfortable. I had started to need a wee but knew I could hold it or go ask. I was OK for the time being.

Dan got up and walked to the other side of the room and I could see him bending and trying to, I'm guessing, hold himself. I walked over to hear him muttering. "Gonna do it, bursting"

"Dan?" I said making him jump.

He let go of his trouser front and faced me. He looked like he was about to cry.

"Are you OK? "

He looked panicked.

"I'm sorry. I need to go to the bathroom. I'm sorry"

"I'm nearly going in my pants "

"Why didn't you say earlier. ..never mind let me find someone to show you". I probably sounded really cross. I guess i was a little embarrassed and a tad annoyed. What adult tinkles their pants at work for no reason?

I left the room to find some one returning less than 5 mins later to find Dan, holding and dancing leaking in to his pants.

He rushed out the room following a bemused female host to the gents.

When he returned he had a streak of pee to the top of thigh. Dan was bright red and looked so sheepish.

I must have looked cross as Dan went and sat down without speaking.

We finished at the site and got a taxi to the hotel. Dan was again squirming.

"Do you need the toilet?" I said exasperated

Dan looked at me sheepishy and nodded.

"I'm so sorry i couldn't wait. Does it mean i m not allowed to do site vists?"

I didn't want to discuss in the taxi so i said we'd go to the hotel and talk there. I too now wanted to loo badly enough to be snappy and I needed a clear head.

At the debrief, Dan told me of the rumour about not using the toilet.


Although this is fiction I do work in a job where people take my lead and i don't use the toilet if i think they're unsavoury. I do have a guy in real life who has been working for me and who did ask last week for permission to go to the toilet when we were really busy and I'd been sending him on job after job. His words were "is it ok to go to the toilet before i do this?". I was shocked he'd asked as we have no rules bout loo breaks. I guess i must be scary.

Re: I need a wee

Posted: 19 Mar 2017, 09:21
by Brian
I guess Dan intended those two beers in the airport lounge to calm his nerves and didn't think of the consequences or wasn't aware of the possible difficulties of peeing during international travel?

This is exciting!

Re: I need a wee

Posted: 19 Mar 2017, 09:29
by Bowbow
Added more,Brian, to the story.

Re: I need a wee

Posted: 19 Mar 2017, 11:16
by Brian
Great story! The true parts you mention interest me a lot too. I have sometimes worked in, and been in charge of, a busy working environment where permission really did sometimes have to be asked to go to the toilet (because cover would then have to be arranged). So has my partner. Maybe the real-life guy had worked in such an environment before too? (Just speculating, obviously you know better.)

I can relate to Dan in your story. He could be me at a younger age. But I'd have been terribly upset afterwards.

Re: I need a wee

Posted: 19 Mar 2017, 14:03
by Bowbow
Brian wrote:Great story! The true parts you mention interest me a lot too. I have sometimes worked in, and been in charge of, a busy working environment where permission really did sometimes have to be asked to go to the toilet (because cover would then have to be arranged). So has my partner. Maybe the real-life guy had worked in such an environment before too? (Just speculating, obviously you know better.)

I can relate to Dan in your story. He could be me at a younger age. But I'd have been terribly upset afterwards.
Yes it's true there are jobs where permission must be gained before leaving a post and yes I've worked in those too. I guess everything I was asking for I wanted immediately so I think he was probably just checking it was OK. He didn't look desperate so he must have been checking.

With regards to the story it's based a little on truth and my love for desperate men but it's true that on my first datime at a location I suss out the toilets. do you need to ask for a key, is it far away, what are they like and I do teach my staff to be prepared. I have had various men hold it to the point of obvious desperation with me and I guess I'm scary and work in a profession where it's prudent to be aware of your own needs. Hover unlike the story I'd never deny a junior staff member the toilet and as I e got older I'm likely to encourage toilet use through hints (like I suggested on the plane in the story).

I am sure Dan might have been upset afterwards but in my story I see me getting to the bottom of the way it happened.

Lastly, my real life pee buddy is really shy and has to be nearly doing it before he asks. I love to be with someone who's too shy to ask but has no chance to sneak off without my knowledge.

I take my new lad out this week. So hoping he is a holder. Let's see.