how common are wetting accidents in those aged 18-25 years old?

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how common are wetting accidents in those aged 18-25 years old?

Post by Bigdog »

As somebody who is 25, I have often wondered how often do accidental wetting occur? I would imagine it would be more common in those drunk, or had too much to drink?
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Re: how common are wetting accidents in those aged 18-25 years old?

Post by Brian »

Too much to drink is certainly a common one. Younger guys 18-25 might not have had enough experience of how much they can drink safely before getting into a situation where they can't pee for a while - for example when starting a journey or joining a long queue for entry into a club. Misjudging that is definitely something which happens a lot, I'm quite sure!

For me shyness used to be a factor at that age. If other people weren't going for a piss, I wouldn't either unless I really had to. And there were times when I later really regretted not going when I could have done, including one memorable incident at age 20 when I had to get off the bus leaving my friends behind to continue their journey home because I couldn't wait any longer after being too shy to hold them up by going for a pee before we all left the club where we'd been. I should add that this wasn't a wetting accident, but it was certainly embarrassing and if I hadn't found a place to pee I would certainly have wet myself pretty quickly after leaving my friends. If my friends had reacted badly to me leaving them and insisted I stay with them, I would have peed my pants on the bus. No doubt about that.
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Re: how common are wetting accidents in those aged 18-25 years old?

Post by Bigdog »

I find my mates tend to go to the toilets in packs, so if one goes the rest follows.
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Re: how common are wetting accidents in those aged 18-25 years old?

Post by jzag1981 »

I would say it's somewhat common for younger guys to pee themselves after drinking too much. It's more likely in a group environment such as college or a fraternity where guys are encouraged to drink a lot very quickly and they may not realize the effect it's having on their bladder. While I wasn't in a frat, I hear that there were often wet beds on the weekend as well and I know there's a reason the dorm mattresses were waterproof in college.

Otherwise...wetting accidents are probably much more rare in this age range without extenuating circumstances.
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Re: how common are wetting accidents in those aged 18-25 years old?

Post by Def123 »

I never witnessed one of my friends (when in that age group) actually wet themselves. Usually someone would get so desperate that they would just have to piss where they were, be that just by whipping their dick out and pissing on the street or in a bottle in the back of a bus etc.

Just before lockdown I was out in town here and I saw 2 guys in that age group frantically pissing in the doorway of a shop (the bank Santander actually) on the high street while their mates looked on and laughed! They both looked to have been really close to losing it. Not a place you’d usually choose to take a piss, but if it’s that or lose it in your pants then….
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Re: how common are wetting accidents in those aged 18-25 years old?

Post by Bigdog »

I would imagine it being highly embarrassing, unless it happened to several people I guess. I have been caught short a few times, but nothing major. Sometimes alcohol plays havoc with the bladder
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Re: how common are wetting accidents in those aged 18-25 years old?

Post by ryan1990 »

I imagine the vast majority of accidents in lads in this age group involve alcohol. I imagine it’s a factor in at least 90% of accidents if not more. I think genuine non alcohol related accidents are exceptionally rare in this age group. I think you’ll find that sober lads, even if desperate can hold on for hours.
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Re: how common are wetting accidents in those aged 18-25 years old?

Post by Bigdog »

Very true.
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Re: how common are wetting accidents in those aged 18-25 years old?

Post by FranticK »

This is anecdotal, but I have a good friend who has driven for the ride-hailing apps for a really long time, probably close to 4 years, and he does it often on weekend evenings to benefit from surge pricing. People vomiting is apparently BY FAR the biggest issue, but he’s also had about a dozen incidents where he had to deal with and charge people a fee because of a wet seat that smells like pee.

He said that 100% of the time it’s drunk people between like 18-28, about 75% of the time it’s (suspected) to be a woman, and that only one time was he aware of the accident while it was happening. Every other time, the person hasn’t indicated they were peeing in his car and he’s had to discover it on his own or when the next customer gets in.

As I said, it’s all very anecdotal, but assuming his sample is somewhat representative of the general population, there are definitely a significant amount of men out there who have quietly lost a fight with their bladder in the back seat of an Uber after a night of drinking.
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Re: how common are wetting accidents in those aged 18-25 years old?

Post by cutsleeve »

How does he deal with the vomiting? It freaks me out being around someone vomiting and I have to get away as fast as I can. I can't imagine being trapped in a car with someone vomiting. Looks I will never do giving rides on those ride apps. I would probably crash if someone was vomiting in the car. I might wind up vomiting myself too. I never understood why anyone would want to get so drunk they vomit? I never let myself get that drunk as I don't want to risk vomiting. that is a horrific experience that often repeats over and over when your drunk. You will keep vomiting long after your pumped dry in round after round of painful dry heaves. Why don't people learn from vomiting and not ever get that drunk again? I have no clue or understanding why people would drink to where they would vomit again after having gone through the horror of vomiting. Does anyone have any ideas on this?? are there pee-proof seats for uber drivers or are there fitting plastic seat coverings for uber drivers to use?? I saw cop cars have those solid plastic seats you can vomit or pee on and they just hose it out. plus you cant tear them apart if you are angry at being in the cop car.
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