Kevin and Damien: a new friendship

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Kevin and Damien: a new friendship

Post by Brian »

Twenty-three year old Kevin Cooper stirred in his semi-slumber as the pilot's terse instruction "Cabin crew, ten minutes to landing" over-rode the constant hum of the aircraft engines. The familiar pinging sound which followed indicated that the "fasten seatbelt" sign was being activated. Kevin rubbed his eyes, gradually regained full consciousness, briefly registered a mild tension in his bladder region, and then shut that out of his mind with the thought that going for a pee would now need to be postponed for the short time until they had landed and entered the terminal building at Heathrow airport. This thought was confirmed a few seconds later by the voice of the purser instructing all passengers to return to their seats, place their seat backs in the upright position and fasten their seatbelts. Kevin touched his slightly swollen midriff, briefly checked that his belt was indeed fastened, tensed the muscles in the same region as his gradually awakening consciousness responded to the messages they were getting from his bladder that another quarter of an hour or so of waiting time was required, and then turned to look at the fellow passenger seated next to him in the window seat to his left. This passenger had been the source of the thoughts, reality merging into fantasy, with which he had drifted off to sleep more than an hour earlier.

Kevin had first spotted the young guy of about his own age shortly after saying goodbye to his Italian friends at Rome airport, passing through the passport control and security check into the passengers-only section and heading for the gate from which his flight home to London was due to depart. The guy had a youthful and boyish air about him which contrasted sharply with the smart grey business suit, shirt and tie he was wearing, not to mention the fact that he was working on an electronic tablet which was perched in his lap there at the departure gate. Kevin, dressed as he was like most of the other economy class passengers in a casual teeshirt and jeans, had mentally dismissed the attractive young stranger from his mind as out of his league and not someone who was likely to be interested in him for company while they waited to board the aircraft, let alone boyfriend material. It had been something of a suprise, therefore, when Kevin had been interrupted after settling down in his aisle seat on the plane by this same lad in the smart business suit heading not for the curtained-off business class seats but for the window seat next to his own. The dazzling and quite genuine smile which Kevin received as he got up to let the guy into his seat was enough encouragement to make Kevin start a conversation with him as they waited for take-off.

The guy had introduced himself as Damien. From his chat it turned out that Damien lived in North London and was returning home from a business trip in several European countries which had culminated in a final work meeting in Rome that same morning. This somewhat high-flying existence did not, however, seem any impediment to Damien's interest in Kevin's account of the group of Italian friends he had spent the week with and the rather mundane things they had done together. The conversation had continued through take-off and later being served with a drink and snack. When Kevin had responded "a large beer please" to the cabin crew member who asked him what he would like to drink, Damien had ordered the same and both of them had chugged down their half-litre cans before the chat had gradually become more stilted again and the subjects of their respective trips petered out. Kevin had handed his and Damien's debris from their snacks together with the two empty beer cans to the stewardess who came round to collect them, secured his tray table, observed that Damien was now shutting his eyes for a doze, and decided to do the same. The image of his hot new companion sitting next to him in his smart grey suit and fantasies stemming from that fueled Kevin's thoughts as he drifted off to sleep.

Now, as all Kevin's fellow-passengers obeyed the flight crew's instructions to fasten their seat belts in preparation for landing, Kevin relegated to insignificance the message from his bladder telling him that he would need to pee soon, and looked at Damien to his left. It was obvious from Damien's demeanour that he had been awake for some time. His grey suit jacket was hanging on the seat back in front of him, and his tie had moved to one side giving Kevin a strange urge, which he almost had to force himself not to succumb to, to straighten Damien's tie for him and smooth it down over his smart white shirt. Damien was looking straight at him, which was enough for Kevin to try to reignite the friendly conversation straight away.

"Landing soon already, then?" said Kevin. "That was quick. How long have I been asleep?"

Damien drew in what seemed to Kevin like a shaky breath. "Ages. Well, about an hour I think. Actually I was hoping you'd wake up earlier."

Kevin looked back at Damien blankly. "Huh?"

"I was just about to wake you. I just need to get out for a moment. Do you think I still can?"

Kevin stared back at him without responding for a couple of seconds. Unlike those of the other passengers around them, Damien's seatbelt was still hanging loose at his sides and he had turned inwards towards Kevin, his body poised to get up from his seat. Damien's question clearly required a response from Kevin, so after some hesitation he offered: "I don't know. They've just told us to put our seatbelts on for landing. What's the problem?"

"I've got to pee."

"Oh..." began Kevin. "But we're landing in ten minutes. You can go then."

"I know. But I really have to pee now."

Kevin needed no further explanation. Damien's handsome features showed anxiety, possibly near panic, and Kevin had enough experience to know that when it's as bad as that you simply have to go regardless of any niceties such as airline regulations. Kevin undid his seatbelt smartly, stood up and moved out into the aisle. Damien was so fast that Kevin actually felt him brush past him, the material of the crisp white shirt brushing against Kevin's hand, as his smartly dressed companion took off away from him towards the rear of the plane.

Kevin watched for a moment as Damien hurried away, sat back down in his seat, fastened his own seatbelt on the lap of his jeans, and succeeded in quelling a strong urge to set off the same way that Damien had headed as his bladder reminded him of his own need. Clearly that need was nothing like as bad as Damien's however, thought Kevin, as he replayed in his mind the surprising events of the previous half minute. Damien's tense posture and shaky tone of voice, together with the lightning quick exit which Damien had made when Kevin had let him out, had all indicated a guy who was absolutely bursting. Kevin started to imagine the explosive piss which Damien must now be releasing into that aeroplane toilet behind him. This was confirmed in his mind as a few more minutes passed without Damien returning, making Kevin think that he himself would long since have finished peeing by now even if he had started out brimfull like that as well. Kevin started wondering to himself why Damien had not woken him up earlier or simply climbed over him, and also whether Damien's underwear, about which Kevin had been fantasising in his slumber earlier, had remained completely dry. The plane's engines surged as it turned for the approach for landing, and Kevin's own libido surged too as he continued to think about his hot companion and what he must have been going through, progressively more desperate to pee, while waiting for Kevin to wake up.

Kevin's reverie about Damien was finally interrupted by his peripheral vision registering the white and grey of Damien's smart clothing next to him and a brief touch on Kevin's shoulder as the guy stood there in the aisle of the plane. "Well, you were just in time, I guess," said Kevin with a grin at the hot guy as he stepped back out into the aisle to let him back into his seat. "Glad you managed to sort that out, anyway. You seemed pretty desperate."

Damien made no reply as he moved across into his seat, so Kevin continued. "You could have woken me earlier, you know. I wouldn't have minded."

Damien spoke briefly and, to Kevin's mind, a little tersely, as he fastened his seatbelt again. "I didn't want to disturb you."

"It wouldn't have mattered, man. If you've got to go, you've got to go. Anyway, I bet you feel much better now, right? I know I feel enormous relief after peeing if I was really desperate to go. Super relaxing at last!" Kevin grinned at the young businessman next to him as he attempted to reignite the friendliness in which the two of them had indulged at the start of the flight.

Damien grunted in response and pressed his hands into his groin as he tried to settle back into his seat. Kevin could almost sense the palpable relief which Damien must be feeling after letting it all out from a bursting bladder.

"You know," Kevin continued, "I almost didn't make it a few days ago when the journey to Civitaveccia in Ricardo's car took longer than I thought it would. We'd all had a coffee before setting out, which wasn't a good idea to start with. Like that can of beer we've each had now, I guess. I bet you regretted that while you were waiting for me to wake up just now. Anyway, we were on the motorway and I just really had to pee like you wouldn't believe. I was sitting there on the back seat begging Ricardo to just stop the car, anywhere, because I couldn't hold it any longer. The other three were finding it hilarious, but it wasn't funny for me. In the end he had to pull over onto the verge illegally because it was either that or he'd have had a wet car seat. It was pure bliss letting it all out, I can tell you. I'd been panicking that I was going to piss myself in his car, and it was just such a relief when I didn't. So I can well imagine what you feel like now. There's something about plane journeys or car journeys which really make us need to pee, isn't there? And when we finally..."

"Look, I haven't been!"

Kevin stopped talking, startled at the unexpected interruption. He stared at Damien blankly.

"The toilet was engaged. I waited outside for the person to finish, but then the steward told me to go back to my seat because we're landing."

Kevin continued to stare. Damien's demeanour and body language were not that of a guy who has just relieved himself, Kevin now realised. Damien was exuding tension and discomfort in his posture. His back was not resting against the seat back, his body was leaning slightly forward against the restraint of the seatbelt, and his legs were making slow but regular opening and contracting motions.

"...That's a nuisance," said Kevin after a pause. "Oh well, it's only a few minutes till we land," he added awkwardly as Damien squirmed again and then appeared to try to loosen his seatbelt.

"Just stop going on about it," said Damien shortly. And Kevin, understanding Damien's situation completely and realising that the terseness with which his companion was responding to him was based on pure physical and psychological desperation, obediently fell silent.

The plane's engines surged even more as the entire aircraft banked steeply to the right. Kevin shut his eyes for a moment as he felt his stomach heave slightly in response to the unnatural motion as the turning of the aircraft was accompanied by a sudden reduction in speed. Kevin's bladder pulsated as he held it shut. He knew he did not feel anything like as full as he had in Ricardo's car during his visit to Italy, and he had no qualms about being unable to hold on until he was in the airport concourse, but a glance at the guy sitting next to him reminded him that Damien was in a far worse condition. As Kevin continued to watch, fuelling the fantasies he had indulged in when drifting off to sleep with a very exciting dose of reality, Damien's hand went back to his groin and squeezed tightly there. Damien then seemed to recover again and sit back against the seatback for a short time, but a new spasm evidently gripped him again, and Damien himself gripped tightly in response. As Damien then moved his hands off his groin again, Kevin, struck by the extraordinary notion that Damien might have lost it and wet himself, looked down at his companion's lap. The grey suit material was clearly dry, and Kevin mentally chastised himself for thinking of such a ridiculous idea that this young professional could possibly have wet his pants in a plane on the way back from an international business trip.

As the minutes passed and the ground came more clearly into view, Kevin braced himself for the imminent hard bump which would be felt at any moment when the wheels made contact with the runway. He could already glimpse the familiar buildings racing past the window on this flight path into Heathrow which Kevin had seen many times before. The bump when it came was as hard as ever, and the sharp deceleration which followed caused Kevin's seatbelt to push hard into his midriff, reminding him of his own need to pee and causing him to clench the usual muscles as he fought back the urge. The air was filled with incongruous applause as some of the other travellers appeared to try to express their appreciation of the skill of the pilots. The plane slowed right down even more sharply, then turned and headed for its resting place.

Kevin felt a sense of regret that he would shortly be parting from his companion. He turned towards him. "Well, thanks for your company Damien. Hope you have a good trip back home. I've enjoyed chatting to you," he remarked.

Damien was already grabbing his suit jacket with one hand and his small attaché case from underneath the seat in front of him. He seemed to have little energy available for a friendly response and replied as tersely as before. "You too. Can I get out first? I'm bursting." He had already unbuckled his seatbelt and appeared to be trying to get out past Kevin into the aisle despite the continued slow forward motion of the aircraft.

"You'll have to wait till we stop," said Kevin, but then did a double-take as he looked at Damien. As the guy stood up in his place and turned towards Kevin ready to squeeze past him, Kevin stared in amazement at the wet area on Damien's groin. Damien's private part about which Kevin had been fantasising when drifting off to sleep more than an hour earlier was now revealing its position by the liquid emission which had penetrated through Damien's grey suit trousers and manifested itself there in a darker disc-shaped area about the size of a teacup.

Damien, realising that getting out of the plane was not yet an option, sat back down briefly while the plane braked slowly to a stop. A pinging noise sounded as the fasten-seatbelt sign was switched off, and Damien responded immediately by jumping up again from his seat and pushing past Kevin who had moved his legs into the aisle to let his desperate companion escape. Kevin caught one more glimpse of Damien's wet groin, then watched wistfully as Damien rushed forward, achieving an advantage of several seat aisles ahead of Kevin before being blocked by other passengers as they collected their luggage. "That's the last I see of him," thought Kevin regretfully as he watched the back of Damien's head receding slowly into the distance amidst the sea of people as everyone waited to be allowed off the plane.

But he caught up with him near the top of the airbridge. Damien was standing still and facing a wall, his back to all other passengers who were walking past him up the airbridge into the building, one hand holding his grey suit jacket, the other his case, and his head bowed down. Kevin could see, even from behind, that his trousers were soaked all the way down the legs. Some drops and splatters of pee were already collecting on the floor by his shoes.

Kevin walked straight up to him and put an arm round his shoulders. Normally he would never do that with someone he hardly knew, but the unusual circumstances required unusual and drastic action. "Come with me, man. I've got something for you in my bag."

Ignoring the stares from various people around them, Kevin marched his companion up the last ten metres of the airbridge and into the prominent gents toilets, then pushed him gently into a cubicle, joined him inside and locked the door behind them.

*** *** *** ***

"Well, I'm glad you came. It saves me having to post this to you." Damien passed Kevin a plastic bag. Inside was a freshly washed and neatly folded pair of Kevin's sweatpants, a pair of his briefs, and a pair of his socks. "It's lucky you had them in your hand luggage that day. And that they fitted me."

"You didn't need to return them, you know," said Kevin. "They're not new clothes or anything and I've got plenty. You were welcome to keep them or just chuck them away."

"Actually I was keen to see you again," said Damien. "I'm glad you gave me your phone number."

"Yeah, I wanted to meet you again too," said Kevin.

"Well, let's go back to my place when we've finished our coffees," his new friend replied. "It's too noisy here. I want to get to know you properly."

Starbucks on Euston station was indeed hardly a place where you could easily have a quiet chat with someone, and Kevin agreed enthusiastically. "You didn't need to buy me quite such a large coffee though," he added. "It's going to take me a while to get through this." The large latte was indeed blessed with generous proportions.

Kevin and Damien chatted amiably as they drank their coffees. Kevin was anxious to clear any vestiges of embarrassment which Damien might still be feeling following the circumstances of their original meeting. Damien had wet his suit totally during the painfully slow disembarkation at Heathrow a week earlier, and being summarily stripped of his soaking suit trousers and sodden briefs in the toilet cubicle by a practically-minded Kevin, who had quickly realised the advantages of having a spare set of clothes in his hand luggage, was something which might well have been absolutely cringeworthy for Damien. Kevin was anxious to smooth over any awkward feelings which Damien might have retained from the unusual situation.

"Shall we head off then?" said Damien as they drained their large coffees.

"I'll just go for a pee here first," said Kevin. "That coffee is having its effects." He made to head for the Starbucks toilets.

"Actually I'd rather you didn't," said Damien, his facial expression mysterious and undiscernable to Kevin for the moment. "You can pee when we get to my place. I'm just seven stops up the Northern Line."

Kevin's heart missed a beat. He gazed back at his companion. "What if I can't make it?" he offered after a short pause. "There are no toilets on the underground."

Damien looked back at him with a smoulderingly intense look. "Let's see if you can last out, then."

Kevin shivered with nervous excitement. He hesitated for a full ten seconds.

Then he grinned shyly at his new friend. "Alright then. I'm nearly ready to burst. But I'll try and last out. Take me straight to your house, though. If I piss myself because you delay us, it's your fault."
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Re: Kevin and Damien: a new friendship

Post by Fred »

This sounds like the beginning of a very interesting relationship!
Can't stay away...
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Re: Kevin and Damien: a new friendship

Post by Lee »

Wow! This is fantastic.
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Re: Kevin and Damien: a new friendship

Post by bradelzs »

Great story
Can't stay away...
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Re: Kevin and Damien: a new friendship

Post by Sam70 »


Love the story. There is an unusual twist to this relationship. I hope you will develop this soon. Two tensions. One an interest in developing a true friendship possibly a romantic one. Then there is an interest in wetting pants in public. Damien wants Kevin to hang on and piss his pants in public because Kevin has lost control of his bladder. Kevin is willing, perhaps wanting to piss his pants in public because Damien wants him to.

This could involve a certain kind of feelings that would require this story to need to be moved to Stronger Interests.

This may turn into a very interesting situation!

Both prequels and sequels can have very interesting developments.

I hope for a detailed count of Damien and Kevin’s ride Keith no toilets to see how long it is before Kevin totally pisses his pant with big puddle and all Probably in STRONGER Interests.
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Re: Kevin and Damien: a new friendship

Post by Brian »

Thanks everyone for the comments.

Sam, I might indeed write that at some point. My style would be to bring either Kevin or Damien or both forward into a completely new story with other characters and refer to what happened on that tube journey back to Damien's house as a minor part of that new story. But unless and until I do that it's just our imaginations for now. Perhaps Kevin has underestimated how long "seven stops up the Northern Line" takes. They are meeting at Euston station which is a mainline railway station in the UK, so possibly Kevin isn't a Londoner and doesn't use the London Underground very often.
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Re: Kevin and Damien: a new friendship

Post by pissbaby »

Such a good story! They're definitely going to have an interesting friendship
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Re: Kevin and Damien: a new friendship

Post by Brian »

pissbaby wrote: 04 Jul 2022, 22:47 Such a good story! They're definitely going to have an interesting friendship
Thank you. :D
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Re: Kevin and Damien: a new friendship

Post by WetYfronts »

Looking forward to the development of some interesting scenarios here.
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Joined: 14 Jan 2023, 19:32

Re: Kevin and Damien: a new friendship

Post by jplus »

Just my favorite!
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