Danny Returns - in a different environment...

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Danny Returns - in a different environment...

Post by Lee »

“What do you want then, mate?” asked Danny, having been summoned into the boss’s office.

“Well, now you’re a grade 2 scaffolder, you’ve got to get your health and safety qualification.”

“Oh No” groaned Danny, “not a course. I hate courses. I’m no good doing classroom stuff!”

“Too bad” his boss Steve replied, “you don’t have a choice. I’ve booked you in for the assessment at a place in Cambridge.”

“No way, that’s too bloody far just for one day!” protested Danny.

“It isn’t one day, it’s a four-day course. You’ll be staying over. I’ve booked you into a pub.”

“Oh well that’s something I suppose” mumbled Danny, “but four sodding days sitting behind a desk, I hate the thought of that.”

“It gets worse mate” grinned Steve, “there’s a an exam on the last day too!”

“You are joking!! A frigging exam! I’m no good at remembering stuff and writing it down!”

“And…” added Steve, “the course costs £1200. If you don’t complete it or if you fail the exam, you’ll have to pay it yourself – and then pay to do it again and re-sit the exam.”

“Two and a half grand!! I haven’t got that sort of money!”

“Well, you better make sure you turn up, pay attention and pass the exam, like a good little boy!”

Steve laughed, as Danny scowled and stormed out of the little office.


Two weeks later, on a Sunday evening, Danny pulled up at the Fox and Hounds pub just outside the city of Cambridge. For 27-year-old Danny, it was his worst nightmare. He’d always detested any sort of academic stuff and the prospect of sitting in four days of lectures and workshops horrified him. He hated public speaking as well and the thought that he might have to present something in front of others had given him a few sleepless nights.

He grabbed his bag from the boot and walked into the large but cosy bar, introduced himself and was soon in his upstairs room. It was comfortable enough, although the sight of a small desk in one corner just re-emphasised what he was facing in the coming week.

‘Still, time for a couple of pints before we get going tomorrow’ he mused to himself.


The next morning, Danny arrived at the training centre and met the rest of his group. There were 18 of them in total, and although there were a couple of other manual workers, the majority seemed to be office-based people.

The next few days were not enjoyable for Danny and he couldn’t wait to get back to the pub at the end of each afternoon session. Revising was hopeless – he could never remember anything and knew he’d have to rely on his basic knowledge. After all, the trainer had said several times that health and safety was mainly common sense, so as long as he kept his cool, he should get through the exam okay. At least he hoped so! Failing – and paying out of his own pocket – was definitely not an option.


On the final day, the Thursday, the group were given the morning to themselves to do some final revision before the afternoon exam which was to be held at the college a few miles away. Danny tried sitting in his room, but every time he tried to look at the note sheets, he felt a wave of panic and was unable to concentrate. By late morning, he’d hardly absorbed any information at all.

‘Sod it’ he told himself, ‘I can’t sit here any longer, I’m going to pop down to the bar and have a quick pint before going to the college. That’ll calm me down a bit’ he told himself.


Two pints later, Danny was hurrying out of the pub after checking out. He jumped in his car and fumbled around to find the location and directions to the college. In typical Danny-fashion, he’d stayed a bit longer than he meant to, and hadn’t given himself much time to find the college. It wasn’t far, but when he arrived, the car park was rammed and he drove round and round trying to find a space, meaning that when he eventually dashed into the large building, he had only a minute or so to spare.

To his absolute horror, he was quickly ushered into a huge hall, full of small desks and chairs. Danny had fully expected the exam to be taken by his small group of 18 people, but there must have been more than three times that many people filing into the hall, which resembled a school assembly hall.

Around half of the candidates were clearly from the Fire Service, as they were all dressed in off-duty attire, of blue trousers and logo-emblazoned sweatshirts. In addition, the majority of the others were office workers, mostly wearing shirts and ties. And then there were those who had been on his course with him for the last few days.

As Danny found himself a desk in one of the middle rows, his heart was pounding. He really did want this whole experience over and done with as soon as possible so that he could get back to the work environment where he felt comfortable.

He could feel his hands clammy as he sat down and the hall gradually descended into silence, leaving the tutor to address them all.

“Well, good luck everyone. When I tell you, you can turn over your papers and start. There are pens available on your desks if you haven’t got your own. Please be aware that as this is a credited qualification, the exam will take place under strict conditions. No talking or conferring with anyone else, and no unnecessary noise or movements. There will be no departures from the room during the first 45 minutes and if anyone does need to leave the hall after that, please raise your hand and wait for one of the invigilators to come to you before leaving your seat. There will also be no exits during the final hour. So, when I say so, please turn over your papers and get ready to commence this two and a half hour examination.”

‘Two and a half hours!! Jesus!!’ Danny broke out in a hot sweat, ‘nearly three hours!! I never knew it was going to be that long! Oh Shit’

(to be continued)
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Re: Danny Returns - in a different environment...

Post by Wombat48 »

Great to see Danny again!! I wonder what's going to happen next? 😉
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Re: Danny Returns - in a different environment...

Post by Brian »

Yes, good to see him again and intriguing to wonder whether his more professional situation has had any effect on his ability to plan ahead regarding his physical needs. It would seem not...
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Re: Danny Returns - in a different environment...

Post by Fred »

Danny is one of those lads that I describe as "improvident". They're the ones who always forget to take a wee before setting off on a long trip - or drink two pints of brew just before a 2.5 hour exam. Now, we know people whose bladders can hold two pints, but Danny isn't one of them. And we also know that beer piss collects other body fluids on its way. Methinks Danny boy's urinary sphincter is going to get some exercise.
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Re: Danny Returns - in a different environment...

Post by Lee »

“Take something smart to wear, you don’t want to be the only scruffy one there!”

That advice from Dawn back at home had been well worthwhile, but as Danny sat down, he felt as uncomfortable with what he was wearing as much he was awkward in the environment. Dressed in a grey crew-neck sweatshirt and tight-fitting light grey trousers, he felt constrained as he eased himself into the chair, struggling to pull his lower legs and feet, clad in black shoes and white socks, under the desk.

No doubt in common with the vast majority of the 60 or so candidates in the hall, he felt a pang of panic as he turned over the exam paper and began to scan down the list of questions. But there was no way out now, he just had to do his best.


A good while later, Danny was feeling more confident and after ploughing through several pages of ‘quickie’ questions, he was well into his second drawing question. It was all about connections and joins, and selecting the best one and the worst one, as well as drawing some of the answers. Danny was well into it, so much so that he had hardly noticed the time … until he went to stretch his back.

‘Bloody hell! I need a piss!’

He hadn’t realised just how full his bladder was as he sat there, but having suddenly noticed it, his stress levels soared instantly.

‘Shit!’ he told himself, ‘I honestly didn’t realise how badly I need to go. It must be those two bloody pints I had before coming here!’

Danny glanced around the room, immediately losing all focus on the exam paper in front of him.

‘Jeez, I’ve got to go badly. I’m going to have to go out and find a toilet somewhere. I wonder how come no-one else has needed to go as well?’

He looked all around and everyone seemed to have their heads down, writing away frantically.

He hadn’t even noticed what time they had started, so he was unsure about whether he was allowed to leave, but that hardly mattered. He HAD to leave the room and he was going to leave the room, no matter what the time was, or whatever the rules were. He needed to go to the toilet – and he needed to go badly.

‘I wonder what I am supposed to do?’ he mused, having completely forgotten what they had been told before the exam started. ‘I suppose I just get up and walk to the front? Or do I call someone?’

But suddenly, and to Danny’s delight, a few heads turned to look to his far right, where one of the firefighters was sitting with his hand in the air, like a schoolboy in class. The tutor acknowledged him from the front and began to slowly walk along the aisle towards him.

‘Oh brilliant’ Danny sighed contentedly, ‘ someone else needs a piss. I’ll wait and see what he does.’

The tutor arrived at the young firefighter’s desk and spoke to him for a good minute, before bending down slightly, and both of them appeared to be looking down at the chair.

‘Come on, hurry up mate, I’m busting here!’ Danny was getting impatient for some movement.

But suddenly, the tutor walked away again, leaving the firefighter to recommence writing, and a short time later, the tutor returned from the back of the hall carrying a chair, which he placed down next to the desk, allowing the firefighter to slide across into it, and allow the tutor to take away the old chair.

It wasn’t a toilet request at all – it was a request for a replacement chair!


Ten minutes later, Danny had made no progress whatsoever with the exam, and he was desperately trying to make eye contact with the tutor, preferring not to wave his hand in the air like a little kid.

‘Come on mate, I’m going to wet meself if you don’t hurry up!’ Danny silently muttered to himself.

He wasn’t, of course, but he really did need to go badly. The discomfort was sweeping all round his midriff and he wanted to shift his backside on the chair. With every movement, his bladder seemed to twitch a teeny bit more and little stabbing pins and needles made themselves very apparent. Danny pressed his knees together slightly, easing his aching stomach, as he realised that he was going to have to take some decisive action, and he raised his arm into the air.

Similar to the previous occasion with the other candidate, the tutor acknowledged him from the front and started to make his way down the aisle.

“What’s the matter?” he asked as he reached the desk.

“I need to go to the toilet” replied Danny bluntly and without any awkwardness.

The tutor looked up at the clocked and seemed to exhale a bit reluctantly, “Okay, if you wait a few minutes, I’ll call one of the invigilators to take you.”

“I don’t need anyone to take me” snapped back Danny, “I can go on my own.”

“Someone has to accompany you, it's the rule” replied the tutor in a calm voice.

Danny sighed loudly, “Well don’t be too long will you, I’m absolutely busting. I don't want to do it sitting here!”

The tutor just looked, said nothing, and began to walk back to the front of the hall.

Several of the other candidates had overheard the brief exchange and there were a few grins and smirks from those nearby. But Danny was not impressed as a good five minutes passed, leaving him sitting there jigging his legs back and forth to the amusement of a few in the surrounding desks.


Eventually, the door opened and another guy walked in, spoke to the tutor and then made his way along the aisle, saying nothing but beckoning with his head for Danny to follow him.

Clumsily and noisily pushing his chair back, Danny got up and walked back between the desks to the hall door. He was oblivious to all the stares in his direction, but he was certainly not oblivious to the fact that his bladder was screaming at him. Every step sent a painful vibration across his belly and as they got outside into the deserted corridor, Danny couldn’t help giving himself a little squeeze to ease the discomfort.

“How far to the toilet mate?”

“Just down here. Turn right at the bottom and it’s on the left”

“Phoar! I’m seriously busting. Good job you weren’t a few minutes longer. I might not have made it!”

The guy just looked at Danny, saying nothing, before gesturing in the direction of the gents toilet.

Arriving at the urinal, Danny undid his trousers, yanked down his briefs and sighed loudly as he began to pee with tremendous force, barely conscious of the risk of some serious splashback onto his light grey trousers.

“Fuck me!” he groaned quietly, as he experienced his long-awaited and much-needed relief.

“Jesus mate!” I hadn’t realised just how much I needed it. That was almost a close one!” he said as he returned outside to the waiting tutor, who gave a short glimpse of a half-smile, before replying “Your timing was good then. Another 20 minutes and you’ be into the last hour.”

‘What the fuck’s that supposed to mean’ thought Danny to himself, as he tucked his shirt into his waistband and tightened his belt.


As they walked back into the hall, Danny’s mind was half on the remainder of the exam and how he was going to approach the two main essay-type questions he still had to tackle. But he also couldn’t help casting his mind back to previous occasions when he’d needed the toilet as badly.

Like when he’d been in agony on that tube train with his workmates, and hadn’t quite managed to hold out until they found a toilet (at least that was what he preferred to remember!), or when he’d been pleading to be let out of that taxi with Jay, when he’d been on verge of losing control in his pants (again, his recollection deviated slightly from the actual incident), or more shudderingly horrific, that occasion on the plane, with his girlfriend and his parents, when he had been in agonising pain as he had to go so badly – and he’d actually wet himself in the passport control queue!

As he sat down back on his chair, he glanced down and rubbed his hand over a few little dark splash spots around his groin, and another horrific memory engulfed him.

“God, I think these might be the trousers that I pissed myself in, when I was at the theatre with Dawn!”


Back at his desk, Danny set about completing the drawing question before starting the main sections that he was dreading.

‘Concentrate, concentrate!’ he told himself, ‘you can’t afford to fuck this up!’


It was around twenty minutes later, as he was sweating anxiously and trying to fathom out what he needed to answer, another sledgehammer-like blow pounded into his lower belly.

‘Bollocks! I’m dying for a bloody piss again! It must definitely have been those two beers. I don’t believe this. I’m going to have to go out again!’

(to be continued)
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Re: Danny Returns - in a different environment...

Post by Sam70 »

Poor Danny!

He really must have a small bladder,

It is this situation where I would be mortified to have to to ask a second time while no one else has asked to leave the first time.

And, Danny is now in the last hour where no one is allowed to go to the toilet!

If toilet breaks are to be allowed, my position is that only alowing a very short toilet break in a very middle of the exam is foolish. I can see not allowing a toilet break the first ten minutes ten and the last ten minutes.

I can see where no toilet breaks the last hour could cause major problems. And. Most of us will assume we can make it that last hour and not ask for a toilet break and then get might get caught in that last hour with wet pants.

But these are the rules for this exam and these rules are widely used in college and university students xams.Some exams would not allow any toilet visits during an exam like this.

I wonder if our Danny drinks lots of water when he gets nervous. He really should be able to wait one hour after he has just peed. While we don’t discuss secondary schools here, I have to wonder how a real Danny like lad survived in school! We will all have to wonder on our own about the younger Danny.


Looking forward to see how Danny’s situation evolves. The invigilators are not take too kindly for a second request for a toilet visit. I am looking forward to see how Danny develops this story!
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Re: Danny Returns - in a different environment...

Post by Fred »

When the kidneys are cranked up into high gear from even just two pints of beer, one pee isn't enough. Danny has "broken the seal", and holding for more than another hour isn't going to happen. Most of us have experienced the need to pee every twenty minutes after the first one!
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Re: Danny Returns - in a different environment...

Post by briefs »

Poor Danny!

Where are his other stories Fred?

Do you know what colour briefs he was wearing for the exam?:)
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Re: Danny Returns - in a different environment...

Post by Lee »

A quick glance around the hall showed Danny that every one of the candidates seemed engrossed in their paper and virtually every head was looking downwards. But his own predicament meant that this was not a time for coyness or timidity. Danny could feel his bladder literally filling at the rate of knots. Even sitting perfectly still, he was aware of the fullness inside him and of the growing pressure.

‘I think I’ve broken the sodding seal with that last piss. I reckon it’s like that time on the plane when I had to go again, worse than ever, just having had one’.

The revelation seemed to come as a surprise to Danny – despite that fact that he’d experienced the same scenario numerous times and had even once admitted the weakness to one of his workmates, Jay.

‘I’d better go out straightaway. If that guy leaves me waiting as long as he did last time before coming out with me, I’ll be on the verge of doing it in my trousers!’


Almost instantly, Danny plunged his arm into the air, wagging his pointedly upright finger as if to try and attract immediate attention. The tutor looked over and frowned slightly quizzically at someone raising their hand for a second time. He waited for a few seconds before acknowledging the signal, and gestured to Danny to lower his arm, although he gave no indication that he was about to move down the aisle and between the desks.

‘Come on mate’ urged Danny silently, “it’s an emergency. He’s hardly putting himself out to get over here. What does he think I want – a bloody friendly little chat?’

Suddenly, the tutor stirred and stepped forwards, although his stroll along the aisle was as laid back as it could have been.

“What is it?” he asked, almost wearily.

“I’m going to have to go to the toilet again” replied Danny, adding “please”, as the request was initially met with a few seconds silence.

The tutor turned around and looked hard at the clock on the wall. Danny had hardly even noticed that it was there previously.

“We’re in the last hour”

Danny was both puzzled by the comment and irked by the delay.


“It’s the final hour of the exam. There’s just around 50 minutes left.”

Danny felt his face colour up slightly, not so much with embarrassment, but more with irritation.

“What’s that got to do with anything? I need the toilet!”

The tutor was calm, firm and clear in his reply.

“I told you all at the outset. Exam rules. Nobody is allowed to leave the room in the last hour.”

Danny’s heart thumped in his chest.


“Not my rules, it’s the examining board. Nobody goes out during the final hour. If you do, you forfeit the paper. I did announce it.”

“What, you mean I can’t go out?”

The tutor just shook his head, “Sorry”

Danny was stunned and almost gabbled in response, not caring who else heard his reply.

“No way! You’re joking! Surely! I’ve got to go out! I’m busting! I’ve got to go to the toilet, like now!”

“I’m sorry. You can’t” the tutor said, almost apologetically.

As if to demonstrate his desperate need, Danny pressed his knees together and gripped his crotch with his right hand.

“Mate, I’m gonna wet meself if I don’t go out!”

The response was a like a dagger into Danny’s chest.

“Well, if you go out, you’ve terminated your exam and the board will fail you.”

“But I’ve done the course okay!” pleaded a frantic Danny.

“Maybe, but you have to pass the exam to get the qualification. Otherwise, you’ll have to re-do the course and re-sit the exam. That’s how it is.”

The prospect of failing and having to do a re-sit were bad enough, but the words of his boss Steve were ringing in his ears – along with the sickening thought of a two and a half thousand pound bill!

“Oh, come on mate, please! Make an exception. I’m not going to be able to wait!”

Danny began to bob up and down in his chair.

“Just let me slip out quickly mate, please! I’ll do it in my pants otherwise! Seriously!”


The exchange had been heard by all the other candidates who were nearby, and suddenly there was a sound of ‘ssshhh’ from someone, followed by a comment of ‘you’re disturbing everyone’.

A red-faced Danny half spun round on his chair.

“Don’t tell me to ssshhh, I’m dying for a slash! I’m going to piss meself if I don’t go out!”

The tutor stepped closer to Danny, “Look, just calm down and try and concentrate on your paper. Don’t waste this opportunity. Just try and focus on the paper and the time will pass. You’re already losing valuable time.”

And with that, he turned and walked away, leaving a despairing Danny sitting in huge discomfort.


Danny leaned forwards in his seat and tried to stare at the question in front of him, but he couldn’t even focus on the words, let alone the meaning of the sentence. His fingers were slippery as he held the pen, but it was futile to think he could write anything at all, and even more so, anything sensible.

The ache in his bladder was raging and his belly felt bloated all around his ever-tightening midriff. If his need to pee had been growing by the minute, it now seemed to get stronger every few seconds, and he was having to gyrate on his backside to try and lessen the sensation.
In the pit of his stomach, little stabbing spasms were coming and going, and with every single one, he could feel the extent of his agony spreading further around his waist.

With one hand, he again re-gripped his crotch, squeezing himself tightly, and with his knees together, he twisted his white-socked ankles around each other and pushed his feet as far back under his chair as he could.

Suddenly, from his left, he heard a whispered voice, “ppsst, mate”

Danny looked over, and one of the other blokes who had been in his group throughout the week was looking across.

“Go out mate,” he mouthed “just get up and go out!”

“I can’t” Danny whimpered back, “I can’t. I can’t afford it. I think I’m going to have to piss myself!”


The searing pain was reaching a crescendo, and Danny was scarcely able to think properly.

‘How the fuck has this happened? How can I need to go so badly again?’

In his fuddled head, all sorts of thoughts were flashing through his mind.

‘… I felt like this when I was getting off that plane … I remember standing on the airport bus thinking I was going to start wetting myself … and when I was on that tube train with the lads … I was like this when I was in the queue for the toilet … it was almost worse than this when I was gagging and couldn't hold it in that taxi with Jay … and in the lift at the theatre, I ‘broke the seal’ that night too and then I couldn’t wait and did it all down my legs … and at that bloody wedding … that’s the first time it happened … Jesus, I went in my pants sitting there … and then I pissed myself when that copper made me do up my jeans when I was having a wee … oh fuck!’


Suddenly, Danny looked up, through stinging eyes and with beads of sweat forming on his forehead, to see the tutor approaching him again.

“Look, I can see you’re in real trouble. I’ve just sent a message out to the Board’s Chief Examiner to see whether, under the circumstances, he might relax the rule on this occasion. I can’t make that decision without his say-so, but just sit tight and as soon as I hear back from him, I’ll let you know what he says, okay?”

Danny shook his head in defeated fashion.

“I can’t mate. I’m not going to last out. I’m just going to wet myself!”

A quiet voice from a few desks away pierced Danny’s ears.

“Oh Christ! He’s going to have an accident in his trousers!”

Somehow, the very words seemed to weaken Danny’s dwindling resistance, and he bent forwards, bowing his head before looking up towards the tutor, who had started to walk away again.

“I’m going to have to do it in my pants! It’s coming!”


In stark contrast to the scenario just a short time previously, few of the candidates were focused on their exam papers, and instead the majority of eyes were fixed on the smartly-dressed young scaffolder, who was sitting hunched forwards over his small desk, with his backside firmly pressed against the rear of the seat of his chair. Although his upper body was still, his legs were constantly moving below his knees, as he shuffled his feet frantically on the floor, knocking his black shoes together at the heels.

Even on the far side of the room, it was apparent that something was seriously amiss, although they couldn’t really see exactly what was happening.

“What’s going on?” mouthed one of the firefighters to a nearby colleague.

“I think someone’s wetting himself!” came the reply.

“Yes” added another quiet voice, “some bloke’s gone to the toilet in his trousers, I think!”

But suddenly, a louder voice became audible. It was the returning tutor again.

“Good news, I think. The chief examiner has just got back to me...”

(to be continued)
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Re: Danny Returns - in a different environment...

Post by Brian »

".,,I think..." ???
This is superb. I can't wait to find out what the tutor means by that!
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