Scaffolder Danny Again - will he survive another ordeal?

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Scaffolder Danny Again - will he survive another ordeal?

Post by Lee »

Dawn also remained blissfully unaware of what Danny had done during the H&S exam – all he’d told her was that he'd messed up the exam paper and had gone round to Jay's place straight afterwards to tell him about it, leaving her to sympathise, and not knowing that Jay and his washing machine had proved a Godsend for Danny that afternoon.

She was more focused on an event coming up shortly, at which she and Danny had been invited to a weekend event with some of the senior managers from her workplace. As a reward for completing a major project, the top people had set up a weekend retreat which included a barbeque, a culinary adventure and a special surprise feature for the Saturday evening. Dawn was excited, but also slightly nervous about what was in store, especially as Danny was not so keen.

“They’re really posh people Danny” she’d told him, “whatever you do, just make sure you don’t do anything to embarrass yourself – or me.”

“Like what!” Danny had scowled back, “how am I going to embarrass you?”

“Just be careful what you say or do in front of them. And make sure you don’t drink too much.”

At the back of both of their minds, they knew what was being referred to, but neither wanted to say.


The weekend arrived and Danny and Dawn met up with the group of five other couples at a posh country hotel. They were pleasant enough, but very well-spoken, and Danny felt like a fish out of water from the very start. The Saturday afternoon barbeque was just about bearable, although Danny didn’t strike up a rapport with anyone else. They were all ‘old chap’ and ‘marvellous’ characters, and so when they were told that they evening event was a trip to a nearby theme park, Danny felt a bit more relaxed – that was more his type of thing. He'd had a few drinks at the barbeque, and so just before the minibus arrived to take them to the park, he’d nipped inside to use the toilet, although Dawn didn’t notice him disappear.

Thirty minutes later, they were at the park and queueing for one of the rides.

“I thought the whole idea of this was that we were guests and wouldn’t have to queue up?” Danny said quietly to Dawn.

“Shush!” she whispered back, “you don’t want to go to the toilet, do you?”

“Am I four years old!!” snapped back Danny irritably, before adding somewhat ominously, “I do need to go a bit actually, but I’m fine.”

“Oh God!” uttered Dawn quietly.


A further 10 minutes had passed before everyone was being strapped into their seats for what seemed to be a mini-version of a big wheel, but the way they were being harnessed in suggested it was not quite what it appeared. Danny winced as the ride attendant yanked the leather strap tightly around his midriff, anchoring him to the seat, but also pressing into the pit of his belly and poking his bladder.

What was more concerning was that their arms were also being strapped by their sides.

“What’s this all about, eh?” Danny whispered, “I’m not liking the look of this at all!”

It was almost another 10 minutes before all the preparations had been completed and as the ride attendants began to step back, Danny asked one of them, “how long is this ride, mate?”

“Seven or eight minutes” came back the reply, and Danny nodded in grateful appreciation. He felt relaxed at the prospect of a quick twirl around in the air and then off again within a few minutes, and in a teasing voice, he whispered in Dawn’s ear, “I asked ‘cause I’m dying for the loo!”

“Oh my God, you’re not?!” His girlfriend looked mortified.

Danny nodded saucily with a little grin, “I am, seriously. I’ll try not to wee meself in the next seven minutes though!”

Dawn would have hit him playfully, but she was unable to move her arms away from her side.


The ride started and swung them into the air, twisting them around and with each sudden stop, three carriers ended up facing each other, so that three couples were within touching distance at close quarters – or at least would have been, had they been able to touch. There were several screams and whoops of delight before each mini-stop, coming face to face with different couples every time, and even Danny was quite enjoying the fun, surprising himself at that.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang that frightened everyone far more than the twists and turns of the ride, and a flash of light followed by a few sparks did little to remove the panicky anxiety. The carriages began to grind to a halt and gradually came to a stop, with three of them swinging gently as they faced each other.

“What the fuck’s happened…!” Danny exclaimed.

Dawn couldn’t touch him, but she immediately scolded him for his outburst, “Danny!”

The carriages were still swaying softly, as one of the senior managers in the carriage opposite said, “Oh dear, I think we’ve malfunctioned old chap.”

The third carriage of the cosily-settled trio contained a young couple who were not part of the group, and they also initially made light of the situation, “Oh well” said the young guy, “at least we’ve got a nice view of the early evening sun and it’s a warm night!”

Nothing happened for several minutes, until a tannoy announcement was made. “Ladies and gents, we’re sorry about this, but there’s been a significant fault. I hope you’re all comfortable. Please just sit tight and we will keep you informed about progress. Apologies again.”

“What does significant mean then?” asked Danny.

“It’s probably a polite way of saying we’re going to be up here for some time” said Geoff, the manager.

“Oh, Jesus, don’t, no way!” mumbled Danny.

Dawn looked directly at him, almost knowing what was coming next, and as he saw her staring, he continued, “I’m busting for a piss!”

“Bad luck mate” grinned the young guy Ciaran, who had heard Danny’s comment, whilst Geoff added, “Time to prepare yourself for a trial then old man – at least be thankful you’re not an old man though, so you’ll be fine.”

Dawn tried to lean towards her boyfriend, but was prevented from doing so by the tight straps, and she whispered, “Are you going to be okay?”

Danny looked back, and unable to conceal his concern, he muttered as quietly as he could manage, “I really was dying to go when we got on. If we’re stuck up here for ages, I’m going to be in serious trouble, I’ll really need to go soon, like desperately.”

Dawn hardly knew where to look, but she caught the eye of manager Geoff’s wife, who raised her eyebrows and shook her head gently as if to say, ‘typical men’. Dawn tried to smile in response, but knowing Danny’s previous history, her heart was pounding.


Five minutes later, nothing had happened and no-one had moved, but Danny was starting to inwardly panic. His need was growing, and as he realised that any means of escape was totally out of his own hands, every minute saw his urgency escalate. What had been an uncomfortable feeling in his bladder was rapidly becoming a constant ache and he could do nothing to ease it. Not only that, but every time he tried to move to change his position, the leather strap dug deeper into his midriff and exacerbated his discomfort, whilst he couldn’t move his arms or shift his legs.

“Danny!” Dawn tried to attract her boyfriend’s attention in as low a voice as possible, “are you okay?”

Danny shook his head slightly and let out a large sigh, “I’m gagging here, I really, really need to go. If they take much longer to get us down, I’m going to be in real trouble.”

“You might end up having to say a small prayer or two to ask for some divine intervention by the sounds of it, old son!” said Geoff, who had overheard the exchange.

The other young guy Ciaran also winked and commented, “You might end up tying a knot in it mate!”

Danny was irritated by the apparent mocking of his situation, and glared across before snapping back,
“Yeah go on, laugh why don’t you. That’ll be hilarious if I end up sitting in wet pants, won’t it!”

Dawn felt herself blush, as the two other couples looked at both her and Danny.

Conscious that several pairs of eyes were focused on him, he continued “I’m serious! You don’t know how badly I need to go, I actually feel like I might wet myself!”

Dawn wanted to cover her face with her hand, but was unable to move her arms, whilst Danny was also unable to free his own arms, but even worse, he couldn’t knock his legs together because of the position of the barrier, and he couldn’t even move his feet to alter his position. But his fidgeting around had been noticed elsewhere.

Suddenly, another tannoy announcement was made, “Could the occupants of carriage three please try and remain still and not make the carriage sway, it is not helpful.”

“It’s not bloody helpful that I’m stuck here nearly pissing myself either!” said Danny loudly.

All of a sudden, to their surprise, a tannoy voice spoke clearly from a small speaker above the carriage.

“Is there a problem in your carriage?”

“Er no, not really” replied Dawn quickly before anyone else could speak, but Ciaran jumped in quickly, adding, “well actually, there is a bit of an issue, someone needs to go for a wee pretty badly.”

“Is it yourself, sir?” came back the reply.

“No, it’s me!” announced Danny, “I’m desperate for the toilet. How quickly can you get us down?”

“We’re doing our very best sir. I hope that you will be back on the ground within, say 30 minutes…”

Danny interrupted, “Half an hour! Jeez, I’ll have wet meself by then!”

There was a moment’s silence in response, before the voice spoke again, “I’m sorry about that, sir.”

“Sorry ain’t much fucking good!” snarled Danny, “I’m going to have to piss in my trousers if we don’t get down before then. I’ve got to have a slash like you wouldn’t believe!”

The exchange had been heard in the other carriages, and suddenly a voice called out from below.

“Excuse me, but whatever you do, please do not pee on your seat. The floor is slatted and we’re in the carriage beneath. If you do it, you’ll get it all over us.”

Danny’s fury and exasperation was getting the better of him.

“That’s the least of my problems pal. I’m going do it my pants sitting here in a minute. How fucking embarrassing is that gonna be for me if I wet meself. And you’re ticking me off in case you get splashed. I’m nearly going to the toilet in my trousers here, I’m in agony. Try putting yourself in my shoes.”

“Sorry old son” came back the reply, “a bad situation for you, I know. Good luck holding it in.”

“Danny, that’s my boss!” whispered Dawn in horror.

As Danny bowed his head and let out a little moan of anguish, Ciaran in the opposite carriage took the opportunity to poke more fun at the situation, knowing the only reaction could be a verbal one.

“I wouldn’t mind being in your expensive-looking shoes pal, they’re pretty smart on your feet, very nice. Mind you, I wouldn’t want to be in your pants, that would be a completely different story!”

Danny was livid, “Why don’t you zip it shut mate! You don’t know what this is like, I’m in danger of embarrassing myself and all you can do is take the mick. You wouldn’t be so mouthy if it was you!”

“Actually, she knows all about when I did pee myself once” Ciaran said, nodding at his partner before adding, “I told her all about it, how my mum had to change my nappy before putting me in the buggy!”

There were a few smirks from the others, but although Danny was still seething, he was also fearful.

“Dawn, I don’t know what to do?” he confessed, “I think I’m going to wet myself in a minute!”

There was no more time to be coy, and Dawn called out ‘hello, hello, are you still there?’ several times, and after a few seconds, the tannoy voice again sounded, “Yes, we’re still in touch, don’t worry.”

“You’re going to have to do something quickly” Dawn said, “it’s my boyfriend, he desperately needs to go to the toilet. If nobody does anything soon, it’s going to be too late, he’ll have an accident!

There was a short pause before the reply came back.

“We’re really, really sorry. The engineers are working as fast as they can, but it’s going to be a while yet. I’m afraid your boyfriend is going to have to cope as best as he can…”

Danny interrupted with a bellowing voice, “What do you suggest, eh? I can’t get my hands down to undo my trousers, so even I had something to piss into, it wouldn’t work. It’s going to happen, and there’s fuck all I can do. I’m going to end up just weeing, you know, pissing on myself any minute.”

Manager Geoff spoke more eloquently from a short distance away, “I think he’s telling us all that he’s going to wet his knickers, unfortunately.”

(to be continued...)
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Re: Scaffolder Danny Again - will he survive another ordeal?

Post by twj731 »

What a hot scenario!
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Re: Scaffolder Danny Again - will he survive another ordeal?

Post by Brian »

Yes, great scenario.
If Dawn was hoping her boyfriend would impress her boss and colleagues, that's not going well and could get a lot worse.
Looking forward to reading what happens next.
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Re: Scaffolder Danny Again - will he survive another ordeal?

Post by Lee »


If the situation was a nightmare for Danny, it was also bordering on catastrophic for Dawn, who was seemingly and horrifically going to see her boyfriend wet himself again – this time in front of the senior managers from her workplace.

“Danny, you’re going to have to hold on somehow, you’ve just got to,”

“I don’t think I can!” Danny had a genuinely pained expression on his reddening face, and unable to do anything physically to help him keep control, he resorted again to jigging his legs as best as he could in the confined space, although the metal bar meant that he couldn’t pull his legs together. He was just about able to raise his heels so that his feet were on tip-toe and he could see that the laces on one of his black shoes had come undone and were dangling loosely.

It had also bee spotted by Ciaran, who called out, “Woah, watch out you don’t lose your shoes mate, that’ll put the tin-hat on things for you!”

Danny was desperate to bend forwards in his seat, but he had no choice other than to straighten his back against the seat, and the movement caused a sharp spasm in his lower stomach as his tummy muscles contracted and then relaxed.

“Oh shit! I’m going to have an accident Dawn!”

As he spoke, Danny felt a momentary lapse in his control and the tiniest hot trickle seeped into the crotch of his underpants.

“I’m doing it Dawn! I’ve done a bit in my pants!”

Ciaran opposite was staring in amazement and desperately looking for some evidence appearing on the floor of the carriage, but all he could really see was Danny’s right foot, encased in his shiny black shoe and a light grey sock.

Danny somehow managed to regain control of his bladder … just as the carriage jerked and jolted violently, causing a few gasps, as the lights came back on and a loud whirring sound kicked in.

“Oh great, it looks like we’re about to get on the move again, brilliant” Ciaran said, “pretty bad timing if you’ve just wet yourself though!”

The carriage began to slowly start lowering, jerking and swaying, but it was moving, nonetheless.

Danny was frantically trying not to start weeing again, moaning out loud and wriggling his backside on the seat, but as Dawn glanced across, she saw to her horror a little dark wet stain on the crotch of her boyfriend’s grey trousers. It was only the size of a golf ball, but it meant that Danny had actually started to wet his pants, even if only a little bit!

She continued to stare, praying silently that he was going to make it, and as she looked over the side, she could see the ground getting closer and closer.

The carriages hit the tarmac flooring with a thump, causing Danny to wince in pain, as Dawn screeched, “We’re down! Just hold on a few more seconds and we’ll be out and you can get to the toilet, okay? Are you still holding on?”

“Just about” winced Danny, puffing out his cheeks “I might just make it!

There was a lot of movement of people and plenty of shouting, until somebody called out, “Listen up, the lower safety barriers in the carriages won’t open as a result of the breakdown, so we’ve got the fire brigade here and they are going to lift everyone out, one by one. The upper restraints are coming off now, so sit tight and you’ll all be freed in the next couple of minutes.”

“I think you ought to get the lad opposite out first, and quickly too, he’s on the verge of having wet pants!”

“Yes, please, please get him out straight away, he’s started having an accident, please hurry up!”

Dawn wasn’t even sure Danny was aware of what was happening, as two firefighters hurried over.

As the two of them perched over Danny, they briefly glanced at each other as they both spotted the small dark wet patch on his trousers, which had increased to the size of a tennis ball.

“Okay mate,” one of them said, “I’m going to put my hands underneath your arms and pull you up as far as I can, then my colleague is going to lean in from the front and put his arms around your waist and lift you out. When your arms are free, you’ll have to put them around my colleague’s neck and press your body up against him so that he can lift you upright, then you can step out of the carriage and have that wee-wee you look like you need, okay?”

Danny nodded. He was in even more discomfort than before and desperately trying to keep control of himself, as one of the firefighters behind him slotted his hands under Danny’s armpits and forcibly raised him out of the seat, leaning him backwards so that his legs were straightened, and causing him to gasp at the sudden movement.

“Okay mate, put your arms around my colleague’s neck and push your chest forward when he’s got hold of you, press right up against his front, firmly now!”

As the second firefighter plunged his arms around Danny’s waist, he squeezed tightly, pressing hard into Danny’s stomach before gripping even more strongly as he lifted Danny up off the floor. As his lower legs came out of the well of the carriage, Danny’s loose, unlaced shoe came off completely and dropped to the floor, and the firefighter pulled even harder so that their bodies were compressed right up against each other. But in that exact moment, Dawn saw Danny’s shoulder’s slump as his body seemed to relax.

Suddenly, the firefighter looked up past Danny’s head and uttered, with no emotion at all in his voice, “Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!”

“What’s up mate?” asked his concerned colleague.

“I’m getting wet here!” the still holding firefighter replied, before lowering his voice a bit and adding, “We've got a spillage, I think someone’s leaking!” and he gently pushed Danny slightly away from him as he looked down.

“Yep, we've sprung a leak, he’s having a wee!” he whispered, “on both of us, wetting himself – and me!”

Danny’s trousers were darkening rapidly all over his crotch and right down the legs of his grey trousers, with the stream trickling out at the bottom of his leg and vividly wetting his grey sock, turning it a darker shade as a little puddle formed on the ground underneath his raised foot.
He had been spurting infrequently into his briefs, but the firefighter’s firm pressure around his waist had been impossible to take, and the squeezing on his bladder had caused him to lose control. As the flow grew stronger and ran all down both of Danny’s legs, the scorching hot urine began to swirl around his thighs before spreading around the backs of his knees and streaming all down his calves, weaving its way through the dark hairs on his shins and soaking into his short socks.

He could feel the warmth emerging inside his shoe, and as his other now dark-grey socked-foot began to steam as it became saturated, a puddle started to form from the near-constant trickles and drips which were falling onto the floor, emerging from his heel and toes.

Danny still had his arms around the firefighter’s neck, but the firefighter had his hands on Danny’s hips, still holding him firmly, but trying not to get too close, although the wetness emerging through Danny’s trousers had began to soak into the firefighter’s blue trousers and he could feel them clinging to his lower legs as they got warm and wet.

“I’ll let him finish having his wee first, and then I’ll get him right out. No point in anyone else getting wetter than the two of us already are.”

Dawn had her hands covering her face and she could hear several comments from others, both those still in the carriages and from some of the bystanders.

“Oh look, he’s wet himself!”
“It’s going all over his own trousers – and the fireman’s too!”
“He’s doing it in his pants!”

With his breathing laboured, Danny was mumbling a barely audible embarrassed apology, “I’m sorry!” he muttered to the firefighter.

“Hey, it’s okay mate, don’t worry. You couldn’t help it. I’ve had worse on me. Better out than in, eh?” the firefighter replied, patting the back of Danny's shoulder, before announcing publicly, “can we get this young man somewhere safe and preferably dry, he’s had a little accident in his trousers I’m afraid!”

Dawn was mortified – how on earth was everyone going to deal with this situation?
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Re: Scaffolder Danny Again - will he survive another ordeal?

Post by Fred »

Good ol' Danny! I've read a number of accounts of carnival rides and ski lifts that have malfunctioned and kept riders stranded for two or three hours, and I've speculated that some of them must have needed to pee quite urgently by the time they were rescued. At some of the popular rides there is a queue of an hour or more, and no one would want to lose their place in line just to pee, so I'm sure that there are some nearly-full bladders even when they first get on. We can depend on lads like Danny to get caught short!
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Re: Scaffolder Danny Again - will he survive another ordeal?

Post by Brian »

I want to be that fireman!
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Re: Scaffolder Danny Again - will he survive another ordeal?

Post by Lee »

Brian wrote: 22 Nov 2023, 14:08 I want to be that fireman!
:lol: :lol:
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Re: Scaffolder Danny Again - will he survive another ordeal?

Post by bodgyuk »

Danny, is the reason many stores sell multipack underwear.
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Re: Scaffolder Danny Again - will he survive another ordeal?

Post by briefs »

Great story, as always with poor old Danny!
Love the hopelessness of his situation, you can (almost) feel sorry for him.

I wonder what colour/brand of boxers he was wearing?
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Re: Scaffolder Danny Again - will he survive another ordeal?

Post by Lee »

briefs wrote: 24 Nov 2023, 20:13 Great story, as always with poor old Danny!
Love the hopelessness of his situation, you can (almost) feel sorry for him.

I wonder what colour/brand of boxers he was wearing?
As always, white briefs! 😂

He’s predictable, if nothing else!
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