After the Theme Park (oh not again Danny, surely?)

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After the Theme Park (oh not again Danny, surely?)

Post by Lee »

… with a distraught Danny standing at the edge of the Theme Park ride, with his sodden grey trousers clinging coldly to his wet legs, the firefighter who had lifted him out of the carriage walked across to Dawn. With his own trousers badly stained and soaked, he actually looked like he’d wet himself too, and he was holding Danny’s shoe in his hand.

“Here we are love, Cinderella’s going to need this!” he grinned as he handed it over.

Dawn gave a coy smile back, but the firefighter gently touched her arm, “Look, your boyfriend is going to need a fair bit of comforting I suspect. For any lad of his age to wet himself in public is pretty humiliating and he’s going to be feeling sore and vulnerable, not just tonight, but for a few weeks I’d imagine. He’s probably never had to experience anything like this ever before, so it’s going to be tough for him. He’ll probably replay that moment when he lost control numerous times in his head and it’s hard to imagine how he’s feeling right now. So just be aware of that if he gets a bit difficult, eh? He’s done something tonight he’d never have envisaged and he’ll be praying that it never happens to him again, so it’s a first for him to try and comprehend what he’s done.”

Dawn nodded, but was thinking, “Oh, if only he knew! It’s not the first time he’s wet his pants, or even the second, third or fourth time!!”


As Dawn and Danny made their way to the minibus, which was going to run them back to the hotel early, hoards of people were looking at them. The breakdown of the wheel had been a significant event, but as onlookers saw that someone had wet themselves, there was some genuine surprise. Danny was walking awkwardly, with his legs apart, and there was no hiding his saturated trousers.

Dawn’s work colleagues had not really known what to say, and even on the minibus, with just the two of them, there was little in the way of conversation, whilst on their arrival, there were some horrified looks from the hotel reception staff as Danny walked in with his head bowed slightly.


Back in their room, Danny kicked off both of his shoes and looked down at his wet trousers.

“Bollocks! Dawn, this is bloody embarrassing. I can’t believe I’ve done this and wet myself again! But it really wasn’t my fault, was it? What else was I supposed to do? I knew I was going to do it my pants, I just did. I couldn’t help it.”

“Oh Danny!” Dawn sighed, “every time you’ve said it wasn’t your fault. I know you’ve had some things happen that have made all your situations difficult, but why does it never happen to anyone else, only you? Why do you always need to go to the toilet worse than everyone else?”

Danny was unbuckling his belt and lowering his trousers down his legs as he sighed loudly, “Once I’ve peed after having a beer, it just comes on again so quickly, and so badly that I’m desperate, absolutely desperate, and it builds up so quickly that I’m in agony and can’t hold it in. I can’t tell you how bad I was bursting to go. I still reckon I’d have made it though, if that fireman hadn’t pressed so hard into my stomach. He pushed so much that I lost control and before I knew it, I was pissing all down my legs. I think I actually peed all over him as well!”

Dawn was half-thinking about how she was going to both face and explain to her work colleagues next week, as Danny strode into the bathroom, leaving his trousers, pants and socks strewn across the room for Dawn to deal with, when suddenly, she had the most horrific thought about something that had never even crossed Danny’s mind…

“Oh Danny!” she called out, “how are you going to get home? You’ve only got the one pair of trousers with you!”

“Brilliant!” yelled back Danny, “absolutely brilliant, that is!” almost as it was his girlfriend’s fault.

Dawn continued, “you’ve got clean pants and socks for tomorrow, but we didn’t bring another pair of trousers, it was only for one night so there didn’t seem any need to!”

A few minutes later, Danny emerged from the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist, “So what am I supposed to do? Drive home like this? That’ll cap a brilliant weekend if I have to drive all the way home in me pants!”


The next morning, with Danny unable to get dressed to go down for breakfast, Dawn nipped out and got herself a glass of orange juice and Danny a large cup of coffee from the restaurant. On the way back, she stopped at reception and spoke to one of the receptionists.

“Look, I know this is a very unusual request, but you don’t happen to have any spare clothes around, do you? Like from the laundry room or something? It’s just that my boyfriend had an accident when we were out last night, and he hasn’t got any clean trousers to go home in.”

The negative response was as she’d anticipated, but when she said that they might have to make use of one of the towels to enable him to get from the room to the car, the receptionist was surprisingly very accommodating, suggesting they could take the towel with them if they needed to.

Back in the room, Danny shook his head in dismay at the suggestion, but there was nothing else on offer, and as Dawn went to go back down to the desk, Danny said to her, “get me another coffee, will you? I’m starving, but I’ll have to make do with plenty of caffeine. Get me a large one, okay?”

Dawn was quietly apprehensive, “don’t forget we’ve got a two and a half hour journey back and we won’t be able to stop off anyway because of you not being dressed, don’t drink too much coffee.”

“It’s beer makes me piss, not coffee!” snapped back Danny.


Forty minutes later they were waiting for the lift. Dawn was carrying their overnight bag, standing alongside Danny, who was wearing a blue shirt, with a white bath towel wrapped around his waist, hanging down to well below his knees and concealing a pair of white briefs underneath. As if he couldn’t have looked any more bizarre, he had a pair of shiny black lace-up shoes on his feet and some light grey socks pulled up over his ankles, with his bare lower legs on display beneath the bottom of the towel and the tops of his socks.

“This is bloody ridiculous, I look a right prat!” he growled as the lift doors opened.

Having made it down in the lift, through reception and out into the car park, Danny plonked himself down in the drivers seat of their car and Dawn opted to quickly return the towel to the reception desk, leaving Danny sat in the car in his white briefs as he downed the contents of another coffee.

“If anyone passes by in a high lorry and looks down, they’ll see I’m in my pants!” moaned Danny as she returned, “and we’ll have to have the heating on, my legs are going to get flipping cold!”


It was nearly an hour and a half later, and they were on the motorway, having endured a trek along various A roads to finally reach the M1, as they probably had another hour before they got home.

“There’s services coming up in a couple of miles, I wish we could stop, I could do with a slash!”

Dawn was not best pleased, “You knew that Danny, I told you we wouldn’t be able to stop anywhere and I also told you not to drink too much coffee. There’s absolutely no way you can get out at the services, I probably should have asked if we could have kept that towel. But even then, you couldn’t have walked into a busy public building like that. We’ve only got about an hour or so left anyway.”

“Yeah, yeah” Danny mumbled, glancing down yet again at his bare thighs and his knees.


“I bloody knew something like this would happen, I knew it!”

Danny was scowling and fidgety, as he was conscious that any high-sided vehicles could probably see directly down into his car.

Dawn looked at her phone again, trying to see if she could find a reason why they had been stuck in a slow-moving traffic jam for the previous 10 minutes, “Oh No!”

“What is it!”

“Forty-five minute delay!” exclaimed Dawn, “there’s been a incident with some signage falling from a bridge onto the carriageway, there’s a six-mile tailback!”

“You are fucking joking!” swore Danny, “we’ll have to pull off somewhere. I need a piss and I can’t sit here like this for three quarters of an hour!”


Twenty minutes later, they had crawled about half a mile, and the queue stretched for seemingly miles both in front and behind them.

“I’m going to push across and pull over onto the hard shoulder” grimaced Danny, “I’m going to have to have a piss next to the car!”

“Danny, you can’t” replied Dawn, “you can’t stop on the hard shoulder in these circumstances, an emergency vehicle might need to get along it.”

“I’ve got my own sodding emergency!” he snapped back.

“Also, you can’t get out in just your underpants, not in front of everyone!”


A further 15 minutes, and despite switching on his indicator several times, they were still stuck in the middle lane, as the traffic had scarcely moved more than a few yards. In the driver’s seat, Danny was getting beyond irate.

“For Fuck’s Sake! Move! No-one’s going to let me in even when we do move!”

“Danny, calm down. It’s no use losing your temper, there’s nothing you can do. We’ve just got to be patient, everyone’s in the same situation.”

“They’re not though, are they?” Danny shouted back, red in the face and expressing his fury, “not everyone needs a piss like me, do they?”

And he moved his hand down to tightly grip the crotch of his white briefs before scissoring his legs back and forth.

“Jesus, I am dying for a slash!”

Dawn was as concerned as she was annoyed.

“So even if we do manage to get to the hard shoulder, how are you going to get out of the car without everyone seeing you with no trousers on?”

“You can get out and I’ll climb over and get out of the passenger door so I can do it out of sight.”

It was almost another 10 minutes before the movement of the traffic allowed Danny to force his way across into the inside lane, exchanging a furious tirade of shouting and hooter-pressing with another vehicle, before he managed to manoeuvre the car onto the edge of the hard shoulder and stop.

“Right, get out, quick as you can, I’m on the verge of fucking busting here!”

But Dawn put her hands to her face in horror, “Oh no Danny, look, I don’t believe it!”

(to be continued)
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Re: After the Theme Park (oh not again Danny, surely?)

Post by Brian »

What a novel, original reason why Danny couldn't stop for a pee at the services!

I'm intrigued to see what happens next!
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Re: After the Theme Park (oh not again Danny, surely?)

Post by bodgyuk »

I spy a minibus on the horizon!
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Re: After the Theme Park (oh not again Danny, surely?)

Post by briefs »

Or an arrest, with handcuffs!
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Re: After the Theme Park (oh not again Danny, surely?)

Post by Lee »

Part II

The flashing blue light behind them left them both still sitting in their seats as in the mirror they could see two police officers getting out of the police car and beginning to walk towards them.

“What have you stopped for, sir. You do know it’s illegal to pull over onto the hard shoulder.”

“He needs to go to the toilet” responded Dawn quickly, before Danny could answer.

“Sorry, that’s no reason to obstruct the hard shoulder, especially in a situation like this where emergency vehicles need to make use of it, you need to pull back onto the main carriageway immediately, please.”

“I’m desperate for a slash!” said Danny loudly, “I can’t drive like this, I’m bursting!”

One of the police officers leaned forward towards the window to speak and suddenly stopped, looking down at Danny’s bare legs.

“Why haven’t you got any trousers on sir?”

“Long story, look, I really need a piss, please!”

“I asked where are your trousers?”

“In the boot, just let me get out, please mate, I’ve got to get out, right now. I’ll be two minutes!”

“I’m not playing 20 questions with you. Why aren’t you wearing any trousers sir?”

Danny’s face exploded into anger.

“Look, I pissed meself, okay! I haven’t got any trousers on because I wet myself. If you don’t let me get out and have a slash, I’ll do it again, please mate!”

The other officer looked at Dawn in surprise, “He’s wet himself? Is he being serious?”

Dawn nodded, “Last night. We’ve been away for the weekend and he had an accident when we were out last night. He only had the one pair of trousers with him and he couldn’t wear them again, so he’s had to drive back like this today. He’s got clean pants on, but that’s why we couldn’t stop at the services, because of the way he’s dressed.”

“Or not dressed!” added the officer, quietly.

“Mate, are you going to let me out or not, because I’m about to explode sitting here” yelled Danny.

The officer ignored him and addressed Dawn.

“Had he been drinking heavily last night? Is that why he peed himself?”

“Not that much” replied Dawn, “he had a couple of drinks but he wasn’t out of control or anything.”

“In which case, as you’re driving today, maybe we ought to have a little go at a breathalyser test sir, just to check and make sure.”

Danny literally flew into a rage.

“Christ mate, yes, I pissed meself last night, I was so fucking desperate to go to the toilet that I pissed me pants! And I’m about to do it again if you don’t let me go for a slash! Forget your fucking breathalyser test, I’m not pissed but I’m going to wet myself in a minute… don’t you understand, you…”

The officer remained emotionless and spoke quietly but firmly.

“I’d suggest you calm down sir – and quickly. I’ve said I’m going to breathalyse you and there’s a procedure to be followed. I’ll explain it to you, but you need to make sure you listen carefully…”

He didn’t have time to finish before a crimson-faced Danny yelled at him.

“Fuck’s Sake! It’s you who needs to fucking listen. Bollocks to your breathalyser, I’ve told you I’m busting for a slash and I’ll do it sitting here if you don’t let me get out and go. What are you, stupid?”

The officer leant further towards the open window, “I’m not going to tell you again…”

And with that, Danny lurched forward, grabbing the officer by the front of his jacket, and yelling,

“I’m going to piss my fucking self!”


Before he knew it, Danny had been pulled out of the drivers seat and fully out of the car, and with both officers holding his arms, he was taken to the police vehicle, which was parked behind them and slightly closer to the verge on the hard shoulder. As one of the officers went back to get Dawn, so that she could be seated in the back of the police vehicle for her own safety, Danny felt the cold metal of handcuffs being clipped around his wrists, with his arms and hands behind his back.

He was standing pushed forwards against the police car, with his light blue shirt barely covering the back of his white briefs which were stretched tightly around his taut bum cheeks, below which his bare legs were exposed right down to his grey socks and his black shoes.

Other motorists were watching in amazement as they saw the trouser-less young bloke with his hands firmly clasped behind his back, shifting his feet about and pressing his bare legs together, whilst the police officer had one hand pressed against his back.

“I wonder what he’s done?”
“He looks like he needs the toilet, the way he’s jigging around!”


From the back seat of the police vehicle, Dawn was talking to the other police officer through the window, “Please let him go, he’s not aggressive at all, he’s really not. He’s just frustrated because he badly needs the toilet. He had an accident and wet himself last night and it can’t happen again, please. It’s not the first time he’s done it and it’s so embarrassing for him. He’s honestly not drunk or anything and he wasn’t last night either, he just got desperate and couldn’t wait. He won’t be any trouble if you let him go, I promise.”

Meanwhile, having had the procedure outlined to him, Danny was being told to blow into the breathalyser bag, but he was pressing his legs together frantically as he blew long and hard into the bag held by the officer.

It took several minutes, and Danny gasped as the mouthpiece was finally extracted from his lips, and the officer began to closely scrutinise it, but Danny could hardly wait for the outcome.

“Please mate, please, help me out here. I’m dying to go to the toilet. I really can’t wait much longer!”

The officer was totally focused on the breathalyser, as Danny squirmed around, rubbing his cuffed wrists up and down his lower back and squeezing his thighs together, bobbing up and down gently on the spot where he stood.

“Mate, I’m gonna wet meself!”

Only a few seconds passed before the officer spoke, “Okay look, the test is negative. What we need now to resolve is you trying to grab hold of me like you did. I know you’re in discomfort, but you just can’t do things like that…”

“I know, I know, sorry!” interrupted Danny, “please, just do something for me – just pull my pants down a bit for me, please, I’m begging you, otherwise…”

The officer glanced down and then continued, “Listen we’ll see if we can resolve your toilet issue once we’ve sorted out the other stuff, but for now, just calm down and we’ll deal with things one step at a time, okay?”

“Please!” begged Danny, “just pull my pants down for me, or else I’m going to piss ‘em!”

The officer actually looked slightly embarrassed as Danny continued, “I’ve already pissed my trousers, please don’t make me wet my pants as well!”

He was almost jigging up and down on the spot, wrestling his cuffed hands behind his back, as he crossed his legs, virtually standing on one foot and rubbing his ankles together in frantic fashion.

The other officer had heard the conversation and looked across, “Bring him round this side, let’s get him in the front seat.”

“Oh God! No!” groaned Danny, “not back in the car, please! I’ll wet your seat!”

As the officer got hold of Danny’s arm, he motioned to him to move, intending to take him around the back of the car and to the passenger side, but Danny made just a brief couple of small steps before he groaned and stiffened his body.

“Fuck! Pull my pants down! Pull my pants down!”

Danny seemed rooted to the spot, forcing the officer to pull on his arm to get him around the car.

As Danny fell into the front passenger seat, with his hands still cuffed behind his lower back, he winced and pulled his legs in tightly, clasping his knees together and grinding his thighs against each other. The officer leaning over him could actually see Danny’s muscular upper legs twitching as he contorted every muscle in a desperate bid to retain control of himself.

Dawn leaned forwards and put her hand on her boyfriend’s shoulder, prompting the other officer to gently move it away.

“Are you okay Danny? Please le him go, he’s really sorry, aren’t you?”

Danny muttered a scarcely audible response.

“Tell them Dawn, tell them I can’t hold on much longer, I’ll do it in my pants!”


The next few minutes were dominated by the officer now sitting alongside Danny explaining to him exactly why he had been dealt with in the way he had, and attempting to get details of his name, date of birth, etc, although most of the replies were coming from Dawn in the back seat, as Danny squirmed around and wriggled in the chair, although knowing that the cuffs on his wrists were preventing him from doing what he desperately needed to do and that was hold himself tightly.

As the officer paused, Danny jumped in frantically, “Please, please! I am sorry, really! But I need you to help me otherwise I’m going to wet myself! I need you to pull the front of my pants down, please! Otherwise, I’m going to wet them and I haven’t got anything else. Please!”

The two police officer glanced at each other.

“Okay, look, we will let you go to the toilet as soon as we’ve finished. You can sort your pants out yourself, you don’t need us to do it for you…”

Danny was way past the modesty stage, “I don’t care about you putting your hands down there or touching me, honestly, just pull the front of my briefs out of the way so that I don’t have an accident!”

But the officer had only spoken a few more words, when Danny bent forwards and interrupted…

“It’s too late! I’m having a fucking piss!”

The officer quickly glanced down and he could see wetness emerging on the seat from beneath the crotch of Danny’s underwear.

“Shit! Get him out! Quick! He’s started wetting himself!”

Both officers leapt out of the vehicle and raced to the passenger door, grabbing hold of Danny by the arms and hauling him out into an upright position.

The officer who had been speaking looked down and the first thing he noticed was a dark streak down the outside of one of Danny’s crumpled light grey socks, and the streak instantly widened as a few spots of wetness splattered onto the tarmac between his shoes.

“Oh Christ! I’m wetting myself!”

The scorching hot dribbles were running all down Danny’s bare thighs, and without any trousers to absorb the flow, the trickles quickly became glistening streams, meandering through the dark hairs on his upper legs before gathering pace and running all around the backs and front of his knees and down his bare shins and calves.

The wetness around his shoes was rapidly spreading into a puddle, snaking all round his feet and shimmering as it grew in size, whilst the torrent jetting right through his white cotton briefs was splattering and splashing as it intensified in the pool on the floor.

Danny’s shoes were surrounded by the puddle of hot urine and both of his grey socks had turned a darker shade as they got saturated and absorbed the accumulating pee into the insides of his shoes.

His white briefs were absolutely sodden, clinging to his dick and balls whilst some of the wetness had spread to the back, where his bum cheeks were twitching beneath his pants as the cotton turned a grey colour, plastering his pants to his backside.

Neither officer made any sort of attempt to try and release the handcuffs as Danny wet himself in vast volumes, seemingly peeing for a good 30 seconds before the flow from his pants began to dwindle into a constant streaming down his bare thighs.


Drivers and their passengers stuck in the near-stationary vehicles in the queue behind them were watching in astonishment.

“Blimey, look, I think he’s wetting himself!”
“Look at it all running down his legs!”
“I wonder what’s happened to his trousers?”
“He must have taken his trousers off, because he’s got shoes and socks on!”


Next to the car, Danny was deflated and trembling with exhaustion, breathing sharply and rapidly as he felt the last few trickles stream through his pants and down his legs. His briefs were warm, sodden and heavy, but he could already feel his shoes becoming clammy and his socks cooling, as the urine dribbling down his legs felt sticky and the hairs were matted with wetness, whilst he glanced down to see his feet surrounded by a huge still frothing puddle.

He knew exactly what it felt like to wet himself – several times over – but this was different. With no trousers on he was incredibly exposed and there was no sensation of sodden material clinging to him. Instead, his legs were cold and his underpants felt chilled, with a clammy sensation, as even the slightest of movements sent another mini-deluge streaming down his thighs.

“I’ve pissed myself!” he whimpered, “I’ve bloody wet meself again!”


Having carefully escorted a crestfallen Danny slightly further forwards, the officer began to undo the cuffs, releasing Danny’s wrists, and he immediately cupped one of his hands around the crotch of his pants, horrified by the sodden state of his briefs, but keen to try and squeeze out some of the unbelievably uncomfortable wetness.

“I think you’ve learned a painful and tough lesson there, and we’ll turn a blind eye to your behaviour this time" said the officer, "you probably need to get yourself to wherever you’re going as quickly as you can so you can somehow get yourself sorted out. Hopefully your missus can help you get cleaned up, somehow and get something to cover up your lower half. For now, get back in your car, both of you, and get yourself back into the traffic flow straight away. Good luck for the rest of your journey.”

Danny stood looking at Dawn in mortified fashion before whispering quietly,

“How the bloody hell am I going to drive the rest of the way in these soaking wet underpants, eh?”

But Dawn hardly heard the question. She was instead looking almost aghast into the adjacent traffic where a minibus was stationary, with the occupants staring in their direction in apparent disbelief as they recognised their work colleague.

“That’s Dawn! And her boyfriend from last night!”
“He hasn’t got any trousers on!”
“Why are the police with them?”
“Look at the boyfriend’s legs! They’re all wet!”
”And his socks and shoes, he’s wet himself again!”
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Re: After the Theme Park (oh not again Danny, surely?)

Post by Brian »

Brilliant! Thanks so much for yet another amazing reading experience Lee.
The physical description (what the police officers see) of Danny before the inevitable happens is really enhanced by the fact that this time his upper legs are on show.
And now I'm feeling genuinely sorry for Dawn for the first time. She's going to have to do quite some explaining to her inquisitive colleagues back at work.
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Re: After the Theme Park (oh not again Danny, surely?)

Post by klads »

Fantastic Lee! I really enjoyed that, I didn’t think things could get any worse for poor Danny, but it really did in a spectacular way, wetting his white briefs in front of two police officers and onlookers waiting in traffic. I didn’t think it could get any worse for him, but the thought of him wetting in just his underwear made him seem much more vulnerable than in any other situation he has found himself in. I agree with Brian, I feel sorry for Dawn, what must she think of her boyfriend who seems like a great guy otherwise. Although when they returned from the hotel room he stripped off and left her to deal with his soiled underwear and trousers. I’d imagine that any other adult male who does not have any kind of piss kink would not put their other half through washing their wet clothes like that, I know I wouldn’t. I hope for Danny’s sake, and for Dawns that she doesn’t witness the next incident. (Hopefully there will be more)! Really enjoyed this Lee!
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Re: After the Theme Park (oh not again Danny, surely?)

Post by Lee »

klads wrote: 19 Jan 2024, 13:59 Fantastic Lee! I really enjoyed that, I didn’t think things could get any worse for poor Danny, but it really did in a spectacular way, wetting his white briefs in front of two police officers and onlookers waiting in traffic. I didn’t think it could get any worse for him, but the thought of him wetting in just his underwear made him seem much more vulnerable than in any other situation he has found himself in. I agree with Brian, I feel sorry for Dawn, what must she think of her boyfriend who seems like a great guy otherwise. Although when they returned from the hotel room he stripped off and left her to deal with his soiled underwear and trousers. I’d imagine that any other adult male who does not have any kind of piss kink would not put their other half through washing their wet clothes like that, I know I wouldn’t. I hope for Danny’s sake, and for Dawns that she doesn’t witness the next incident. (Hopefully there will be more)! Really enjoyed this Lee!
Thanks! I think Danny’s got ‘previous’ (on several occasions) for leaving his wet things strewn on the floor for someone else to deal with!!
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Re: After the Theme Park (oh not again Danny, surely?)

Post by Lee »

Brian wrote: 19 Jan 2024, 09:04 Brilliant! Thanks so much for yet another amazing reading experience Lee.
The physical description (what the police officers see) of Danny before the inevitable happens is really enhanced by the fact that this time his upper legs are on show.
And now I'm feeling genuinely sorry for Dawn for the first time. She's going to have to do quite some explaining to her inquisitive colleagues back at work.
Many thanks Brian. Dawn does get put ‘through the mill’, doesn’t she?
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Re: After the Theme Park (oh not again Danny, surely?)

Post by briefs »

Another great story about poor old Danny.

Your descriptions of his white briefs across his tight bum are great, and the way you describe his leg shaking etc is fabulous.

Also, he seemed a bit more aggressive in this story, which kind of adds to the appeal.

Thanks Lee:)
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