The Movie Theater.

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The Movie Theater.

Post by pee1ngdude »

The Movie Theater.

(This is a work of fiction. All characters are 18 or older.)

Chris was excited as he entered the cool air conditioned theater from out of the hot sunny day outside. He had gotten two tickets to go see the latest movie in the "Space Battles" series, and was looking forward to seeing the film. With him was his best friend Joe, who he had first gotten to be friends with because they were both fans of the series.

Despite both being twenty years old and having many similar interests, they didn't look at all alike. Chris was 5'9, pale and thin, with brown eyes and short but rather messy brown hair, and had always been rather bookish and somewhat shy. Joe, on the other hand, was 6'2, athletic and tan, with green eyes and short, slicked back black hair and was outgoing and popular. Regardless of their differences, they had been best friends for years.

After each getting a large soda from the concession stand, the two men entered the packed theater, and were forced to go to the very back of the room due to the large number of people already seated. Finally they found seating in the very furthest back row, which was empty.

"Hey, thanks for driving me here. It would have sucked if I'd had to miss seeing this because I don't have a car right now." Chris said.

"No problem. I can't believe you even managed to get tickets." Joe replied, as he put his phone on silent.

"Yeah, I can't either." Chris said, and sipped some of his large soda, which was refreshing and cool. He was thirsty, as the day was an unusually hot one, and he had never tolerated heat particularly well.

"As long as this one is better than four, I'll be happy." Joe said.

"All of the Space Battle movies are better than four. In fact, so is being poked in the eye with a stick." Chris laughed.

"True, but you never know. I mean, there's a new director, a bunch of new actors, so maybe it'll be as great as three was, but who knows?"

"As great as three? I don't know, that's asking a lot."

Their discussion of the quality of the series was cut off by the end of the previews, and the beginning of the movie, and the whole cinema fell silent. Chris took another drink from his soda, unaware that he was soon going to regret drinking so much.

It was forty-five minutes into the movie when Chris became aware of having finished his large soda, with only some small cubes of ice remaining in the plastic drink container. He was surprised that he had drunk so much, but quickly become absorbed in the movie again and thought no more about it.

It was an hour and ten minutes into the movie when Chris became faintly aware of feeling the need to go to the bathroom. But the feeling wasn't terribly strong, and he couldn't miss what was turning out to be a really great movie! He decided he would try to wait out the urge, as sometimes if he waited long enough, it would go away on its own. So, he concentrated on the movie, and soon felt fine.

It was an hour and a half into the movie when the urge returned, much stronger than before. But he was a grown man. He could handle it. There was no reason he couldn't just wait until after the movie was over, and then go pee.

At one hour and fifty minutes, Chris began to feel uncomfortable. He really needed to go! Crossing his legs, he decided that as soon as the credits rolled he'd bolt for the men's room. But he wasn't going to miss the epic space battle that was about to unfold!

By two hours into the movie, Chris was bouncing his leg up and down, and was start to get frustrated at how long this climatic battle between good and evil was taking. As he crossed his legs even tighter, Joe whispered, "You ok, dude?"

"Yeah." Chris lied. He would be fine. The movie would be over soon, and he could go relieve himself without having to miss anything.

At two hours and five minutes, he was starting to struggle. His bladder felt like a damn balloon, and he kept surreptitiously grabbing his crotch, trying to prevent something incredibly embarrassing from happening.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Joe asked again, as Chris shifted back and forth in his seat.

"I'm fine." He said, trying to sound casual, and then asked, "How long is this movie?"

"Uh, two hours and forty-five minutes."

Chris started to panic. There was still forty minutes left! What kind of person made a movie that long? And how was he going to make it?

At two hours and fifteen minutes, Chris was about to have to miss the conclusion to the movie he had been so excited to see. Otherwise, he was going to wet himself!

"Chris, what's wrong?" Joe asked, this time slightly annoyed.


Joe looked at his friend, unconvinced. "So, shifting around in your chair like it's a waterslide is super normal for you?"

Chris decided there was no point hiding it anymore. Maybe Joe would be nice and tell him how the movie ended. "I've got to go piss!" he whispered urgently.

"Can you hold it?"

"I've already held it!"

"Why did you drink your soda so fast?

"I don't know, I was thirsty!"

"Dude, if you can't hold it, just go to the toilet!"

"This is the worst! I can't believe I'm gonna miss the end of the movie! Will you tell me what happened?"

"Of course! Now go!

Chris was about to stand up, when it hit him like a brick wall. He doubled over, trying desperately to keep his bladder from releasing its contents. If he moved at all, he was sure the worst what happen!

Joe looked at his friend with alarm. "Aren't you going to go?" He asked, concerned.

"I can't move. If I do-" Chris sobbed from the effort of trying to keep himself from letting go in his jeans and then whimpered, "I'm gonna piss myself!"

"Is your drink empty?" Joe asked urgently.

"What? Uh, yes."

Swiftly, Joe removed the lid from the drink container, and whispered almost silently, "Go in here!"

"What?! I can't do that! There are people around!"

"There's no one in our row, and everyone is watching the movie anyway!"

Chris looked around. Joe was right, everyone but them were completely engrossed in the movie's finale.

"But I can't just go right here!" Chris protested.

"But if you move, you'll piss yourself! It's either this or wetting yourself!

Chris considered, and then felt himself start to loose control. Before he could start pissing, he unzipped his pants and removed his dick. Joe held the drink container as Chris aimed into it, and let out a jet of light yellow liquid!

Chris sighed deeply as he relieved himself into the plastic container, and after expelling what felt like more liquid than his body had ever before held, he finally stopped pissing. Joe quickly put the lid back on the container, and Chris quietly put himself away, and zipped up. After he was finished, he looked over at Joe, who had already resumed watching the movie!

After the movie was over, the two men got up and left the theater. As they exited, they discussed the movie, while Joe quietly dumped Chris's "Soda" container into a trashcan. They continued to talk about the movie as they made their way through the parking lot to Joe's red sedan, and only stopped after they had both entered the car.

Once inside, there was an awkward pause. "So, uh, I don't know what to say." Chris said nervously.

"What do you mean? You've had plenty to say about the movie." Joe said.

"No, I mean about, y'know..." Chris trailed off.

"Needing to piss?"


"What is there to say?"

"I don't know. Like, thanks for helping me out, and also, sorry for having to help me out, and sorry if everything is awkward now, and all that."

"Don't worry about it. You're welcome, and you don't need to be sorry."

"I just feel so embarrassed. I'm an adult man, and I nearly pissed myself in public!"

Joe sighed, and leaned back in his seat. "Dude, can I tell you a secret? Like, something I've never told anyone?"


"I, I used to be a bedwetter. Like, every night I'd wet the bed." Joe confessed.


"Yep. And the only thing that got me to stop was that eventually my parents said I could go in my room. They got me this yellow plastic trashcan, and if I needed to go in the middle of the night, I was allowed to pee in it. At first, I used it every night. But eventually, just knowing I didn't need to panic about not making to the bathroom was enough. I haven't had to use that trashcan in ages."

"Um, you still own it?"

"Yeah! But now I use it, for like, trash. Anyway, I thought I'd tell you this so you didn't have to feel so embarrassed."

"Thanks, Joe. I actually do feel a lot better."

"Oh, and if you mention this to anyone, I'll kill you."

Chris laughed, and Joe started the car, and the two friends drove away, both a little bit closer than before.
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Re: The Movie Theater.

Post by Brian »

I love how this incident breaks down some barriers between these two friends.

That moment in the movie theater when it's obvious to Chris, and now also to Joe, that it's too late is really exciting. I like how Joe has no hesitation in helping his friend out of a really dramatic situation and later breaks down all embarrassment by making his own intimate admission to Chris.
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Re: The Movie Theater.

Post by Fred »

This is a relationship that could develop into something appropriate for this site.

BTW, I understand that there is an app that will tell you what parts of a movie are safe for you to take a pee break and not miss anything important.
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