Lad wets himself on a plane

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Lad wets himself on a plane

Post by Lee »

It was the summer of 2015 and a group of London lads were going on an all-lads holiday to Crete. There were six of them in the group, all aged between 21 and 24 and they flew out from Gatwick airport. On arrival at the airport they had started their holiday in the way they intended to carry on, namely by having a good few drinks and they all had a few pints before getting on the plane. No sooner had they got on than there was the usual in-built delays before they finally took off, and by that stage there were more than a few bursting bladders amongst the lads as those beers came back to haunt them.

However, as per usual the seat belt signs didn't go off immediately and after about 5-10 minutes with still no sign of the lights going off, the situation was getting a bit panicky for at least one of the lads - a guy called Sam, a 22-year old electrician. Such was his anguish that he urgently beckoned to one of the flight attendants and asked how long before they could use the toilets, "I'm bursting here, mate" but he was told that they would be notified by the captain when it was okay to remove the belts.

No more than five minutes later, Sam was frantically looking along the aisle of the plane, desperately hoping to see someone he could call to say that he had to go – and now! And regardless of the sodding seat-belt signs. One of the other lads Ryan glanced across, “hey, stop fiddling with yourself, you twat!” he laughed. Sam though had little choice as he pulled his stomach muscles in and pinched the top of his dick through his jeans, “I’m absolutely dying for a slash, seriously!” he muttered quietly.

Craig poked his head round from the seat in front, “Oi, we don’t need you playing with yourself, do we!” he grinned, “Didn’t you see those birds near the front? Don’t put ‘em off before we even get airborne!”

As a few of the others sniggered, Sam was sweating, “For f... sake!” he groaned, almost under his breath, “I need a piss like you wouldn’t believe”. Andy stuck his head over from another seat in front, “alright, don’t announce it to the whole bloody plane, we all need a wazz,” he said “another fifteen minutes and we’ll be up and free to have a wander.”

“Fifteen minutes!!” replied Sam, feeling his face colour up, “I’ll have done it by then, I’m not joking either!”

“Whoah, Sammy-boy’s going to piddle his knickers!” Luke giggled, with his hand cupped to his lips. They all laughed, with Andy clutching his own stomach, “don’t make me laugh, you tit, I’m busting as bad as Sam!”

The minutes continued to tick past with their discomfort was reaching serious proportions and a few of the others were now also in major need when Sam revealed the extent of his predicament as he made to undo his belt and stand up, prompting another rushed visit from the flight attendant who asked him to sit back down. "I am in serious trouble here mate" Sam said, "I'm on the verge of wetting myself, honestly". His

mates had never heard him talk quite in those sort of terms before and the look on his face was revealing that he was in no mood for jesting - it was clear that he was telling the truth. As the flight attendant left with a sympathetic but stern rebuke, the other lads were trying to ease Sam's pain by telling him how badly they had to go but this was of little consolation to Sam who was in agony, sitting with his knees together and with his hand buried deep in his crotch.

Eventually, the plane finally began to taxi along the runway, taking its place in a seemingly-never-ending queue of other aircraft and by this stage almost all of the six lads were feeling their bladders becoming full as the pints took their toll. In the row in front, Andy and Craig were sitting quietly when Simon tapped Craig’s arm, “How’s Sam, he’s gone a bit quiet, hasn’t he?” Andy leant forwards and grinned, “He can’t talk, he’s probably concentrating all his efforts on not pissing himself!” Simon and Craig grinned with Simon adding, “I tell you what, I’m gonna need to make a dash for that bog myself when it’s open.” “Not before me, you ain’t!” responded Andy.

Little did either of them know that in the row behind, Sam was kneading his cock through the crotch of his jeans, his knees almost above his waist and his trainer-clad feet only touching the plane-floor at his toes. Ryan was watching in astonishment and embarrassment, “Stop it mate” he whispered, “people’ll see you!” With his head bowed, Sam didn’t even turn his head to face his mate, “I can’t help it, I’m nearly doing it, I’ve never had to go this bad in my life!”

When the lights eventually went out about 15 minutes later and the message was relayed that it was okay to leave their seats, Sam was in greater agony than he could remember and his need to get up and make for the toilet was almost overcome by the feeling that he couldn't or daren't move. Such was the discomfort that he could hardly bring himself to attempt to stand and his fear was that a move would prove fatal in his struggle to contain himself in any event. Prompted by his now massively-concerned mates and almost propelled by two of them out of his seat, he gently rose, half-bent over and still with his knees clamped together and assisted by his mates supporting arm, he hobbled gingerly towards the toilets at the rear of the plan. The pain in his lower belly and bladder was like a knife and as he saw the queue of about eight that had already formed, he almost lost control of himself.

"Please, I'm nearly going in my pants, please let me in first" he almost whimpered but the response fell on deaf ears to all those how had been waiting for ages as well and Sam had no option but to join the queue and stand as best he could, attracting much attention from those both in the queue and in the seats.

As the queue hardly moved and time passed, Sam's mates were watching horrified, wondering just how he was going to survive until he reached the toilet when suddenly, after something like 5-6 minutes, Sam suddenly turned and almost stumbled back towards his seat. Everyone was watching and his mates were stunned as he edged towards them and almost fell into his seat, still clutching himself tightly through his jeans with one hand, his face a picture of agony. "What is it mate?" "What are you doing?" "Why have you come back?” Sam could only manage a whisper through laboured breathing "I'm doing it" then adding sharply and briefly after a brief pause "I can't wait. I've started doing it in my trousers".

His mates were all staring intently and in disbelief, watching for the awful evidence which suddenly appeared with a trickling stream that ran from the front of the plane seat onto the carpeted floor, emerging between Sam's legs and within a few seconds it had turned into a steady tap-like flow, pooling on the carpet and dribbling from out of the bottom of his trouser-legs. Almost simultaneously, the dark and spreading stain on the front of his jeans began to cover the tops of his legs and his thighs as the material glistened and faded as the hot pee soaked back through the denim.

The darkness enveloped his thighs and began to cascade down the backs and fronts of his lower legs, dripping from the cuff of his right leg and streaming all down his sock. On the seat, between the very tops of Sam’s legs, the scorching urine was bubbling warmly as it escaped through his trousers, running underneath him and being absorbed into his pants which were clinging steadfastly to the cheeks of his backside.

Sam just sat there and wet himself, his mates watching what would be a life-long shame evolving right before their eyes.

As the torrent from his over-distended bladder continued unabated, other passengers were watching the spectacle and as the flight attendant re-appeared looking horrified, Sam's shame was almost complete. "He's wet himself, mate" "He's pissing himself, he told you he couldn't wait" "I don't believe it, he's gone in his pants". Sam could only meekly utter "I've pissed myself!" as he sat there white-faced and trembling.

When he'd finally finished urinating, his jeans were almost a complete shade of darkness across his thighs and to the tops of his knees and the front of the woven seat was still sending drips and little streams onto the floor beneath where a huge pool was soaking into the carpet all around his white Lacoste trainers with his crumpled white sports socks sodden around his ankles.

As the flight attendant returned with a towel, asking if it would be of use, Sam's mates were beginning to realise the stigma that would always be attached to their unfortunate mate after such an incident and as for poor Sam himself...well, it's hard to imagine what was going through his mind at that stage, isn't it?”

Any thoughts...?
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Re: Lad wets himself on a plane

Post by Brian »

This was one of my favourite stories while I was still lurking on male WS sites and before I dared make an account and contribute anything. I'm delighted you've brought this one back for the new site.

I love the scenario. On a few occasions I've witnessed obviously desperate guys on planes who have fallen victim to that "fasten seat belt" sign and had to wait. This story is a spectacular rendering of the phenomenon.

Two points which I particularly love here are when Sam initially can't get up from his seat once that seat belt sign is out, and then - fascinatingly - when he abandons the queue and comes back. I've often wondered why he came back to piss himself in his seat instead of in the queue.
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Re: Lad wets himself on a plane

Post by Lee »

I suppose 'doing it in his seat' is minimally less embarrassing than going in his pants standing in a queue of people?

Or maybe he wanted to be back amongst the comfort of his mates when he disgraced himself in the worst way possible?

Or maybe it was just sheer panic in wanting to walk away ... somewhere, anywhere ... when he started weeing?
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Re: Lad wets himself on a plane

Post by Fred »

When you are standing in the queue, your crotch is right at the eye level of the passengers in the adjacent seats and only a foot or so away from them, so whatever you do (squeezing or wetting) is painfully obvious. Wetting yourself at your seat is a bit less obtrusive, though others will eventually notice.

I have been on flights where the flight attendants seemed sympathetic and would probably have made exceptions in an emergency like this, but on other planes they seem to have been Nazi-trained. I suppose some get tired of young men who board the plane full of alcohol and act unreasonably, though certainly Sam was being quite respectful.
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Re: Lad wets himself on a plane

Post by Sam70 »

A story about Sam! If I could be 23 again and be able to be free with a bunch of mates like in your stories, I would volunteer to have the smallest bladder knowing what would happen sooner or later!

I missed out in the trip going at that age with enough beer for an army consumed by a few lads that get desperate due to no toilet available.

I'll not tell when I first noticed that getting desperate was also very fun. Something about the TOS. I've been guilty of knowing that some lad was very desperate and part of me wanted to see the lad piss his pants as this is a turn on for me.

Considering the interests on this site, this is not a surprise!

Until the age of Internet, I thought I was the only person in the world that would get aroused because a good looking lad was about to wet his pants. Part of me wanted to see it happen. Part of me wanted the lad to make it or at least not be embarrassed in front of everyone. Perhaps just a good friend who the lad would not be so embarrassed knowing and helping the lad out.

In the real world, I would do everything i could to help someone like Sam out. At the same time, I would be aroused seeing a lad that desperate.

In fiction, the request to a toilet from a lad is always NO.

Two totally different worlds.

First time to read this story. Wonderfully written.

Sam's loss of control was due to the bladder reaching full capacity. His brain took over and paralyzed his bladder. The scene where everything seems OK is a result of the brain taking over every nerve that a person normally controls.

Lee, you do a masterful job in explaining the loss of bladder control so we know exactly which kind of bladder control was lost or perhaps a combination.

With your descriptions we can in our minds see exactly what was happening almost by the second.

You are human, all of your stories may not be so perfectly written. You have the judgement to know which stories or scenes in stories are keepers and which ones need to be deleted and new scenes inserted.

For all reading, there has not been a bad story to be put on this site that I have found. There are other stories that are masterpieces as well. I haven't read them all. However, of the stories I have read, Lee has written more masterpieces than any other author here.
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Re: Lad wets himself on a plane

Post by Fred »

Being perhaps overly sympathetic, I'm more excited about a man bursting to pee and trying valiantly to hold it in, perhaps finding relief only when leakage is spiraling out of control. Wetting for me is only an indication of how urgently he had to go, and if it happens I'd prefer a very limited audience. I'm not into humiliation, just a little embarrassment. :oops:
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Re: Lad wets himself on a plane

Post by Wombat48 »

Great to see this again! Remember finding this through a random search in 2008!! Agree that in reality I would be mortified for this poor guy but as fiction!!! 😏😏
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Re: Lad wets himself on a plane

Post by evergreen »

I have just read it for the first time and think its great. Certainly I would rather wet myself sitting than standing but posing your pants on a crowded plane would certainly seem very embarrassing to me. I loved the build up and the description of the actual event.
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Re: Lad wets himself on a plane

Post by Dazza88 »

Anyone know of any other stories like this? There was another I remember seeing somewhere, the guy wet himself in the isle in a queue to get to the toilet.
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Re: Lad wets himself on a plane

Post by Lee »

Dazza88 wrote: 11 Jul 2020, 14:25 Anyone know of any other stories like this? There was another I remember seeing somewhere, the guy wet himself in the isle in a queue to get to the toilet.
One of mine?
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